My Husband, Warm The Bed (CEO's Mistaken Wife)

Chapter 1760: Childhood Sweethearts, Strange Patterns

Chapter 1762: Childhood Sweethearts, Strange Patterns

Hang Jin was thinking about how to eat the fragrant "roast duck" in his arms, so he ignored the contents of Chi Yangyang's phone until Chi Yangyang's soft and cute voice reached his ears again: " Brother Jin, please help me take a look."

"Well, I'm watching." Hang Jin coughed twice in embarrassment, trying to regain his sense, and focused on the mobile phone in Chi Yangyang's hand, but he really didn't understand what was in her mobile phone, "This What's the mess?"

Chi Yangyang patiently explained: "This is a photo I took with my mobile phone at the murder scene tonight. Have you seen a coin with this pattern somewhere?"

"Enlarge the picture and let me see it." Hang Jin took Chi Yangyang's mobile phone, enlarged the picture on the phone, and carefully figured out the pattern on the coin. He did have some impression of the pattern, but after a while he I can't think of where I've seen such a pattern.

Chi Yangyang added: "There was also such a pattern in the evidence of my parents' case two years ago, and it was also a thumb-sized coin. However, the coin did not appear in the evidence again, and the clues were lost."

After Chi Yangyang mentioned it, Hang Jin thought about it carefully, but still had no impression: "I have an impression of this pattern, but I don't remember it being related to your parents' case."

"You don't remember?" Chi Yangyang took back the phone with a slight disappointment and looked through the pictures again. "Then think carefully about where you have seen this pattern."

"I haven't thought of it yet." As soon as the words came out, Hang Jin watched the light in Chi Yangyang's eyes dimming little by little, which made him feel distressed. "Don't worry, I'll try to think about it in the next two days. "

"Forget it, don't get involved in this matter. That case has nothing to do with you, so you'd better not get involved." Chi Yangyang doesn't want Hang Jin to be involved in his parents' case, but apart from Hang Jin, She had no second partner to discuss with, and she couldn't even tell anyone that she was secretly investigating the case back then.

Hang Jin, although she often bullies her to the point where she wants to blow him up with a missile, she doesn't know why she trusts him more than anyone else.

Hang Jin pinched Chi Yangyang's rosy cheeks and said with a bad smile: "Xiao Siyan, please pay attention to your words in the future. If you offend me, I will make you look good."

"It hurts, can't you squeeze it a little gentler?" Chi Yangyang slapped his hand away and placed the phone on the bedside table. "What were you watching over there just now?"

Hang Jin smiled like a scoundrel: "What else can a man see with his mobile phone in the middle of the night? Of course he is looking at the swimsuit photos of beauties. They have great figures. Do you want to see them?"

"Boring." Chi Yangyang lay back on the bed and pulled up the quilt to cover her with a sour heart. "I have to get up early tomorrow morning, and I want to go to bed first. You continue to look at the photos of beautiful women in swimsuits, and don't disturb me again."

Hang Jin lay down next to her and teased her hair with one hand intentionally or unintentionally: "Xiao Siyan, why don't you wear a swimsuit and show me someday."

Chi Yangyang: "Get out!"

Let him dream.

Hang Jin was thick-skinned. He just left when she asked him to. It was definitely not him, so he continued to lean into her ear and whispered ambiguously: "To be honest, I really want to see your swimsuit photos." .”

Even though his little boy usually wears thick glasses and a rustic black suit, he still has a pretty figure. The parts that should be convex are definitely not small, and the parts that should be thin are definitely slender waist that is not enough to be grasped. It is definitely no worse than the female models in magazines pretending to be men.

Chi Yangyang pushed him away: "Let you get out!"

Hang Jin came to her side again: "Although your figure is far worse than those of swimsuit models, I am not a particularly picky person. If you show it to me, I may give you a few words Good review.”

It is said that a man will die for his confidant, and a woman will be honored for those who please her. No girl in her youth wants to hear someone say that she is not comparable to other women, especially if this person is her nominal husband.

Chi Yangyang originally had a lot of dissatisfaction with Hang Jin. Now when she heard what Hang Jin said, the fire in her heart suddenly burst out: "Those models are beautiful, go marry them, go play with them, no one will let you Haunt me."

Hang Jin: "But you are an idiot than them."

"You..." Chi Yangyang ended angrily. He could never lose to this bastard again, "Uncle Hang, do you think you are better than others? Look at your appearance and figure, you are not as good as Zhao Ziqian."

This must be a lie. Chi Yangyang just wants to take revenge on Hang Jin for hurting her. She is an idiot in his eyes, so he, Hang Jin, is not much better in her eyes.

Hang Jin is a good-looking man, and his figure is incredible, but he is so self-righteous that he really thinks he can compare with all the men in the world.

"You little idiot, you are really blind. If you weren't born well, you would never have met a man as good as this young master in your life." Hang Jin may not even have a good heart, but he definitely doesn't. Confident, he has always understood how good he is.

Cut, cut, cut!


Listen to what he has to say.

Give him a pair of wings, and he may be so proud that he can fly to the sky.

But Chi Yangyang still nodded: "Indeed! I'm just blind!"

If she hadn't been blind, would she have slept with him after getting drunk?

If she wasn't blind, she would definitely choose a better-looking man to sleep with than Hang Jin.

Hang Jin didn't know what Chi Yangyang was thinking, and knocked her head proudly: "Little blind man, go to sleep."

Chi Yangyang retracted his head into the bed: "Good night, Mr. Hang!"

"Little idiot!" He insulted her, but the corners of Hang Jin's lips involuntarily rose slightly, indicating that his uncle was in a very good mood at the moment.

After being tormented by Hang Jin like this, Chi Yangyang fell asleep almost instantly. She fell asleep in a short time while lying on the bed. Hang Jin couldn't help but pinch her face again: "Xiao Siyan, don't worry. , I will definitely help you find the murderer and comfort your parents’ souls in heaven.”

"Uncle Hang, Aunt Yu, if you are really alive in heaven, you must protect Xiao Siyan'er and keep her safe. Leave the investigation of the case to me."

But Hang Jin also knows that the murderer is very cunning, and maybe very powerful, otherwise he would not be able to get away without leaving any clues every time he commits the crime.

The only evidence in the file sent to him by Li Shijian was the half piece of paper held by the deceased, but the useful part of the half piece of paper had been destroyed by the murderer.

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