My Husband, Warm The Bed (CEO's Mistaken Wife)

Chapter 1771: Childhood Sweetheart, Afraid of Losing Him

Chapter 1773: Childhood Sweetheart, Afraid of Losing Him

"how about you?"

If something happened to him, would she be worried? Will it be sad?

Hang Jin suddenly approached Chi Yangyang and asked softly in her ear.

"Of course I will be worried too. After all, you are my legal husband in name. If anything happens to you, I will have to bear a bad reputation." She was not only worried, but more afraid. Hang Jin left her like his parents and could no longer stay with her.

"Is this really the only reason?" Hang Jin asked relentlessly.

Under his strong questioning, Chi Yangyang nodded: "I'm afraid."

Hang Jin's eyes lit up instantly: "What are you afraid of?"

"Although you bully me every day, make me angry, and make me wish you would disappear from my eyes immediately, but when I think about the possibility that I may never see you again, I don't know why I am afraid again." Chi Yangyang looked at him. , said slowly, "I'm afraid that I'll never see you again, that no one will bully me again. I'm afraid that when I have a nightmare, no one will ever pull me out of it."

Listen, listen, what did this little idiot just say?

She said such a lot of nonsense, but actually she meant the same thing, she was afraid of losing him.

Could this idiot be confessing to him in this way?

If so, he accepts it, accepts it, accepts it, accepts it in every part of his mind and body!

Hang Jin was so excited that he grabbed Chi Yangyang's shoulder and said happily: "Little idiot, you like me, so you should confess your love to me."

"You're hurting me, please be gentle!" Chi Yangyang struggled twice and gave up without struggling. "Like you? How, how is it possible!"

"Then what do you mean by being afraid of losing me?" Hearing Chi Yangyang's denial, Hang Jin felt that he fell from heaven to hell in an instant, which almost made him crazy.

He thought that the idiot woman Chi Yangyang had suddenly enlightened, but who knew it was just another way to piss him off.

Chi Yangyang didn't seem to notice Hang Jin's gloomy face, and continued: "We and Brother Zhiyang grew up together and have known each other for more than 20 years. No matter who among us has an accident, the others will worry about it. Be afraid."

Hang Jin raised his eyebrows: "Is it just for this reason?"

Chi Yangyang asked in a daze: "Otherwise, what other reason is there?"

Looking at her silly look, Hang Jin knew that he was being sentimental again.

"Fuck!" Hang Jin put the cup heavily on the table, got up and left.

Chi Yangyang: "..."

It was fine just now, so why did it happen again?

After taking a few steps, Hang Jin suddenly turned around and glared at Chi Yangyang fiercely: "Little idiot, I have told you that I will bully you for the rest of my life. Don't fucking think that I will let you go."

Even though he was so angry, he didn't forget to use his method to reassure her.

Chi Yangyang: "..."

She just doesn't understand. Does she have masochistic tendencies or something?

At this time, when she heard Hang Jin say that he would bully her for the rest of her life, she felt inexplicably happy.

Chi Yangyang cleaned up the dining table and kitchen and returned to the room. Hang Jin was already asleep.

She involuntarily slowed down her steps, walked to the bed and lay down next to him, turning her head and looking at his face intently.

I have to say that Hang Jin is really good-looking, with handsome and carved features, and an arrogance in his bones. He is like the warm sun in winter wherever he goes, making people want to get close to him involuntarily. .

Of course, that's assuming you don't know him before.

Looking at it, Chi Yangyang was no longer satisfied with looking at it. She wanted to touch him, so she put her hand on Hang Jin's handsome face and slid her fingers gently: "Big bastard, if you are usually like this Being quiet, not swearing, not aggressive, and not causing trouble will definitely attract a lot of girls.”

"There are so many girls in the world, but I am so stupid that I only want you, a little idiot." Hang Jin roared in his heart.

He didn't fall asleep at all. He felt Chi Yangyang touching him and saying such things to him, and his heart boiled, but he knew that what this idiot said might not be what he understood at all. He tried his best not to say anything, but this The idiot is getting more and more excessive, and his hands are restless on his face, slowly moving down...

"Oh, you big bastard, I didn't expect your abdominal muscles to be quite strong, much stronger than I thought." Chi Yangyang patted Hang Jin's abdominal muscles gently. It's not her fault. Who asked him to sleep? It's time to wear more clothes. Who makes him have such a good figure?

Damn it, is this little idiot really an idiot, or is he deliberately challenging his bottom line?

If she touches it again, the fire will ignite. Hang Jin can't pretend anymore, grabs Chi Yangyang's touching hand, opens his eyes and looks at her: "Chi Yangyang, do you know what the hell you are doing? ?”

Chi Yangyang avoided his gaze and subconsciously wanted to withdraw his hand: "I..."

She hid, but Hang Jin refused to let him go. He forced her to look at him: "Since you don't like me, then don't do anything that will make me misunderstand. My heart is very fragile and I can't withstand what you say once, twice, three times or four times." harm."

"I didn't..." Chi Yangyang didn't know how she hurt him. Thinking about it carefully, it was just the drunken incident. "I apologized to you and gave you all my savings. What else do you want from me?" Well."

Damn it!

Hang Jin took a deep breath and took another deep breath. After trying again and again, he still couldn't control his anger: "Idiot!"

Chi Yangyang: "..."

Hang suddenly turned over and pulled her into his arms. He lowered his head and kissed her, her hair, her forehead, her nose, her face, and finally fell on her lips. When the four lips touched, He suddenly stopped all movements.

He looked at Chi Yangyang, whose face was already red and hot, and asked solemnly with red eyes: "Xiao Siyaner, if you find that someone has lied to you, what will you do?"

"Ah?" Chi Yangyang was still a little confused, and it was already a few seconds later when he reacted, "Did you lie to me?"

Hang Jin was startled: "I..."

Chi Yangyang saw his twinkling eyes, and she understood that he must be hiding something from her: "Are you injured? Did something happen?"

When he said he had lied to her, her first reaction was not that he had done anything sorry for her, but whether he had been hurt.

Just this one thing made Hang Jin feel that it was worth it and worth spending his whole life protecting her.

He smiled: "I stripped naked for you to see. Can you not see that I am injured?"

"Don't try to lie to me!" Chi Yangyang opened the quilt, not caring about the difference between men and women, and made sure Hang Jin was not injured again and again before he felt relieved.

Seeing her nervous look, Hang Jin was so happy that he seemed to have finally caught up with the idiot little wife. He smiled and said: "Xiao Siyan'er, you are just checking whether I am injured, okay?" Something bad."

Chi Yangyang glared at him, "Hang Jin, let me tell you, I don't care if others lie to me, but you absolutely can't!"

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