My Husband, Warm The Bed (CEO's Mistaken Wife)

Chapter 1739: Childhood sweethearts, Hang Jin looks like a human being

Chapter 1741: Childhood sweetheart chapter, Hang Jin looks like a human being

"In Grandpa's eyes, am I really good?" Chi Yangyang nuzzled playfully, "Grandpa, I haven't forgotten that you made me worthless in front of Hang Jin last night."

Speaking of Hang Jin, Grandpa Chi shook his head and sighed: "That boy from the Hang family looks like a human being, but he just doesn't have a formal appearance, and even the king of heaven doesn't look at him. Such a person will be killed sooner or later. It will cause big trouble. Any girl who follows him will definitely suffer a lot. Grandpa said this just because he doesn’t want him to have any undue thoughts about you.”

"Grandpa, I know what you mean." Chi Yangyang knows how much her grandpa loves her, but she doesn't know that Hang Jin's image is so bad in his eyes.

If one day she brings Hang Jin to the hospital and tells her grandpa that this is the person she will marry and have children with, grandpa will definitely be angry.

It seemed that the idea of ​​asking Hang Jin to help her give birth to a child was not feasible, and she had to think of another way.

"Grandpa, I told him that the girl who marries him in this life must have committed too many sins in the previous life." Grandpa Chi didn't know that the big devil Hang Jin had identified his granddaughter, otherwise he would never have said these words. .

"Grandpa, the girl who committed the crime is your granddaughter." Chi Yangyang shouted in his heart, but he still smiled on his face, "Isn't that right? Anyone who follows him will suffer."

I don’t know how long she will have to suffer from this sin before she can be freed from it.

Amitabha! Pray to Buddha to bless Hang Jin and get tired of this game soon.

Hang Jin didn't rest at this time. After leaving Chi Yangyang, he called his friends on the phone, and several grown men gathered at the bar to drink.

Hang Jin didn't eat anything. He was already on an empty stomach. He drank several bottles of wine one after another. He, who had always had a good capacity for drinking, got drunk before the other three.

Ye Zhiyang raised his glass: "The fourth brother is drunk, and we three brothers continue to drink."

Zhu Zhangfan and Xie Yuanbo raised their glasses: "Okay, let's continue drinking."

Unexpectedly, Hang Jin grabbed Ye Zhiyang: "Ye Zhiyang, tell me, how the hell did you catch up with Lan Feiyang like this?"

Hang Jin arrogantly believed that Ye Zhiyang could not compare with him in any aspect, but Ye Zhiyang succeeded in pursuing Lan Feiyang, while he, the dignified fourth young master of Hang, could not catch up with the little idiot Chi Yangyang.

Angry! So angry!

"Pursue with all your heart." When it comes to pursuing Lan Feiyang, it is the thing that Ye Zhiyang is most proud of in his life. "Fourth brother, you have seen my dedication to Feiyang in these years. As the saying goes, sincerity is the most important thing in gold and stone." Open. As long as you work hard, the fairies in the sky can chase you."

Hang Jin slapped his palm on the wine table: "Don't I care about Chi Yangyang?"

"Fourth brother, we all see your intentions, but Yangyang doesn't understand, so there is nothing we can do." The person who interrupted was Zhu Zhanfan, who said with a smile, "Fourth brother, anyway, you have already cooked the rice. Well, why don’t you just marry Yangyang home.”

Sure enough, they are playmates who grew up together. This idea coincides with Hang Jin's, but the problem is that Hang Jin got the marriage certificate through fraud, but the raw rice was not cooked.

Hang Jin hesitated for a moment, and his friends saw through it. Zhu Zhangfan said in surprise: "Fourth brother, nothing happened with Yang Yang that night when you returned to Jiangbei from the United States? She was drunk in your arms and acted coquettishly towards you at that time. Acting cute and asking for a hug, but nothing happened?”

Damn it, I'm afraid only ghosts believe this.

Other friends present also cast their eyes on Hang Jin, waiting for his answer.

Hang Jin: "Shut up!"

Well, Hang Jin didn't answer, but they all already knew the answer.

If they hadn't heard it with their own ears, they would never have believed that their Fourth Young Master Hang had such good self-control. The girl he had a crush on since childhood was drunk in his arms, but he didn't do anything.

In this way, it seems that to help Hang Jin take down Chi Yangyang, he has to think of another way, so Xie Yuanbo, who always has many ideas, spoke: "Fourth brother, Yang Yang can't break here, why not go to the old man of the Chi family. Yang Yang This girl has only one relative left. According to her filial personality, as long as the old man asks Yangyang to marry you, Yangyang will definitely agree. "

"Xie Yuanbo, you have to put your fucking farts behind others." Hang Jin had already married that girl Chi Yangyang, but he wanted more than just her status as his wife, he wanted her as stubborn as a heart. Heart like stone.

Xie Yuanbo said aggrievedly: "Fourth brother, what did I say wrong?"

Hang Jin got up and staggered out: "Ask someone to drive me to the hospital."

Xie Yuanbo: "Fourth brother, what's wrong with you?"

Hang Jin was impatient: "Just call someone if I ask you to. Why are you talking so much nonsense?"

The three of them called the driver to take Hang Jin to Jiangbei First People's Hospital. When they saw Chi Yangyang walking out of the hospital gate, they knew why Uncle Hang was clamoring to come to the hospital.

This man is really a lover. He is so drunk that he can't even clear his head. He is still thinking about Chi Yangyang.

Three men, Ye Zhiyang, Zhu Zhanfan and Xie Yuanbo, got out of the car and greeted Chi Yangyang: "Yangyang, why are you in the hospital?"

Chi Yangyang was particularly happy to see her brothers who had been playing together since childhood: "I came to see grandpa. Three brothers, why are you coming to the hospital so late? Who is uncomfortable?"

Ye Zhiyang pointed to the car behind him. Unexpectedly, when he looked back, Hang Jin had staggered out of the car and was walking towards them: "Xiao Siyan, this young master is drunk. Don't you know if you can come over and help me?"

He actually went to drink!

Chi Yangyang frowned in disgust: "Uncle Hang, how much wine have you drunk? You can't even see the road clearly when you walk. Are you really old?"

Hang Jin staggered to her side, hugged her, and rested his entire body weight on her: "Xiao Siyan, you are really disobeying me more and more. Believe it or not, I The young master will crush you to death."

"Yangyang, I didn't turn off the gas at home. Let's go back first." The other people were sensible and found a reason that sounded like a lie and ran away together, leaving the drunk Hang Jin to Chi Yangyang.

Chi Yangyang swore that she really wanted to throw Hang Jin, who smelled of wine, into the sewer, but the man lying on her had no idea what she was thinking, and was still shouting: "Xiao Siyaner, you are really Don’t you understand what this young master is thinking?”

"What's on your mind?" Isn't he always careless? Why is he worried today when he's drunk?

Hang Jin said in a daze: "Do you really not know what I am thinking, or are you pretending not to know?"

What's on his mind?

Chi Yangyang thought about it seriously, thinking of the photo she saw in his study last time and the girl he saw him dating with her own eyes. This must be what Hang Jin is thinking about: "You want to tell me what you like?" girl?"

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