My Husband, Warm The Bed (CEO's Mistaken Wife)

Chapter 1758: Childhood sweethearts, waiting for her brain to clear up

Chapter 1760: Childhood sweethearts, waiting for her brain to clear up

Dong Dong——

"Xiao Siyan, are you going to swim in the bathroom?" Chi Yangyang hadn't washed herself yet, and Hang Jin was knocking on the door and yelling. It was really annoying.

"If you have the ability, come in and swim for me." Chi Yangyang wanted to reply to him like this, but still tried to control his temper, "It'll be fine soon."

Hang Jin leaned against the door: "Xiao Siyan, I suddenly remembered something."

"What's the matter?" Chi Yangyang put on her bathrobe, opened the door and came out, wiping her head with a towel in her hand. Because she didn't wear glasses, she looked at him hazy, which made Hang Jin feel itchy.

He reluctantly looked away: "If I hadn't arrived just now, would you have had a room with that boy Jiang Zhen?"

Hang Jin didn't forget the malicious look in Jiang Zhen's eyes when he looked at Chi Yangyang. Damn, if he hadn't arrived in time, I don't know what that boy would have done.

"Yes." Chi Yangyang nodded honestly. Jiang Zhen had just agreed with her to find a hotel nearby to stay. If Hang Jin hadn't come, it would have been Jiang Zhen who came to the hotel with her.

She was taken away by Hang Jin just now, and she doesn't know what's going on with Jiang Zhen?

Chi Yangyang decided to call Jiang Zhen to ask about his safety.

Hang Jin's voice instantly rose several degrees: "Chiyang Yang, do you fucking know what you are talking about?"

"What's wrong with you?" Chi Yangyang really didn't know where he had offended her again and made him so angry. This man really likes to make trouble more and more unreasonably.

Just now I thought this woman was pretty, but now Hang Jin still thinks she is an idiot: "Do you know you are a married woman?"

Chi Yangyang thought in his heart: "Hang Jin, let's not make trouble unreasonably. Can we talk about it if we have something to do?"

Hang Jin said dissatisfied: "I'm making trouble unreasonably? You idiot, you're renting a room with another man behind my back, and you still say I'm making trouble unreasonably?"

"What's wrong with me coming to rent a room with someone else? He lives in his, and I live in mine." Chi Yangyang was so angry, but in order to prevent him from continuing to dream, she still tried to explain to him, "Hang Jin, Can you stop being so dirty in your thinking? Jiang Zhen is not only my boss, he is also the teacher who brought me into the industry. He is an upright person, unlike you."

"Not like me?" These three words were like a fuse, which instantly made Hang Jin angry. "Do you believe I will kill you now?"

"Hang Jin, take a pee and see how you look now. Then think about what Teacher Jiang is like. Isn't he better than you? Isn't he more upright than you? Isn't he more trustworthy than you?" There were a lot of words to refute Hang Jin, but Chi Yangyang didn't dare to say it after all, because she knew Hang Jin's fried chicken too well. If he heard these words, he would kill her.

In order to make the future life easier, Chi Yangyang continued to be a turtle: "Whatever you think, I'm going to bed."

"I didn't make it clear, why should I sleep?" Hang Jin confronted her, "I told you that Jiang Zhen is not a good person, but you turned a deaf ear?"

Chi Yangyang was so angry with him that he lost his temper: "Yes, yes, Jiang Zhen is not a good person. Everyone is not a good person. You, Hang Jin, are the only good person. Are you satisfied?"

Hang Jin: "I'm not satisfied."

"Then what else do you want?" Chi Yangyang endured and endured, but she really couldn't bear it anymore, "In your eyes, I, Chi Yangyang, am just an idiot and not a good thing, so why don't you stay away from me? Is it because of me that we look at each other so disgustingly?"

Dislike each other!

Hang Jin knew that this woman was not optimistic about their relationship, but when he heard her say the words "mutual dislike" in her own words, his heart was stabbed hard by a sharp object, and there was an indescribable pain.

Whenever this happens, Hang Jin wants to crush this idiot woman who can make him hurt with his own hands, but he can't bear to do it, so every time he ends up slamming the door and walking away in anger.

As soon as the door closed, Hang Jin looked up and saw a person, a person who made him want to beat him up hard when he saw it.

The man was standing at the door of the room next to him. 8816 was written on the door, which made Hang Jin's eyes almost spit out fire: "You are really haunted."

Jiang Zhen had just taken a shower and was wearing a white bathrobe. He opened the door because the hair dryer in the room was broken. When the waiter gave it to him, he was surprised to see Hang Jin appear at the next door, but he didn't Don't plan to ignore Hang Jin.

He gave Hang Jin a cold look and was about to retreat into the room.

Hang Jin crossed his long legs and came to him in two steps to stop Jiang Zhen from closing the door: "Jiang, I think you should change your working environment."

Jiang Zhen smiled, his tone was polite but it was not difficult to hear the disdain in his tone: "What are you worried about, Master Hang? Worried that Yangyang will leave you? Worried that Yangyang won't like you at all? Or worried about Yangyang?" Do you have me in your heart?”

Why is this man's words so annoying? I really have the urge to tear him apart: "Just your daydreams! Can you get into the eyes of my little fourth child with your sanctimonious appearance?"

Jiang Zhen said again: "In that case, what else does Master Hang have to worry about?"

Hang Jin: "..."

Once again, he was speechless by Jiang Zhen.

Jiang Zhen continued: "Hang Jin, I can tell you responsibly that if you continue to treat Yangyang in your so-called good way, not only will you not bring the distance between you closer, you will only remove her from your relationship." She is pushed further and further away. She is a human being, a living, thinking, and flesh-and-blood individual. She is not your personal belongings, but you, the Fourth Young Master, do not understand this crucial point at all. "

"I don't understand?" Hang Jin smiled coldly, "Hey, Jiang, how long have you known Chi Yangyang? Do you know how long I have known Chi Yangyang? Don't think that dressing like a human being means that you are very handsome. Understand the relationship between us. She is my woman and the one I protect. I will kill anyone who wants to take advantage of her. "

How could Hang Jin not understand that Chi Yangyang is a flesh-and-blood individual with independent thinking? It is because he knows Chi Yangyang so well that he treats her in his own way.

Tonight, she encountered another murder at the place where her parents were killed. Many people didn't see how scared she felt in her heart, but he did. If he couldn't find a way to distract her, she would have another nightmare tonight.

It's not that he didn't want to tell Chi Yangyang that the person he liked was her. He didn't marry her for fun, but wanted to use his identity as a husband to take care of her upright for the rest of his life. But Chi Yangyang, that little idiot, wouldn't believe it at all.

Since she doesn't believe it, then he just waits. One day this little idiot will open his mind and understand his thoughts. He knew that this might be a long process, but no matter how long it was, even if it was a lifetime, he was willing to wait for her.

Unless, after she understood his feelings, she told him personally that she didn't need his love or protection.

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