My Husband, Warm The Bed (CEO's Mistaken Wife)

Chapter 1829: Childhood sweethearts, the world is more than just black and white

Chapter 1831: Childhood sweethearts, the world is more than just black and white

Also, Zhao Ziqian will check if there is any problem in the bar. They only need to do the essential work and help Zhao Ziqian solve the case.

Chi Yangyang said sincerely: "Teacher, thank you!"

Jiang Zhen said: "I am your teacher, why are you so polite to me?"

"I'm not being polite to you, teacher. This is the courtesy you should have as a human being. You taught me this, teacher." Chi Yangyang smiled and said, "Teacher, if there is nothing else, I will go back to my office first."

"Yangyang..." Jiang Zhen called her, paused, and then said, "You have to take good care of yourself. You only have one life, and you will never do it again. Don't make fun of your own life."

"Teacher, don't worry, I will take good care of myself, and you should take good care of yourself too." Chi nodded and exited Jiang Zhen's office.

Chi Yangyang didn't know much about Jiang Zhen. She had never thought about getting to know him except for work matters, so she never knew what Jiang Zhen was thinking.

She only knew that Jiang Zhen's parents died young and he was fostered in an orphanage. She heard that he suffered a lot when he was a child, but later made a world for himself through his own efforts.

Only those who have suffered and been tired understand better that a good life is hard-won, so Jiang Zhen has always done a good job and has never made a mistake at work. He should not have been able to decide what happened last time.

This society is slowly getting better, but after all, there is still a dark and insidious side. She cannot see it and prove that it does not exist. Many people have to compromise in order to survive.

Zhao Ziqian is, Jiang Zhen is, she is, but Hang Jin is not. It is only because he has enough power behind him to support him and protect him that he can do whatever he wants.

But there are mostly people like Jiang Zhen and her in this world, and there are too few people like Hang Jin.

About an hour later, Hang Jin's interrogation ended. When he appeared at the door of Chi Yangyang's office, Chi Yangyang couldn't help but be a little surprised, "Why did you come out?"

"Do you want your man to be locked up in there and never get out?" Hang Jin sat sideways on Chi Yangyang's desk and hit her head with a book, "Forensic Doctor Chi, you are so cruel."

Of course Chi Yangyang is happy that he can come out, but she also needs to understand what the situation is: "The evidence currently available to Team Zhao is enough to lock you up. It's really puzzling that he didn't lock you up."

Hang Jin said: "My young master has expressed doubts about Zhao Ziqian's working ability more than once, and this time he did not let me down. Such a big loophole was not found, and he just got into the enemy's trap, and made my young master the third A murder suspect."

"Don't say it so harshly. Captain Zhao is actually very good. It's just that there have been a lot of cases recently and it's hard for him to cope with it." Chi Yangyang stood up and stood next to Hang Jin, "Is your leg okay?"

"It's okay. The young master is very well." It hurt a little, but Hang Jin didn't take it seriously. After all, he was young and strong. After a few hours of rest, more than half of his physical strength had been recovered.

"As long as it's okay." Chi Yangyang's eyes moved up from his legs to his face. Seeing that he looked really good, he was able to ask about other things, "Then tell me how you proved yourself. If you are innocent, ask Captain Zhao to let you out."

"The murderer recorded a video when he committed the murder. Zhao Ziqian didn't find such strong evidence." Hang Jin was still arrogant. "So this young master said that Zhao Ziqian's ability to handle cases is not good, and you still speak for him."

"Murder video? This is too lawless." Chi Yangyang's heart trembled, "What kind of person is the murderer? How could he do such a heinous thing."

"It has nothing to do with you, why do you care so much?" Hang Jin's eyes flickered, and Chi Yangyang knew something was wrong. "Did the murderer catch the same people I threatened you with?"

Those people are all desperadoes. They don't care about their lives. There is nothing they can't do. Hang Jin doesn't want Chi Yangyang to be too involved: "I told you to leave it alone, you are still troublesome."

"It is indeed them. Are they doing this to challenge the majesty of the law, or are they doing it deliberately to show you?" No matter what their purpose is, it is terrible. If they are not brought to justice early, more innocent people will be harmed. Chi Yangyang wants to do something, "Hang Jin, where are the people arrested last night? Can you take me there? Go and meet the man named Lao San? "

Hang Jin: "Why do you see him?"

Chi Yangyang: "He saved me. Do you think I can go see him?"

Hang Jin: "No."

Chi Yangyang: "What if I insist on insisting?"

Hang Jin: "..."

When the two of them really competed, Hang Jin never won.

With Hang Jin's reluctant help, Chi Yangyang met Lao San.

Even though he was caught and imprisoned, there was no ups and downs of emotion on Lao San's face. He still had such a cold expression, as if he was shot and killed without blinking an eye.

Such people are actually quite admirable.

He's quite a man.

Chi Yangyang asked: "Lao San, they all call you Lao San, can I call you that?"

Hearing Chi Yangyang's voice, Lao San's expression finally fluctuated a little, but it quickly returned to calm, almost imperceptibly.

Chi Yangyang added: "You kidnapped me but did not hurt me in this operation. I am actually very grateful to you."

The third child still didn't answer.

Regardless of whether he should speak or not, Chi Yangyang knew that he was listening. As long as he could hear her, that was the purpose of her trip.

Chi Yangyang said again: "I want to ask you, is it just because of that 19th sister that you violated the orders of your superiors to protect me?"

When it came to Sister Nineteen, the third child's eyes moved again. Chi Yangyang continued: "I can see that you are not a person who can do anything for money. Sister Nineteen must be very important to you." It's very special. I'm just curious. She ordered you to arrest me, so why didn't she let you hurt me? "

Just when Chi Yangyang thought that Lao San would not answer, Lao San finally spoke: "Because Sister Nineteen is a good person who repays kindness and respects kindness and righteousness."

Good guy?

Maybe so.

In the past, Chi Yangyang always thought that there were only black and white in the world. Later, she slowly learned that there was another color in the world called gray.

Some people, in the eyes of some people, seem to be heinous villains, but in the eyes of some people, they are the best people in the world.

Sister Nineteen did something illegal and criminal and should be arrested, but who knows what she did to the third child, which made him completely devoted to her and thinking that she is a good person.

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