My Husband, Warm The Bed (CEO's Mistaken Wife)

Chapter 1728: Childhood sweethearts, the girl in the photo

Chapter 1730: Childhood Sweethearts, the girl in the photo

After finishing all the work, Hang Jin lay down next to Chi Yangyang. He was worried, but Chi Yangyang slept soundly. After all, he was still angry, so Hang Jin kicked him over.

Chi Yangyang was kicked in his sleep and did not react. He was still sleeping deeply. Hang Jin sighed helplessly: "Chi Yangyang, I owed you in my previous life."

Then he pulled Chi Yangyang into his arms and held her. With her fragrant and soft body in his arms, the anger he had suffered all night finally became a little better.

I miss him Hang Jin, who has a good background, good figure, high education, and especially good looks. He casually walks out wearing dog clothes, and countless women stop to pay attention to him, but in the eyes of Chi Yangyang, a heartless woman, He's just a piece of shit.

I really want to kill her.

Damn it, come to think of it, he really couldn't bear to kill her. After all, his happiness for the rest of his life still needs this heartless woman to help him achieve it.

"Idiot!" He stretched out his hand and pinched Chi Yangyang's face, and the phone next to him suddenly rang again. Hang Jin was so angry that he opened his mouth to curse, but he didn't curse.

Not many people called him in the middle of the night. Hang Jin already guessed who was calling before he looked at the phone number. He immediately pressed the mute button. In order not to disturb Chi Yangyang's sleep, he walked out of the room and answered: "There is news." Already?"

I don't know what the person on the other end of the phone said. Hang Jin's face darkened and he said coldly: "Start people to death. If anything happens this time, you will pack up and leave for me one by one."

After hanging up the phone, Hang Jin returned to the room. First he looked at Chi Yangyang, who was sleeping soundly on the bed. Then he checked the window again. After confirming that everything was OK, he took a coat and hurried out.

In the early morning, Chi Yangyang was also woken up by a phone call.

In their line of work, there are no holidays or regular work and rest hours. As long as there is a case or someone who needs their forensic medicine, they will be there at every call.

Her mobile phone has different ringtones set for different calls from different people. When she heard the ringtone, she knew it was about work, and her dazed head suddenly woke up: "Captain Zhao, what's the matter?"

"Yangyang, come to Qiaojia Lane quickly, there's a new case." On the phone, Zhao Ziqian's voice was indescribably tired and hoarse, sounding like he hadn't slept all night.

"Okay." Chi Yangyang responded as she got out of bed and went straight to the bathroom. When she came out of the bathroom, she remembered that there should be someone like Hang Jin at home, but she didn't see him after getting up.

What about others?

In her impression, Hang Jin loved sleeping in. After they got married, they slept together for several nights, and she never saw him getting up earlier than her on any day.

Is the sun coming out in the west today?

There was no sign of Hang Jin in the living room or dining room. Chi Yangyang opened the door of Hang Jin's study room before going out to work. There was no one else in the study room, but the photo on the desk caught Chi Yangyang's attention.

Somehow, Chi Yangyang walked over. She picked up the photo on the desk and looked at it twice. The woman in the photo was very beautiful, the kind of clean and refreshing beauty that can make people shine, just like this big girl. The rising sun in the morning is normal.

This girl may be the girl that Hang Jin really likes!

In the past, Chi Yangyang also thought about what kind of girl could catch the eye of Hang Jin, the big devil. Now it seems that this big devil's vision is actually pretty good.

The girl in the photo is not only beautiful, but her indifferent temperament is even more charming.

But, she doesn't understand. Hang Jin obviously already likes a girl, so why should he get her to register for marriage?

If he was bullying her just because he wanted to marry her home, then he was taking marriage too seriously.

But according to her understanding of Hang Jin, Hang Jin always thinks up and down, so it's not surprising to do such a thing.

If you want to blame her, blame her. Blame her for drinking because she has a bad ability to drink. After drinking, she would just sleep well, but she still slept with him.

If she hadn't been drunk that day, this series of stupid things wouldn't have happened.

When she has time another day, she can have a good talk with Hang Jin, admit her mistake to him, and ask him to forget about what happened that night, or give him some compensation and let him let her go, so that he can pursue her. own happiness.

However, there is no time for Chi Yangyang to think too much. There are still very important things waiting for her to do. For the time being, she can only forget about Hang Jin and the girl.

When Chi Yangyang rushed to the scene of the incident, both Zhao Ziqian and Jiang Zhen arrived.

Another headless female corpse.

The scars on this body were very similar to the female body yesterday. After preliminary identification, Jiang Zhen and Chi Yangyang agreed that it was likely a serial murder case.

However, this is only their preliminary judgment. Whether it is a serial murder case has to be investigated by Zhao Ziqian.

Jiang Zhen said: "Captain Zhao, it's better to have the body sent back first, and we'll get you an inspection report as soon as possible."

After saying that, he turned around and left.

Chi Yangyang followed closely behind him: "Teacher, I have a question that I can't figure out."

Jiang Zhen: "You tell me."

Chi Yangyang: "We haven't found the head of the corpse yesterday. We discovered something like this again today. Will there be any relationship between the two of them..."

Jiang Zhen interrupted Chi Yangyang: "Yangyang, as forensic doctors, we must speak for ourselves with facts. We must not have preconceived notions before drawing specific conclusions, otherwise it is likely to lead to errors in judgment. Forensic doctors speak for the deceased. It’s a profession that you must keep in mind.”

Chi Yangyang nodded: "Teacher, I understand."

Compared with Jiang Zhen, Chi Yangyang is not only young, but also has experience. She can learn a lot from him, so Jiang Zhen has always been her idol.

In Chi Yangyang's view, a talented and upright man like Jiang Zhen is really pleasing to the eye, unlike Hang Jin, who always swears and bullies others.

Oops, why did she think about Hang Jin during working hours?

She quickly shook her head and got rid of Hang Jin who appeared in her mind.

Jiang Zhen saw this: "What's wrong?"

Chi Yangyang shook his head: "It's okay."

Jiang Zhen glanced at her worriedly: "Tell me something."

Chi Yangyang: "It's really okay."

At two o'clock in the afternoon on a weekday, there were not many people in the coffee shop. The few customers at the few tables were all busy working, and there were almost no people chatting.

After not sleeping all night, Hang Jin, with his messy hair, arrived at the coffee shop earlier than the scheduled time. He ordered a cup of coffee and drank it in two sips, feeling very energetic instantly.

When he asked the waiter to refill his cup, he saw a long-haired woman push open the door and walk in from the corner of his eye. Because he had seen it in the photo, Hang Jin recognized the woman at a glance as the person he was going to "blind date" today - Jian Ran!

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