My Husband, Warm The Bed (CEO's Mistaken Wife)

Chapter 1763: Childhood Sweethearts, Hang Jin’s Role

Chapter 1765: Childhood Sweethearts, Hang Jin’s Role

The two elders of the Hang family currently live in a small villa area allocated by the state in Cangshan District, Jiangbei City. It is only about half an hour's drive from where Chi Yangyang works, not far away.

Before Chi Yangyang and Hang Jin went abroad, both the Hang family and the Chi family lived in the government compound in Cangshan District, so Chi Yangyang knew the devil Hang Jin since he was born.

After the Hang family moved, Chi Yangyang's parents passed away. During the time when Hang Jin was not at home, Hang's mother often asked Chi Yangyang to have dinner at home. Chi Yangyang and the two elders were not at all at odds with each other.

But today, when she thought that she came to the Hang family as a "daughter-in-law", Chi Yangyang felt uncomfortable all over. She was almost at the door of the house. Chi Yangyang was still hesitating: "Hang Jin, look, I don't have anything." "Buy, it's not good to have empty hands like this. Why don't I go see my uncle and aunt today?"

Hang Jin glanced at her: "No need to buy it."

Chi Yangyang smiled miserably: "I don't need to buy it usually, but today I am going to visit the two elders as my daughter-in-law... Unless, you don't let me see them as my daughter-in-law."

"Whatever you are worried about, I have already thought about it for you." Hang Jin had already thought of whatever idea Chi Yangyang had in mind. He pulled over and said, "So don't worry about being embarrassed for not getting a gift."

"What do you want..." Before Chi Yangyang finished speaking, he saw their little friend Zhu Zhangchano walking towards their car holding two large boxes, "Fourth brother, you asked me to prepare it." It’s all ready.”

Hang Jin pressed down the window and had no intention of getting out of the car: "Put everything in the trunk."

"Okay." Zhu Zhangfan put the two boxes in Hang Jin's trunk, and then moved closer to Hang Jin's car window. "Fourth brother, I haven't seen my uncle and aunt for a long time. Why don't you take me with you to eat with them?" meal.”

"You can't eat with them at any time, but you have to come to join in the fun at noon today." Hang Jin looked at Zhu Zhangfan coldly, "step aside."

"But Fourth Brother, you can take Yangyang there, why can't you take me?" Zhu Zhangfan winked at Chi Yangyang in the passenger seat, "Yangyang, Fourth Brother really loves you, you must cherish it." Him, don’t break his heart.”

"Ahem, cough, cough..." Chi Yangyang was obviously frightened by Zhu Zhangzhan's words, "Brother Zhangzhan, it's not like you don't know how I grew up, why do you even say such things?"

"Zhu Kaopou, no one will think you are dumb if you don't speak." Hang Jin looked at him with a cold look, which made Zhu Kaopou take two steps back hurriedly. Hang Jin took advantage of this gap to step on the accelerator and drive the car. He left, leaving behind Zhu Zhangfan who was full of grievances, "Fourth brother, I am helping you, why are you so ignorant. If I hadn't helped you, you wouldn't even be able to see Yangyang's circle of friends. "

Thinking that only Hang Jin had been blocked in Chi Yangyang's WeChat Moments, Zhu Zhangfan suddenly felt less aggrieved. The devil Hang still had a long road to pursue his wife.

In the future, he will still have the opportunity to watch their arrogant fourth brother Hang chasing Chi Yangyang.

"You still know when you come back..." When the doorbell rang at home, Hang's mother hurriedly opened the door without looking at who it was. When she opened the door, she saw that Chi Yangyang was there, so she quickly took back the second half of her sentence and replaced it with With an extremely friendly smile, "Yangyang is here, come in, come in."

Chi Yangyang smiled: "Auntie, I'm here to disturb you and uncle again. This is a small gift I bought for you and uncle. I hope you like it."

Naturally, Hang Jin asked Zhu Zhan to buy the gift. Now Hang Jin asked Chi Yangyang to say that she bought it, and Chi Yangyang had to say...

"It's all in my own home, why are you buying gifts? Why are you kid so polite to me all of a sudden?" Hang's mother took the gift box and put it on the cabinet at the entrance. She turned around and pulled Chi Yangyang, "I haven't been there in some days." See you, let Auntie take a good look at you."

Hang's mother has always been so enthusiastic about Chi Yangyang, just like Chi Yangyang's biological mother. Chi Yangyang will not feel embarrassed if Hang's mother pulls her and looks at her again and again.

Hang's mother touched Chi Yangyang's face: "Yangyang, you must have lost weight again. Look, your face is getting smaller and smaller."

Chi Yangyang really didn't feel that she had lost weight, but when Jinghang's mother mentioned this, she also touched her face: "Auntie, I think I'm fine. During this period, my appetite is better, and I feel like I'm losing weight." He’s getting fat.”

After registering her marriage with Hang Jin, Hang Jin took her out to eat in the middle of the night. It was good that she didn't suddenly gain weight. How could she still lose weight?

"You young girls are like this. No matter how thin you are, you don't want to admit that you are thin." Hang's mother said, "In this way, from now on, when you get off work, let Hang Jin pick you up, and you will have dinner at our house. Let Auntie cook some soup for you. Drink it to keep you rosy and rosy."

If it was her previous identity, Chi Yangyang might have reluctantly agreed to come to Hang's house for soup, but that's definitely not possible now. I don't know what the two elders of the Hang family will think after knowing that she has defiled Hang Jin.

Before knowing what they were thinking, Chi Yangyang thought it was safer to stay away from them: "Auntie, I don't get off work on time, so there's no need to bother."

"You're right, you can't delay work because of eating. It's inconvenient for you to go to work, so I'll boil the pot and let Hang Jin deliver it to you. Anyway, he's just an idle man who doesn't do his job." Chi Yangyang is Hang's mother. She has grown up with children, and she only has a son like Hang Jin but no daughter, so she usually treats Chi Yangyang as her daughter. She said she wanted to take care of Chi Yangyang, so she absolutely had to take care of her, otherwise she wouldn't feel at ease.

A idle person who is not doing his job.

Chi Yangyang raised her hands in agreement with Hang's mother's evaluation of Hang Jin.

Chi Yangyang also understood Hang's mother's intentions and had no choice but to nod in agreement.

The two women talked for a long time and finally mentioned Hang Jin, but his role was to run errands for Chi Yangyang. The two of them decided on his use without even looking at him.

Uncle Hang was dissatisfied, but he did not dare to explode in front of the "Queen Mother". He could only swallow his anger and asked in a joking tone: "Queen Mother, who is your biological child? Who will inherit the family in the future?" The one with the throne?”

It's okay that Hang Jin didn't speak. As soon as he spoke, he received a vicious look from Hang's mother: "Why didn't you tell me in advance that Yangyang was coming, so that I could prepare two dishes that she likes to eat."

"Mom, I am your biological child." This has been the case since childhood. As soon as Chi Yangyang comes to their home, the mother only sees the idiot Chi Yangyang, and his son is transparent in front of her.

Hang Jin couldn't figure it out. How could Chi Yangyang, a little boy with average looks and a bad temper, like his mother, who had an even more irritable temper than him?

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