My Husband, Warm The Bed (CEO's Mistaken Wife)

Chapter 1780: Childhood sweethearts, you said that the law is bigger than the sky

Chapter 1782: Childhood sweethearts chapter, you said that the law is bigger than the sky

Jiang Zhen: "..."

"Teacher, what you said to me is incredible." Chi Yangyang slowed down his speech and said slowly, word by word, "I just always remember these four words you said to me, so I take every word seriously. In a murder case, I will try my best not to wrong any innocent person and not let any murderer go."

Jiang Zhen was still silent on the other end of the phone. Chi Yangyang didn't know what he was thinking. She continued: "You have told me more than once that the profession of forensic medicine is very special, because we are a profession that speaks for the dead. The victim has no time. What we tell people, we tell them for them.”

Jiang Zhen on the other end of the phone still didn't speak, but Chi Yangyang knew he was listening: "Teacher, I have been working with you for nearly two years, and you have always been my role model. As your student, I always think that I'm very proud of you. What happened to make you say what you said to me today?"

After a long silence, Jiang Zhen on the other end of the phone finally spoke, but he did not respond to Chi Yangyang's words: "Yangyang, it's getting late, you have a good rest."

After saying that, Jiang Zhen hung up the phone.

Chi Yangyang held the phone tightly.

She knew what kind of person Jiang Zhen was.

She knew better what Jiang Zhen's attitude was towards work.

To make Jiang Zhen turn a blind eye to the truth should be more difficult for him than to kill him.

A year ago, a murder case occurred in Linshi. Jiang Zhen, as a specially hired forensic doctor, went to help the criminal police solve the case.

When the clue pointed to the son of a high-ranking official in Linshi, some people wanted to close the case hastily. It was only at Jiang Zhen's insistence that the real murderer was brought to justice.

She worked beside him at that time and saw with her own eyes how he fought against power. It was he who used practical actions to tell her that everyone is equal before the law. It was he who allowed her to see the beauty of this society.

What happened?

Chi Yangyang has no way of knowing.

Just when she was trying to guess what happened, Hang Jin, who had been out for a few hours, came back.

Hang Jin entered the room. Chi Yangyang was still thinking about Jiang Zhen and did not notice Hang Jin immediately. She didn't see him until Hang Jin stepped forward and snatched the case file from Chi Yangyang's hand: "what are you doing?"

Hang Jin said coldly: "What are you doing?"

Chi Yangyang: "Return the case file to me."

Hang Jin: "Let me ask you, what have you been doing these few hours after I left?"

Chi Yangyang: "Arrange the case files."

Hang Jin knew whether he left or came back, Chi Yangyang never cared. He clearly knew what she was thinking, but he refused to give up and wanted to hear her say it himself.

Now that he is fine, she has successfully sprinkled a handful of salt on his wounds.

However, what Hang Jin didn't expect was that Chi Yangyang's next words not only sprinkled a handful of salt on his wounds, but also inserted a knife into his heart.

She said: "Hang Jin, please return the case file to me quickly. I have important things to investigate and I don't have time to mess around with you now."


Hang Jin gritted his teeth angrily: "Chi Yangyang, in your heart, do you think that everything I do is just messing around? Am I, Hang Jin, a person who only knows how to mess around?"

Chi Yangyang nodded stupidly: "Aren't you?"

Hang Jin: "..."

He was so angry that he almost couldn't breathe.

Chi Yangyang didn't notice his anger at all, and said stupidly: "It's getting late, if you want to go to bed, go to bed first. I really don't have time to play around with you. I have to find out what happened to Teacher Jiang Zhen's abnormality today." reason."

"Jiang Zhen?" Hang Jin didn't know how he didn't tear off Chi Yangyang's skin immediately, but could still talk to her in a normal human conversation way, "in the middle of the night, I was out for a few hours, what did you do to me?" I don't care, but I care so much about Jiang Zhen. Am I, Hang Jin, your man or Jiang Zhen? "

Even if Chi Yangyang's emotions are dull, she understands Hang Jin's words: "Hang Jin, we are all adults, don't always be like children who only know how to make a lot of noise, okay?"

"Making a big fuss?" Hang Jin was so angry that he threw the case file on the table: "Ha... My woman is thinking about other men in the middle of the night. I'm not allowed to ask?"

"Hang Jin!" Chi Yangyang stood up angrily, "Jiang Zhen is my mentor. He helped me when I was in the most difficult times. Why can't I care about him when something happens to him?"

Hang Jin said angrily: "Since he is so important to you, have you ever thought about committing yourself to marrying him?"

Hang Jin's words were harsh to Chi Yangyang's ears. When she was angry, she didn't think much about what she shouldn't say. She nodded immediately: "Yes, I thought about committing myself to marrying him." His wife will accompany him for the rest of his life."

Hang Jin said angry words, but when Chi Yangyang took over what he said, he was confused. Not only was he confused, but he was also angry, but more importantly, it hurt, and his heart ached.

Even if the girl he always thought he was protecting didn't understand her feelings for him yet, sooner or later, she would definitely understand his intentions for her and that she had him in her heart.

However, this is not the case.

She even thought about becoming someone else's bride and living with another man for the rest of her life.

This was something Hang Jin had never expected. For a moment, he didn't know how to respond and left their home again in an embarrassing manner that he had never seen before.

Hang Jin is gone again!

Chi Yangyang was also very angry, but she didn't have time or thought to be angry with Hang Jin. She had to know what happened in yesterday's case.

It was almost dawn, so she didn't sleep anymore. She packed up early and rushed to the Cangshan Criminal Police Detachment.

It was still early when she arrived, but many colleagues were earlier than her and some had already started working. She went straight to Jiang Zhen's office, where Jiang Zhen was also there. He looked like he hadn't slept all night: "Teacher..."

"Yangyang, here we come." Jiang Zhen looked up at her, with a look of exhaustion that Chi Yangyang had never seen before, which made Chi Yangyang's heart hurt. "Teacher, can you tell me what happened?" Something?"

Jiang Zhen closed the folder in front of him and said calmly: "There is an internationally renowned forensic exchange meeting this afternoon. Come with me to listen and learn more from international experts."

Chi Yangyang: "Teacher..."

Jiang Zhen waved his hand: "It only takes half a day, no need to prepare much, just pack up and set off with me at noon."

Chi Yangyang walked to Jiang Zhen's desk and said worriedly: "Teacher, I want to know what happened yesterday? What was the reason that turned a murder into a suicide?"

"Chi Yangyang, am I the boss or are you?" Even if he got angry, Jiang Zhen's voice did not rise much, "If you still think of me as your teacher, don't ask any more questions."

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