My Husband, Warm The Bed (CEO's Mistaken Wife)

Chapter 1741: Childhood Sweethearts, Brother Jin, give me a hug!

Chapter 1743: Childhood Sweethearts, Brother Jin, give me a hug!

When Hang Jin woke up in a daze, he opened his eyes and saw a little fool in his arms. His drunken headache seemed to stop hurting in an instant. He gently held her in his arms and carried her gently. Leader: "You little idiot, you didn't even realize you took off your glasses when you were sleeping."

He took off her eyes and saw that the dark circles under her eyes seemed to be a little heavier. He vaguely remembered that he had a high fever last night and this idiot had been busy taking care of him.

Hang Jin flicked the tip of her nose, and the corners of her lips raised slightly involuntarily: "Xiao Siyan, you still have some conscience!"

"Brother Jin..."

"Huh?" Suddenly hearing her calling him softly, Hang Jin felt for a moment that he was hallucinating. After a closer look, he found that the little four eyes were murmuring, "What's wrong?"

"Don't..." Chi Yangyang shook his head, his expression looked painful.

"What don't you want?" Could it be that this girl didn't want him to get close to her in her dream? Thinking of this, Hang Jin's face turned gloomy little by little, "Do I hate you so much?"

"Dad, mom... don't go, I'm Yangyang." Chi Yangyang suddenly stretched out his hand and grabbed Hang Jin tightly, as if he was grabbing a life-saving straw, "Don't go! Don't go! Please don’t leave!”

"Chi Yangyang, I'm not your parents, don't scream!" Hang Jin knew that she was having another nightmare, so he picked her up like a little chicken, shook her hard twice, and finally lifted Chi Yangyang was pulled out of the nightmare.

I have woken up from the dream, but the terrifying and suffocating feeling I saw in the dream is still there. Chi Yangyang stared at Hang Jin tremblingly, and it was he who pulled her back from the bottomless dark abyss.

"Chi Yangyang..." Hang Jin roared, but he could no longer speak before the next words were spoken, because Chi Yangyang suddenly threw himself into his arms, "Brother Jin, hold me tight!"

Hang Jin has known this girl since Chi Yangyang was born. He has known her for more than 20 years in total. The number of times she has actively let him hold her is so small that he can count it with one hand.

He clearly remembered that the first time she asked him to hug her was when he was nine years old and she was six years old, when she had just entered the first grade of elementary school.

At that time, a massacre occurred in Jiangbei City that shocked the whole country. Her parents were busy working during those days, and her grandfather was not in Jiangbei, so she had to stay at home alone.

That day, as usual, he sent her home after school. When he learned that there was no one at home, he asked her to go back to his home with him, but the girl was stubborn and refused, so he had to go back first and asked the nanny to cook the food. Send it to her.

No one answered when he knocked on the door, so he had to take out her spare key to open the door. The door opened and the room was dark. He pressed the light button, but the lights in the house did not turn on: "Chi Yangyang..."

He shouted several times, but no one responded. Just as he was walking towards her room, a small figure rushed towards him in the corner. He knew it was her, so he caught her with quick eyes and hands, and I heard her say: "Brother Jin, give me a hug."

Later, I found out that there was a short circuit in her home. She was dark and scared at home alone. She called her parents many times, but no one answered. She was so scared that she hid until he came...

From then on, whenever her parents and relatives were away from home for something, whether she wanted to or not, he would stay at her home with her until her family came back.

The second time was when she was in junior high school. That year, a student violence incident occurred in her school. A girl was stripped naked by several other girls, filmed and posted online. The girl couldn't bear the humiliation and committed suicide by jumping off the building.

The girl who committed suicide by jumping off the building was her best friend...

After she found out, she huddled up alone in the place where the girl jumped off the building and stayed quietly for several hours until he learned the news and rushed over. When she saw him that day, she burst into tears that she was holding back: "Brother Jin, you hug me!"

The third time was the night when he came back from abroad not long ago. That night, she was drunk and in a daze. She acted coquettishly and cutely in his arms and hugged him: "Brother Jin, I am your little four eyes, We haven’t seen each other for so long, don’t you want to hug me? Hehe..."

She nuzzled into his arms like a kitten, and even opened her arms to hug him: "Hug me."

Every time Chi Yangyang asked for a hug, Hang Jin kept it in mind. This time, she was also afraid. Only when she was afraid would she want his hug.

Hang Jin couldn't tell what he felt in his heart, the satisfaction of being needed by her, and the disappointment that she would only need him when she was scared. However, the movements of his hands were not slow, and he had already held her tightly as he said. Holding her tightly in his arms, he freed up a hand to gently caress her back, [comforting] as before: "What are you afraid of? I'm here, can someone still eat you?"

Well, it's okay if he doesn't speak. When he speaks, he's like a 250...

Sure enough, as soon as he spoke, Chi Yangyang began to struggle, but he did not let go: "You asked me to hug you, and I hugged you and wanted to escape. Do you think this young master is coming and going when you call him? A little puppy."

Chi Yangyang: "..."

I am so angry that my heart aches!

If she had known, she would have given him a high fever and burned him to death last night. She took care of him all night because she ate too much.

Hang Jin, this bastard, the second ancestor of the demon king... Chi Yangyang wanted to curse him with all the words he could, but his brain was so angry that he couldn't think of any more words.

"Do not speak?"


"Xiao Siyaner, you little white-eyed wolf, you are looking for death."

"Yes, I'm just looking for death. If you can, you can kill me!" Chi Yangyang stretched her neck, looking like she was dead. Hang Jin really couldn't do anything about her.

Hang Jin: "Fuck!"

Chi Yangyang: "Fuck!"

He thought he was the only one who could fuck, and so could she!

Hang Jin: "..."

He is going to be pissed off by this idiot!

Chi Yangyang: "..."

One day, she will turn around and torture him severely.

Jingle Bell!

The call broke the ice.

Hang Jin picked up the phone, got out of bed, walked out of the room, and then answered the call: "What's the matter?"

Not knowing what was said over there, he said: "You can't think of a way to make him speak if he doesn't speak? Why didn't I know you were so useless?"

"Okay, okay, stop talking nonsense with me. I'll give you one more morning. If he doesn't talk again, something good will be waiting for you."


He hung up the phone and turned around to go back to the room. He saw that Chi Yangyang had already gotten up: "Didn't your boss ask you to hand over the case in hand to others? Why did you get up so early?"

Chi Yangyang rolled his eyes at him: "Idiot, do you think we only have one case in hand?"

Hang Jin rolled up his sleeves: "I said you are a little idiot, who are you calling an idiot?"

Chi Yangyang: "I will tell whoever answers the question."

Hang Jin: "Hey, I think you are tired of living!"

Chi Yangyang: "I said, kill me if you can, otherwise don't just yell."

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