My Husband, Warm The Bed (CEO's Mistaken Wife)

Chapter 1788: Childhood sweethearts, driving the tiger away from the mountain

Chapter 1790: Childhood sweethearts chapter, causing the tiger to leave the mountain

Tossing and turning and unable to sleep, Chi Yangyang wanted to find someone to talk to about his concerns. After much deliberation, Lan Feiyang was the only one, but it was too ignorant to always disturb the young couple in the middle of the night.

Chi Yangyang was about to take back his outstretched hand, but his phone suddenly rang, indicating that he had received a new message.

She picked up her phone and looked at it. The message read: If you want to know who the murderer of your parents is, come to No. 29 Xianglin Road within half an hour. Otherwise you will never know who killed your parents.

When she saw the news, Chi Yangyang's hands were trembling. She got out of bed, changed her clothes as quickly as possible, and was about to go out in a hurry.

However, her hand hesitated as she held the doorknob and prepared to open the door.

Who sent her the message?

Why did that person choose to send her a message in the middle of the night?

Chi Yangyang had doubts and suspected that the information was false, but when she thought of how her parents died tragically, even if the information was false, even if the front was a dragon's pond and a tiger's den, she would still break through.

She thought about calling the police and looking for Zhao Ziqian, but what happened yesterday gave her a new perspective on the entire criminal police detachment in Cangshan, including Jiang Zhen.

It's not that she doesn't want to believe them, but they also have their own reasons.

Excluding the people from the criminal police team, Chi Yangyang thought of Hang Jin again. When she thought of Hang Jin, she did not hesitate or doubt, and immediately forwarded the information she had just received to Hang Jin.

"Boss, we've been fooled!" Looking at the mess in the room and the tape recorder with very realistic sound effects, Sanzi looked at Hang Jin cautiously.

"I can't see with my eyes? Do you need to remind me?" The mission failed, and it was the only operation failure since Hang Jin led the team. Hang Jin was angrier than every member of the team, "Damn, actually How dare you use the recorder to trick me."

Others did not dare to say a word. Hang Jin asked people to patrol the surroundings again. After confirming that no one was trading tonight, he shouted angrily: "Close the team!"

On the way back, Hang Jin just turned on his phone, and as soon as he turned it on, he received a message from Chi Yangyang. When he saw the message, the recorded conversation he just heard flashed through his mind for the first time.

——I promise you that I have my own way to deal with Hang Jin, but you don’t have to worry about what method I use.

Do these bastards want to use Chi Yangyang to deal with him?

Thinking of this, Hang Jin immediately ordered: "Attention, everyone, immediately transfer the team to No. 29 Xianglin Road."

After saying that, he immediately called Chi Yangyang's phone, but Chi Yangyang's phone indicated that it could not be connected temporarily.

Hang Jin immediately opened the positioning software installed on his mobile phone and located Chi Yangyang at the beach of Mangrove Bay...

Xianglin Road and Mangrove Bay are located in the north of Jiangbei City and the other in the south of Jiangbei City. The distance between these two locations is at least half an hour's drive.

Hang Jin immediately checked the time when he received the message. It was already half an hour ago... So that means Chi Yangyang, that idiot, has probably fallen into the hands of the enemy: "Chi Yangyang, you idiot, I want you to stay at home." "Stay there, you're just fucking disobedient."

After roaring, Hang Jin grabbed the driving seat and rushed to Mangrove Bay at a flying speed. At the same time, he ordered: "Follow the whole team and go to Mangrove Bay."

It was already two o'clock in the morning, and Jiangbei, a city that never sleeps, had also entered its rest time. There were almost no pedestrians on both sides of the street, and there were very few vehicles, allowing them to have a smooth journey.

Even though the journey was smooth, Hang Jin was still anxious. He couldn't rest assured that he couldn't find Chi Yangyang for a while and was not sure whether she was safe.

All this time, he thought he was protecting that little idiot, but he didn't know that he had brought danger to her before he knew it, and had her in danger with him.

Normally, it takes half an hour at the fastest from Jintang Street to Mangrove Bay. At night, with the smooth traffic and Hang Jin's life-threatening driving speed, it takes more than ten minutes to reach the destination.

He followed the location of his mobile phone and did not find Chi Yangyang's person, but found Chi Yangyang's mobile phone in the grass...

"Boss, what's going on?" Several team members finally caught up with Hang Jin and saw him picking up a mobile phone. His face was so pale that he almost wanted to eat someone in the next second.

Hang Jin ordered: "Third son, take a team of people to No. 29 Xianglin Road. Leave a team of people nearby to search with me."

The third son bravely asked: "Boss, what are we looking for?"

Hang Jin: "Chi forensic doctor."

Sanzi was stunned: "What's wrong with Dr. Chi?"

Hang Jin: "You must find her and bring her to me safely. If she loses a hair, I will force you to walk around without food."

At the same time, Hang Jin had already taken out his mobile phone and made a call: "Old man Hang, ask the Ministry of Transportation to immediately mobilize the city's surveillance. Even if you dig three feet into the ground, you have to find Chi Yangyang."

Hang's father did not respond in time. It took a few seconds before he spoke: "Hang Jin, the Ministry of Transportation is not run by our family. Can you find a way to solve the relationship between you and Chi Yangyang by yourself?"

Hang Jin roared: "If she loses a hair, you will be waiting for you Hang Jin to be the queen."

Hang Jin was so angry that he hung up the phone. A strange number called. When he answered, he yelled, "Who?"

Chi Yangyang's soft voice came from the receiver of the mobile phone: "Hang Jin, it's me."

Hearing Chi Yangyang's voice, Hang Jin's heart trembled, and his voice trembled as well: "Xiao Siyan, don't be afraid no matter what happens, I will definitely save you."

Chi Yangyang said softly: "I'm fine. I'm at the Cangshan Criminal Police Detachment now."

Hang Jin didn't ask her why she lost her mobile phone in Mangrove Bay. She was in the Cangshan Criminal Police Detachment. He immediately got in the car, started the car and said, "Third son, take the whole team back. Go back and have a good rest today. You don't have to report to the team tomorrow." "

Arriving at the Cangshan Criminal Police Detachment, Hang Jin pulled Chi Yangyang into his arms and hugged her. Feeling her breathing and body temperature, he just put his mind down and said, "What happened?"

His voice was still very fierce, but Chi Yangyang clearly felt that his body was shaking. She patted his back and comforted softly: "I'm fine, don't worry."

Hang Jin: "Answer my question."

When he yelled at him, Chi Yangyang shrank involuntarily: "I received another anonymous text message tonight, and rushed to No. 29 Xianglin Road according to the text message. I just went downstairs and found someone following me, so I knew the message might be It was false, so I tried to get rid of the stalkers. On the way to get rid of them, I was worried that they had installed a positioning system on my mobile phone, so I left the phone at Mangrove Bay, and finally decided to come to the Criminal Police Detachment. "

"Little idiot!" Hang Jin rubbed her head hard. He didn't dare to think about what would have happened if the little idiot didn't find out that someone was following him and didn't hide in the criminal police detachment smartly.

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