My Husband, Warm The Bed (CEO's Mistaken Wife)

Chapter 1769: Childhood sweethearts, knowing Hang Jin’s identity

Chapter 1771: Childhood Sweethearts, Knowing Hang Jin’s Identity

After a group of people responded, they saw that Hang Jin had run some distance away. Several people hurriedly followed him, hearing Hang Jin yelling: "Xiao Wang, you lead people to chase from the left. Xiao Chen, you lead people to chase from the right. He If you run away, none of you will be able to come back."

Oh shit!

If these bastards hadn't caused trouble, he wouldn't have left the little idiot at home alone with nightmares and no time to spend with her.

Normally, whenever his little idiot sneezes, he would secretly feel sorry for her for a long time. Today, she had a nightmare and he couldn't be with her.

Hang Jin was really angry when he thought about this.

He must let these bastards have a taste of what the little idiot suffered from his nightmares.

Hang Jin hung up the phone, and Chi Yangyang felt some inexplicable worries again.

She seemed to have heard someone say something over there and ran away just now.

Who would run away in the middle of the night?

What on earth is Hang Jin busy with?

Are you drinking with Ye Zhiyang and others again?

Although it was already early in the morning, Chi Yangyang didn't consider whether the others had rested. He turned to the phone number and dialed. The first one was Ye Zhiyang.

"Yangyang, it's so late, why haven't you slept yet?" Even in the middle of the night, as soon as Chi Yangyang's call came through, Ye Zhiyang answered it as soon as possible. Ye Zhiyang's confused voice came from the receiver of the mobile phone. It was obvious that he did not Not with Hang Jin.

"Brother Zhiyang, I'm sorry I made the wrong call. Please continue to rest." After hanging up Ye Zhiyang's phone, Chi Yangyang went to Zhu Zhangfan and Xie Yuanbo respectively. Hang Jin was not with them, and they didn't know that Hang Jin was there either. Jin couldn't think of anyone else besides playing with them so late.

The friends who grew up together couldn't find Hang Jin here, and Chi Yangyang thought of the two elders of the Hang family again.

Chi Yangyang wanted to call Hang's house and ask if Hang Jin was at home or if they knew where Hang Jin had gone, but it was too late and she was worried about disturbing the second elder and making them worried. The mobile phone was in her hand, and the Hang family's phone number was turned up, but in the end she couldn't make the call.

After thinking about it, Chi Yangyang finally dialed Zhao Ziqian's phone number.

Zhao Ziqian's voice was similar to that of Ye Zhiyang. He was confused because he was forcibly awakened from his sleep: "Yang Yang, I finally finished the case, and I just have a good sleep tonight. Please call me in the middle of the night. Do you want my life?"

Chi Yangyang didn't say a word of nonsense and went straight to the point: "Captain Zhao, do you remember that Hang Jin showed up at the scene of the murder covered in blood?"

How could I not remember it? I might never forget it in this life.

But why did Chi Yangyang suddenly ask about this matter again?

Zhao Ziqian made a rough guess, but he just didn't want to say it clearly. It would be best if he could fool him: "Auntie, isn't that matter over? You called me in the middle of the night, why are you talking to me about it again?"

Chi Yangyang said again: "You haven't told me how Hang Jin got rid of the suspicion."

really! really!

He knew that this little girl was very obsessed with one thing. He fooled him last time, and she couldn't let him go even if she thought about it in the middle of the night.

It’s terrible!

Zhao Ziqian coughed lightly and started talking nonsense: "Sister-in-law, are you still doubting Mr. Hang? He is yours, and I tell you, if you always doubt him like this, it will affect the relationship between you. Feelings."

Why is he hers?

She didn't admit it.

Chi Yangyang knew that Zhao Ziqian was talking nonsense to her, so she didn't answer him: "Captain Zhao, you know that's not what I meant."

Zhao Ziqian pretended to be ignorant: "Then what do you mean?"

"Tell me, why did Hang Jintian appear at the scene of the crime covered in blood? Don't even think about lying to me. As a leader, you have an obligation to let the subordinates involved in the case know the truth about the case." When Hang Jin was suddenly transferred as the leader of the task force last time, Chi Yangyang had doubts about Hang Jin's identity. Coupled with the fact that he easily got the news about last night's murder case from Li Shijian, she became even more sure that he must have An identity unknown to her.

But she couldn't guess what Hang Jin's identity was?

Logically speaking, he would not really do anything illegal or disciplinary, so what reason did he have to hide it from her?

Zhao Ziqian really wanted to die. He was given such a difficult problem in the middle of the night. Should he continue to sleep: "Yang Yang..."

Seeing Zhao Ziqian in such trouble, Chi Yangyang guessed that it must be related to Hang Jin: "Captain Zhao, I know that Hang Jin told you that you are not allowed to tell me his identity."

"Yes, yes!" Zhao Ziqian said, "Yangyang, since you know he won't let me tell you, why do you still force me?"

Chi Yangyang made up his mind to know: "You tell me, I will never tell him."

Zhao Ziqian almost cried: "Yangyang, why do you have to embarrass me..."

"Captain Zhao, I won't tell Hang Jin for now. Even if Hang Jin knows about it, can he really eat you?" Chi Yangyang became more and more excited as he spoke, then stopped to take a deep breath, and then He said, "Captain Zhao, I'm not forcing you, I'm begging you. Please tell me his identity. At most, if he finds out later, let him curse a few words. But if I don't know, I'm afraid he will be in danger..."

Yes, she was afraid.

The more ignorant she was about his identity, the more afraid she became.

She had to know his identity, what he was doing now, and see if there was anything she could do to help?

"Yangyang..." Hearing Chi Yangyang's voice seemed to be really anxious. After hesitating for a long time, Zhao Ziqian gritted his teeth and gave up. "The reason why Hang Jin was at the scene of the murder that day was because he and several of his men were hunting down a murderer. The drug criminal resisted arrest, and that’s why there was blood on his body. The blood belonged to the drug criminal. We also asked colleagues from the Forensic Department to conduct an appraisal, and it had nothing to do with the deceased.”

"He caught drug criminals?" Chi Yangyang suspected that Hang Jin had an identity, but he didn't expect that Hang Jin's identity turned out to be an anti-drug policeman... The anti-drug policemen are people who walk on the edge of a knife, because they face extremely vicious drug criminals.

How could Hang Jin do it?

Even if Hang Jin is willing, what about Uncle Hang?

Does he also agree with Hang Jin to do such a dangerous job?

Or maybe Uncle Hang doesn't know that Hang Jin has taken on such an errand?

Zhao Ziqian: "Yangyang, that's all I know. I don't know exactly what position he holds."

"Team Zhao, thank you." After hanging up the phone, Chi Yangyang thought of what he just heard on Hang Jin's phone - someone ran away.

In the middle of the night, Hang Jin didn't go home, and there were other people around him... Does that mean that Hang Jin was on a mission, and as I said just now, someone ran away, so the target they captured ran away?

Because of this conjecture, and then thinking about the nightmare I just had... was that dream a warning?

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