My Husband, Warm The Bed (CEO's Mistaken Wife)

Chapter 1773: Childhood sweethearts, the deceased is the murderer?

Chapter 1775: Childhood sweethearts, the deceased is the murderer?

"It's just because of these reasons that so many lives were hurt. Not only did he lose his own life, but he also hurt so many innocent families. Why bother." Hearing these reasons, Chi Yangyang felt his heart trembling.

She wanted to know that her parents were killed in such a cruel way, without even leaving a complete body. Why was the murderer so cruel?

"Not every murderer has a purpose in killing. I have seen many impulsive killings for many years in handling cases, and in the end, they destroyed other people's families and their own." Zhao Ziqian patted Chi Yangyang on the shoulder and comforted, "Yang Well, no matter what, everyone who is alive must live well and live well for those who died unjustly."

"Captain Zhao, I have figured out many things. You don't need to comfort me." Chi Yangyang thought very thoroughly. She would have a good life, but the murderer of her parents had to be caught.

If the murderer cannot be caught, the murderer may be lucky and may continue to commit crimes... Such a vicious murderer cannot be retained no matter what the reason.

"Yangyang, you are a smart person. It's best if you think clearly..." As Zhao Ziqian was talking, a police officer rushed out of the office and said hurriedly, "Captain Zhao, we just received an alarm call. Lin A murder occurred in Yang Park.”

Zhao Ziqian stomped his feet angrily: "I, I... I can't let people have two days of leisure, killing people without paying for their lives or something."

Chi Yangyang's face sank and he clenched his fists subconsciously: "Captain Zhao, I'm going to prepare."

"Okay." Zhao Ziqian turned around and said to his police officers, "Tell everyone to prepare and set off immediately."

Linyang Park is a very famous park in Cangshan District. It usually has a lot of people and even more during holidays. However, a tragic murder occurred on the lawn where many people usually fly kites.

Zhao Ziqian learned that the people who reported the crime were two cleaning staff from the park. Today they came to the park to clean before dawn as usual. After cleaning for more than an hour, they discovered the deceased at dawn. At that time, the two cleaning staff were frightened and did not Call the police promptly.

They called the person in charge of the cleaning company, who asked them to call the police first.

Zhao Ziqian asked people to set up a cordon at the entrance of the park, and no one was allowed to enter the park for the time being.

After handling these matters, the forensic doctor also has preliminary results.

The deceased was a male, about 40 years old, and about 1.76 meters tall. It was initially determined that the time of death was around two o'clock in the morning last night. Judging from the condition of the body, the place where the body was found was the scene of the first crime.

After listening to Chi Yangyang's report, Zhao Ziqian nodded: "Yang Yang, thank you for your hard work."

Chi Yangyang did not respond, and looked fixedly at the body on the ground. Zhao Ziqian stretched out his hand and waved it in front of her eyes: "Yangyang, are there any other discoveries?"

Chi Yangyang still stared at the deceased with his eyes, without raising his head and said: "I seem to have seen the deceased somewhere."

Zhao Ziqian raised his voice: "Have you seen it? Then do you know who he is?"

Chi Yangyang shook his head: "I think I have seen it before, but I tried hard to recall just now, but I can't remember where I saw the deceased."

Zhao Ziqian's hopes were dashed again: "If you can't think of it, don't think about it. There are so many people in this world, and it's not surprising that someone bumps into someone once in a while."

"No..." Chi Yangyang retracted his gaze and looked at Zhao Ziqian, "What I am familiar with the deceased is not this face, but the figure and the black long-sleeved T-shirt he wore."

Chi Yangyang didn't mention that Zhao Ziqian hadn't noticed yet, but after Chi Yangyang mentioned it, he also discovered: "On this hot day in August, few people wear long-sleeved T-shirts. Yang Yang, you are worthy of being brought out by Jiang Zhen. Disciple, your observation skills are better than ours."

"Yes, it's because of the long sleeves, but it's not just that..." While speaking, something suddenly flashed in Chi Yangyang's mind, and she remembered: "Murderer, murderer..."

"What murderer?" Zhao Ziqian was confused, "Do you already know who the murderer is?"

Chi Yangyang was so excited that he grabbed Zhao Ziqian: "Captain Zhao, could you please contact Li Shijian, the captain of the Western Suburbs Criminal Police Detachment, immediately and ask him if he found any clues about the murderer in the case that night when it rained heavily two days ago."

"There was a murder in the western suburbs? Why didn't I hear about it?" Logically speaking, whenever there is a murder in this city, the internal public security system will report it to the whole city, but why hasn't he heard about this case, and Chi Yangyang knows about it? Woolen cloth?

Likewise, Chi Yangyang didn't believe it: "You, you didn't hear?"

"Yeah, I haven't heard of it." Zhao Ziqian noticed something was wrong and added, "It may be that the information is delayed. This has happened before. It is also possible that I have been busy trying Liu Tieliang's case these two days and forgot to check the internal emails. and internal announcements.”

If it's the best, if not... Chi Yangyang doesn't want to think about the bad things, but some bad information emerges uncontrollably in his mind: "Then Captain Zhao, do you want to make this call or not?" ?”

"It's just a phone call. It's not a big deal. It may help us solve the case. Why don't you call?" Zhao Ziqian took out his mobile phone, turned to Li Shijian's mobile phone and called immediately, "Old Li, I heard that it rained heavily two days ago that night. There was a murder in the western suburbs."

Chi Yangyang didn't know what Li Shijian said on the other end of the phone, and heard Zhao Ziqian say: "Well, I understand after hearing what you said. You also said that forensic doctor Chi in our team was an eyewitness, so I also have a piece of news to tell you. You. We also had a murder here last night. Judging from the body shape and clothing of the deceased, the deceased was probably the murderer of the murder that night. Do you want to send someone over to discuss this matter with us? "

Not sure what was said over there, Zhao Ziqian said again: "Okay, I'll wait for you."

After saying that, Zhao Ziqian hung up the phone and looked back at Chi Yangyang: "Yangyang, I'm sorry to tell you that from now on you can no longer participate in this case."

Chi Yangyang did not expect this result: "Why?"

Zhao Ziqian sighed: "You said that the deceased was most likely the murderer of the rainy night murder, and you were the only witness that night. In other words, before the real murderer was found, you were also suspected of murder, so I can only let others follow this case. Moreover, the preliminary autopsy report you just provided me is invalid, and I have to change the autopsy report to another forensic doctor. "

Chi Yangyang understands the legal procedures, but he is still unwilling: "Captain Zhao..."

Zhao Ziqian: "Yangyang, it's not that I don't believe you. We are all law enforcers and we must set an example."

Chi Yangyang felt that he was getting more and more confused, but he also felt that he was getting more and more understanding.

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