My Husband, Warm The Bed (CEO's Mistaken Wife)

Chapter 1804: Childhood sweethearts, knowing that he is always there

Chapter 1806: Childhood sweethearts, knowing that he is always there

"I'm here, I'm here." Hang Jin held Chi Yangyang in his arms almost as soon as she had a nightmare, and kept comforting her, "Don't be afraid, don't be afraid, you just had a nightmare."

Hang Jin knew that this girl pretended to be strong during the day, but was actually very scared inside. This corpse dismemberment case simply made her experience the scene where her parents were killed.

How could she not be afraid, and besides being by her side, there was nothing else he could do to help her.

He wished he could be stronger, so powerful that he could cover the sky with one hand and protect her under his wings.

"Is it really just a dream?" Why is the dream so real, so real that she can smell the chilling smell of blood, as if the murderer is committing the crime right in front of her eyes.

"Xiao Siyan, it's true that yesterday's case was a case of mutilation, but you have to understand that they are not your parents, and the murderer may not be the same person." Hang Jin slightly increased his strength in his arms and lowered his head in her arms. Rubbing his forehead, "What you can do now is try your best to find some clues, and never get into trouble. Do you understand?"

"Are they really not the same person?" If they were not the same person, why would the chopped body parts be arranged in the same "laugh" shape as they were two years ago. The scene pictures from two years ago have never been released to the public, and even she accidentally saw them in the information. These two cases are definitely not a coincidence.

There are many questions that Chi Yangyang can't understand, but she believes that Hang Jin knows more than her, but Hang Jin is unwilling to tell her some of the same details.

Hang Jin's purpose of not telling her the details is different from Hang Zhenshan's. Hang Zhenshan wants to threaten her, and Hang Jin must want to protect her... Hang Jin doesn't know that what she wants most is the truth, even if she loses this No matter your life is spared.

"It's too early to draw conclusions now. Let's wait until the truth comes out." Hang Jin turned sideways and picked up the hot water cup on the bedside table. "Drink some water and continue to sleep."

"I don't want to sleep anymore." Chi Yangyang was afraid that as soon as she fell asleep, the terrifying nightmare would strike again. She didn't think she could bear the nightmare attacks again and again.

"It's okay not to sleep, just chat with me." Hang Jin used his arm as her pillow, letting her hold his strong arm and feel her body temperature. Only then did Hang Jin have the real feeling that she was in his arms. "Aside from the few of us who grew up together, do you remember the other people who went to school with you?"

"Other people who went to school together?" Chi Yangyang instinctively thought of the people who went to elementary school together. The six years of elementary school were the most innocent and innocent time in life. However, because he was too young, he could not remember many things, but There was still one person who impressed her deeply, "I still remember the little zebra in our class."

Hang Jin knows everything that happened to Chi Yangyang since he was a child, and maybe his memory is deeper than Chi Yangyang's. When Chi Yangyang mentioned the little zebra, Hang Jin immediately remembered: "The one who had extremely poor academic performance and often had a runny nose. His two-year-old brother played with his toys, and he beat his brother fat? "

"Yes, yes, that's him." Chi Yangyang couldn't help laughing when he mentioned this little zebra, "You said he is already ten years old and five years old, and his two-year-old brother is playing with his toys, and he still Wouldn’t it be funny to beat up his brother?”

"It's quite funny. Not only his behavior is funny, but his appearance is also funny." Hang Jin was really impressed by that little kid. Two snots hung in his nostrils like two noodles. He was often picked up by a group of people. tease.

Chi Yangyang added: "But I haven't seen him since graduating from elementary school, and I don't know how he is doing now? Did his academic performance get better in middle school? Did he get admitted to college?"

"Going to college is a good way to move forward in life, but it's not the only way. Even if he doesn't go to college, he still has his wonderful life." Hang Jin would never have been able to say such a thing in the past, maybe recently I have experienced more things and worried about more things, and my venomous mouth has become somewhat restrained.

Chi Yangyang sighed: "Yes, everyone has a different path in life. Some people can grow old all the way, while some people can no longer see the sun of tomorrow because of an accident."

This topic was a bit sad. Hang Jin didn't want to continue. He changed the topic and said, "Little Zebra was your classmate in elementary school. Are there any classmates in junior high school and high school who impressed you?"

"Yes." Chi Yangyang thought of a male classmate in high school. He raised his head and looked at Hang Jin with a hint of prying, "My senior classmate Zhang Langlang said he wanted to pursue me as his girlfriend. You I beat someone until his nose bleeds in the afternoon, is it because you secretly had a crush on me at that time? "

"What is a secret crush? Everyone already knows that I like you, but you, a little idiot, are so stupid that you don't know." Speaking of which, Hang Jin has never concealed his love for Chi Yangyang, otherwise Ye Zhiyang would How could the idiot know that Chi Yangyang was his heartthrob? No one dared to touch her hair.

"Everyone? So Brother Zhiyang, Brother Zhangzhuang, Brother Yuanbo and Sister Feiyang have known about it for a long time?" No wonder she called LAN Feiyang that day after she believed that Hang Jin liked her, and LAN Feiyang's tone was like that of you now It's so stupid to know.

It turns out that Hang Jin has really liked her for many years and liked her in his unique way, but she just didn't want to believe it. Chi Yangyang had some doubts in her heart: "Does Sister Na Eryue know that the person you like is me?"

"Idiot, what do you think?" If Jiang Eryue didn't know that he had a special feeling for Chi Yangyang, how could that woman Jiang Eryue think of taking advantage of this little idiot Chi Yangyang.

"It turns out that she also knows." It turns out that Jiang Eryue asked her to persuade Hang Jin, not because she was Chi Yangyang, but because she was a special existence in Hang Jin's heart.

She is really stupid.

Stupidly being used by Jiang Eryue.

Hang Jin poked her head: "You are the only one who is stupid!"

Chi Yangyang shrank into the bed after being poked by him, and quickly raised his head to look at Hang Jin.

Hang Jin was a little uncomfortable looking at her: "Why are you looking at me like this?"

Chi Yangyang quickly kissed the corner of his mouth, and then quickly retreated, smiling mischievously: "Brother Jin, look, you like me, and we are a legal couple, can you see if you can put your Can you leave your bank card to me?"

"Heh..." Hang Jin sneered, "Give you my bank card to support another man? Xiao Siyan, don't even think about it."

Chi Yangyang originally wanted to find another way to get her money back, but she didn't expect that Hang Jin was such a poor man. She was so anxious that she said, "Then give me my money back."

Hang Jin: "Don't even think about it."

Chi Yangyang: "That was my money."

Hang Jin: "That's what you paid for sleeping with me. Now it's my personal property."

Chi Yangyang: "Hang Jin, you are shameless!"

Hang Jin: "I'm just shameless, what can you do to me?"

Chi Yangyang: "You..."

During the quarrel, Chi Yangyang completely forgot about the corpse dismemberment case. He fell asleep after arguing and slowly fell asleep in Hang Jin's arms.

This time, she slept peacefully because she knew that he was always there.

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