My Husband, Warm The Bed (CEO's Mistaken Wife)

Chapter 1802: Childhood sweethearts, stuck in a bottleneck again

Chapter 1804: Childhood sweethearts, stuck in a bottleneck again

"I'm glad that the child was taken care of by his grandparents. I'm glad that it wasn't a weekend. Otherwise, the murderer wouldn't even let a child go?" After listening to Chi Yangyang's report, everyone was silent, and someone suddenly shouted in the conference room. Such a sigh.

Everyone immediately turned their attention to the spokesperson, and then involuntarily moved their eyes to Chi Yangyang, making Chi Yangyang feel particularly uncomfortable.

She doesn't need sympathy from others.

Chi Yangyang avoided everyone's gaze: "I've finished what I want to say. Captain Zhao, is there anything else you don't understand?"

"No. You have given us all the results you can give, and now it's up to us." Zhao Ziqian clapped his hands, "Everyone, cheer up. This case has aroused a lot of discussion among the people and triggered a small-scale panic. The higher-ups We take it very seriously and give us one week to solve the case. We will work separately to look for clues.”

Jiang Zhen stood up first: "I will check again here, hoping to find more clues."

"Thank you for your hard work, Lao Jiang." Zhao Ziqian nodded and glanced around the people present. "Xiao Liu and Xiao Jia, you two go visit the couple's neighbors and see if you have any business relationship with them. Competition? Tang Man, come with me to visit the couple’s parents.”


Thinking of going to visit the deceased's elders again, Zhao Ziqian was one head and two older.

What he hates the most is a situation where a white-haired person gives a black-haired person a gift.

I really hope there will never be a murder or that he will lose his job.

After the meeting.

Jiang Zhen called to Chi Yangyang: "Yangyang, you have been busy all day and night. Go back and rest for a while."

"Everyone is busy looking for clues. How can I go back to rest at this time." Chi Yangyang shook her head, with a bad expression, because she didn't like everyone treating her as a weakling and taking special care of her.

She believes that in the past two years of her work, there has never been a time when her work has held anyone back.

"Yangyang, your health is important. Only when you are in good health can you work well." The worry in Jiang Zhen's eyes could not be hidden no matter how hard he tried to hide it, but because Chi Yangyang was not focused on him, he did not notice it.

"Teacher, you can persist, why can't I? I'll go to the anatomy room again and see if I can find anything?" After speaking, Chi Yangyang handed Jiang Zhen a smile that was so shallow that it was almost invisible. Turned around and went to the anatomy room.

Looking at the pieces of corpses that were beginning to rot, Chi Yangyang didn't even frown, and carefully inspected each piece. Now, apart from the basic information, they have not been able to find out what weapon the murderer used to decompose the body.

Looking at a table of corpses, another picture suddenly appeared in Chi Yangyang's mind. In a trance, the corpses seemed to have become those of her parents. The corpse turned into a person in front of her eyes, a bloody person.

She looked at Chi Yangyang with tears in her eyes: "Yangyang, save me, save me..."

"Mom..." Chi Yangyang felt as if her heart was being grabbed so hard that she couldn't breathe several times. "Who is it? Who killed you and my dad?"

"Yang Yang..." In the blink of an eye, the blurry picture in front of him disappeared. Chi Yang Yang recovered from the illusion and found that he was breaking out in a cold sweat.

"Mr. Zhang, Mrs. Zhang, don't worry. I will definitely work hard to find the murderer to comfort your souls in heaven and prevent more innocent people from being harmed." Chi Yangyang took a deep breath, suppressed the anger in his heart, and concentrated on checking again. Body parts.

This busyness lasted until midnight. Chi Yangyang dragged his tired body out of the autopsy room, but he didn't expect to bump into Hang Jin as soon as he went out. Hang Jin was standing by the wall. It seemed that he had been here for a while: "You didn't sleep all night last night. Why don't you have a good rest at home."

Hang Jin approached her: "Come to take you home."

"No need to pick me up. You have to have a good rest yourself." Because he had just touched the rotting corpse, Chi Yangyang didn't want to get too close to Hang Jin and took a step back unconsciously, "I'll be busy for a while, you go first go back."

Hang Jin frowned: "How long will you be busy? If you don't eat, drink or sleep, do you think you are made of iron?"

She is not an ironclad, but she wants to find some useful clues as soon as possible, but she finds nothing, which is extremely useless: "Am I very useless? I have examined the body parts over and over again, but still found nothing. "

Hang Jin said: "The murderer is prepared to commit the crime, and he will do his best not to leave any clues for you to catch. You can't rush this kind of thing, you can only look for it slowly and investigate it slowly."

"Slowly? How much slower? Wait until the murderer commits another crime, wait until more innocent people are harmed?" Chi Yangyang knew that she shouldn't get angry with Hang Jin, but she always couldn't control her temper in front of him.

She didn't know that people were like this. They always maintained a good temper and good image in front of strangers and unfamiliar people, and the bad temper always stayed with the people closest to them.

She added: "I'm sorry! I shouldn't be angry at you."

"Go back and rest first." Knowing that she was tired, Hang Jin did not argue with her, and there was the most real worry and concern in his voice.

"Yeah." Chi Yangyang nodded obediently, "I'm going to change clothes."

"I'll wait for you." Hang Jin said.

If Chi Yangyang is more careful, he can find that Hang Jin is still wearing the same clothes as yesterday, because he did not go home after leaving Cangshan Criminal Investigation Detachment in the morning.

He visited the neighbors of the deceased couple's house and shop today, trying to get some clues from the neighbors, but unfortunately, the neighbors knew nothing.

The time of death of the deceased was approximately 2 pm on August 15th. Because it was a Monday, there were few diners in the restaurant. At noon, they went home to rest for two hours as usual. Who knew that after this break, they never went to the restaurant again.

Because it was noon time, many neighbors went out to work. When asked if they had seen any strangers or heard any strange noises that day, everyone said no.

The crime scene could not be found, and the visits yielded no results. Obviously, this case was like the case of the Chi couple two years ago. It was not easy to find the murderer in a short time.

"Master Hang, when I heard you were coming, I hurried over to take a look. I saw that you were really here." The impact of this case is not small, and Zhao Ziqian can't find any clues. Now Hang Jin is the one he can catch to save his life. Straw, as soon as he returned to the detachment, he inquired about Chi Yangyang and Hang Jin. When he heard that Hang Jin was coming, he hurried over without even drinking water.

Chi Yangyang said sensibly: "You guys talk first, I'll go change clothes."

"Yangyang, you are so considerate." Zhao Ziqian likes Chi Yangyang's character of not causing trouble to others. Unexpectedly, when he raised his head, he met Hang Jin's sharp eyes, "Young Master Hang, I am not..."

Hang Jin said coldly: "Whether she is considerate or not, she is still mine. Is this what you, an old boy, can think of?"

Zhao Ziqian touched his neck: "Even if you gave me ten thousand courages, I wouldn't dare to think about it."

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