My Husband, Warm The Bed (CEO's Mistaken Wife)

Chapter 1799: Childhood Sweethearts, Another Case of Dismemberment

Chapter 1801: Childhood sweethearts chapter, another corpse dismemberment case

Hang Jin slightly increased the strength of his hold on Chi Yangyang's hand. He obviously wanted to give her some strength, but his words were still not very popular: "Look at your small body, you are as thin as a piece of ribs." , If you continue to investigate like this stupidly, maybe the murderer is not found, and you will fall down from exhaustion. "

Chi Yangyang had no intention of joking. She hated her own powerlessness and hated that she could do nothing despite being threatened.

Grandpa always told her that as a little girl, it didn't matter if she couldn't find out the murder of her parents. If her parents were alive in heaven, they would never blame her.

Yes, she used to feel that she was still young and didn't think much of others when she did anything. She never thought about sharing some of the pressure of life with her parents.

It was because she didn't care about anything in the past and was so well protected by everyone, just like a flower in a greenhouse. She had never worried about her livelihood and never really understood this society. Therefore, after the pillar she relied on suddenly collapsed, she That's why I feel so lonely and helpless.

In the past, she foolishly believed that there were only good people and outsiders in this world, but now the cruel reality made her realize that there were many things in this world that she did not understand.

Someone once told her that the most complex human nature in the world is also the scariest thing about human nature. She still thought it was a bit ridiculous. Now it seems that the person was absolutely right. She was always too stupid.

Thinking of his past self, Chi Yangyang smiled bitterly again: "Hang Jin, do you really think I can't find out the truth by myself? Do you really think I'm useless at all?"

"I'm not stupid." Hang Jin said venomously but he cherished this girl in his heart. If this girl was really worthless, how could he devote himself to her?

Chi Yangyang: "You mean talking about it has some effect, right?"

Hang Jin suddenly said seriously: "Xiao Siyaner, no matter how difficult the road you choose is, no matter how long it takes to find out the truth, I will accompany you on this road and investigate the case with you."

"What if it's ten years, twenty years... It may even cost me a lifetime to do this, are you willing to accompany me to investigate?" I don't know why, when this question just came to my mind, Chi Yangyang She felt that Hang Jin would definitely give her a positive answer.

Sure enough, Hang Jin did not disappoint her as many times before: "Don't say it is a lifetime, even if it is ten lifetimes, I am willing to accompany you to investigate, so..."

"So it's not enough for you to bully me for a lifetime. You want to bully me for another lifetime, or even ten lifetimes, right?" Chi Yangyang felt a warm current slipping through his heart, which was warm and cozy.

Hang Jin: "Yes."

During the conversation, time always passed quickly. It seemed that in no time, their car had reached its destination.

The red and blue lights on the police car in front were flashing and could be seen at a glance. Some people were surrounding them. Some were pointing and some were talking in low voices. It seemed that the news had been leaked.

Every time something like this happens, Chi Yangyang feels particularly dizzy because she is so thin that it is really difficult to squeeze through the crowds and enter the crime scene.

When Jiang Zhen is around, Jiang Zhen can help her. Today she can only look to Hang Jin for help. Hang Jin understands her and pushes her through the crowd in front to lead her to the cordon.

As he passed by the onlookers, a sentence of dialogue drifted into Chi Yangyang's ears: "Oh my God, what a crime. This murderer is so cruel. It's not enough to shoot him ten times."

Someone else said: "Xiao Sun and his wife are usually so nice to others. I have never seen them blushing with anyone. Who could be so cruel?"

"The police will definitely find the murderer... Just finding the murderer will not save two lives, two living lives. The murderer not only killed people but also dismembered the bodies."

"I heard that the body was shattered on the floor, and some of the meat was rotten and smelly. If the smell hadn't spread and been discovered by Mr. Wang who was sweeping the floor, I don't know how long it would have taken to discover it."

Someone sighed: "What a sin! What a sin! Now I am leaving Xiao Keke, a five-year-old little girl, and there is no one else in the family. How will I live in the future?"

Chi Yangyang couldn't listen to what the onlookers were still saying. Only two key words flashed in her mind.


Broken corpse!

These keywords floated to Chi Yangyang's ears and pierced her heart. Her head buzzed and her body suddenly softened. Fortunately, Hang Jin's quick eyesight and hands helped her in time.

His deep and powerful voice rang in her ears: "Xiao Siyaner, you are not suitable to participate in this case. You come back with me immediately, and I will ask Zhao Ziqian to find someone else to take over."

"No need..." Chi Yangyang grabbed Hang Jin's arm hard and used his strength to steady herself. She took a deep breath and steadied herself, "I have to follow this case from beginning to end. , no one can stop me."

The same mutilation case, the same two couples...

It was too similar to the murder case of her parents two years ago. Maybe this case was related to the case two years ago. She not only wanted to find the murderer for the couple, but also found clues to her parents' case. .

"Xiao Siyan, don't be brave." Hang Jin was so worried that he held Chi Yangyang's cold hand tightly. It was clearly a midsummer day, but her hand was as cold as ice. "I will pay attention to this case at any time. If there is any I will tell you any news as soon as possible.”

Chi Yangyang let go of his hand, stood up straight independently, and said firmly: "Hang Jin, I have to follow this case. I have found the organization. You go back and rest first."

She is here, and she is taking over a corpse case. How can Hang Jin go back with confidence. But he couldn't force Chi Yangyang back, so he had to watch her enter the cordon. He withdrew to the back of the crowd, leaned against the wall, borrowed a cigarette from a bystander, lit it and took two puffs.

What if it was really a case of dismemberment?

So is it related to the case two years ago?

Zhao Ziqian led a team of people to protect the crime scene. When Chi Yangyang arrived, Jiang Zhen had already changed his clothes. When he saw Chi Yangyang arriving, he and Hang Jin had the same reaction: "Yang Yang , I can ask Xiao Li to assist me in this case.”

Chi Yangyang glanced at it and saw the broken corpses on the ground, with fingers one by one, toes one by one, and many unsightly scenes.

The picture is very familiar to Chi Yangyang, because this picture has appeared repeatedly in her dreams in the past two years, and the reason why such a picture appears in her dream is because she has seen pictures of the scene where her parents were killed.

The pain seemed to be attacking from all directions. The pain made Chi Yangyang break out in cold sweat and she no longer had the strength to stand firm. However, she tried hard to stand firm and forced herself to face it.

Therefore, her answer to Jiang Zhen was to change into work clothes as quickly as possible and join in the autopsy work.

Jiang Zhen glanced at her worriedly, but didn't say another word to persuade her.

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