My Husband, Warm The Bed (CEO's Mistaken Wife)

Chapter 1736: Childhood Sweethearts, Hang Jin is at the scene of the crime

Chapter 1738: Childhood Sweethearts Chapter, Hang Jin is at the scene of the crime

Before Chi Yangyang entered the office, Zhao Ziqian came in person: "Jiang Zhen, Yangyang, today is the last day of the three-day period. If I don't solve the case again, the superiors will have to take my skin off. You guys Are there any new discoveries here?”

Early in the morning, Zhao Ziqian had already visited several departments, asking for information from each department. The forensics department gave him some clues, but those clues were not enough to find the whereabouts of the murderer.

Jiang Zhen said: "We did not find the DNA of the second person on the two headless female corpses. It is relatively difficult to find the murderer. But it is not nothing. The wounds on the two corpses were caused by the same sharp weapon. The material left on the wound has been sent to the forensic department for examination, and the report will be sent to you. "

"I have obtained the report. Judging from the existing clues, the two cases should be committed by the same murderer. However, the murder weapon has not been found yet, and the head of the deceased has not been found. The whereabouts of the murderer are even more unknown."

Zhao Ziqian scratched his head anxiously, thinking that he had been a criminal police officer for ten years. It was not easy to become a captain from a small police officer. He was also a person who had solved several major unsolved cases, but now he Nothing can be done about these two cases of headless female corpses.

Seeing Zhao Ziqian jumping around anxiously, Chi Yangyang also shared her worries: "What I'm most worried about now is that the murderer will continue to commit crimes and more innocent women will be harmed."

As soon as Chi Yangyang said these words, Zhao Ziqian stopped scratching his head instantly. He looked at Chi Yangyang steadily... Damn, this is what he is most afraid of now.

Jingle Bell--

Zhao Ziqian's phone rang suddenly, and he answered it immediately. Chi Yangyang saw his face darken at a visible speed, and Chi Yangyang guessed that there might be a new case.

As expected, Zhao Ziqian hung up the phone and said immediately: "Jiang Zhen, Yangyang, I have to trouble you two to come with me again. Another murder occurred in Cangshan District."

In three days, three murders occurred in Cangshan District.

No need for Zhao Ziqian to say more, Chi Yangyang knew that this case had deteriorated from this point on. This was most likely a serial perverted murder case. If the murderer is not caught, more women may be harmed.

On the way to the crime scene, Zhao Ziqian called his superiors: "Yes, yes... I know it's my responsibility for not solving the case, but can you hold me accountable later?"

He was so anxious that he punched the car window with his fist and said: "Now you must deploy police forces to strengthen the patrol work in Cangshan District. Before the murderer is caught, we must not give the murderer another chance to commit crimes."

Zhao Ziqian struggled for a long time before hanging up the phone. As soon as he hung up, he yelled: "Who wants this to happen? Now that the murderer can't be caught, shouldn't we prevent the murderer from committing another crime?"

Jiang Zhen was much more rational: "Zi Qian, don't be anxious. There are rules and regulations from above, so you can't rush. The most important thing for us now is to catch the murderer before he commits another crime again."

"At this time, someone may lose their life again at any time, and those guys don't know how to adapt." Zhao Ziqian certainly knows that catching the murderer before he commits another crime is the best way, but it's not that he can't be caught now Well.

Jiang Zhen didn't say anything anymore. Chi Yangyang sat aside and didn't know whether he should persuade him or not. After thinking about it, he decided to forget it. Nothing he could say could help at this time.

Zhao Ziqian lit a cigarette and smoked it without saying any more.

Jiang Zhen looked at Chi Yangyang quietly several times and wanted to speak several times, but he didn't say anything. When he was about to reach his destination, he stopped Chi Yangyang: "Yangyang, you are not allowed to leave me from now on." Sight.”

"Ah?" Chi Yangyang was stunned and didn't react.

Jiang Zhen added: "The victims in these cases are all women, and your status is special. For safety reasons, you cannot act alone at any time."

Chi Yangyang nodded: "Thank you, teacher, I will be careful."

As expected, it was another headless female corpse. The wounds on the surface of the corpse were almost the same as those of the previous two.

After getting a brief report from the forensic doctor, Zhao Ziqian called his superiors again: "Old Qian, there is another case of a headless female corpse in Cangshan District. The forensic doctor's preliminary identification is that the injuries on the deceased are almost the same as those in the previous two murders. It is very likely that the murder was caused by the same murderer." Because. Now I am 100% sure that this is a serial murder case, and the murderer is likely to commit another crime, so patrols in Cangshan District must be strengthened now."

Not knowing what was said on the other end of the phone, Zhao Ziqian was so anxious that he kicked the wall and turned around a few times: "Yes, I am incompetent. Let whoever is capable check it out. But I still have to tell you, you We must send more manpower to strengthen patrols in Cangshan District, we cannot afford one more death."

After hanging up the phone, Zhao Ziqian waved to his police officers: "There are so many people watching. We can't keep the news secret. Use my work account to send a message to appease the crowd."

The matter was so big that the superiors still wanted to keep the news secret. Zhao Ziqian feels that this method will not work, because there is no way to make women be more vigilant, and they are likely to become the next deceased.

Seeing how anxious Zhao Ziqian was, Chi Yangyang was also worried about him: "Captain Zhao, we will still give you the autopsy report as quickly as possible. If you need help in other aspects, just ask."

"Yes." Zhao Ziqian nodded, "Sorry to trouble you."

For this case, Zhao Ziqian has not slept for three nights. He is extremely tired, but he still has to cheer up. Only by solving the case can more people be prevented from being victimized, but there are still no clues.

"Team Zhao, we found something." A police officer suddenly came to report.

Zhao Ziqian turned around and looked: "What did you find?"

The police officer said: "There is someone next door, but the door won't open."

"Jiang Zhen, Yangyang, you two don't come out." Zhao Ziqian took out his gun and said to the police officer, "Follow me."

He motioned for the police to knock on the door, but no one opened the door.

Zhao Ziqian exchanged a look with the police officer, and the police officer immediately stepped aside. He rushed forward and kicked the door, but before he could kick it, the security door opened by itself.

As soon as the door opened, Zhao Ziqian saw a tall and handsome man standing at the door.

The man was wearing a white shirt, but the white shirt had been stained red with blood, and the blood had coagulated, which proved that the blood on his body had been there for some time... Zhao Ziqian's gun was pointed at him: "Raise your hands."

The man smiled disdainfully: "In this life, no brat has ever dared to point a gun at me."

"Hang, Hang Jin?" Chi Yangyang came over after hearing the sound. When she saw that the "bloody man" at the door was actually Hang Jin, her mind went blank for a moment, "You, why are you here?"

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