My Husband, Warm The Bed (CEO's Mistaken Wife)

Chapter 1832: Childhood sweethearts, swipe my card

Chapter 1834: Childhood sweethearts chapter, swipe my card

Neither Chi Yangyang nor Hang Jin are good at cooking, and they don't know much about the ingredients.

If I remember correctly, Hang Jin cooked noodles at home once during the period after they got married, and that time he almost blew up the kitchen.

So, the situation at this time was that the two of them went to the fresh food section of the supermarket together, but they didn't know what they wanted to buy.

Seafood, meat, vegetables... there are a lot of them, and the fresh food section is so complete that it's really overwhelming.

Chi Yangyang looked at Hang Jin asking for help: "Can you tell me what I should buy?"

Hang Jin was even more confused: "You can buy whatever you know how to do without asking me."

Chi Yangyang scratched his head, looking embarrassed: "I, I don't know anything. If I were good at it, I wouldn't ask you."

Hang Jin yelled dissatisfied: "I said I was going out to eat just now, but who said you would boil it for me to drink? Now you can't say anything. Do you want to starve me to death?"

"Wait a minute, I have an idea." Chi Yangyang quickly took out his mobile phone, opened Baidu search, entered the soup suitable for injured people, and did not forget to smile flatteringly at Hang Jin, "Uncle Hang, don't worry Ah, I’m looking for it online and studying.”

Hang Jin rolled his eyes at her: "Why didn't you look for it online earlier? You still want to starve me to death."

"How can I starve you to death? You're not stupid." When he looked at his phone, Chi Yangyang was dumbfounded. The messages that popped up after searching for keywords included everything.

Some people said they drank fish soup, some said they drank chicken soup, some said they drank pork rib soup... Seeing these news, Chi Yangyang felt that her head was getting bigger.

Hang Jin took the phone and said, "Are you delaying time?"

"Let's drink fish soup. It's high in protein." Chi Yangyang snatched the phone back and put it in her bag. "Just drink fish soup. I decided happily."

Hang Jin knows that this little idiot's cooking skills are not much better than him. He is very satisfied if she can cook instant noodles for him. He can also expect her to make delicacies from mountains and seas: "Since you have decided to make fish soup, why are you still hanging around? ?”

"You agree!" Chi Yangyang happily hugged Hang Jin's wrist, leaned his head against it and rubbed it, "I know that your uncle Hang is not only good-looking, but also considerate. He is simply an excellent representative of good men. .”

"Little idiot, I suddenly want to taste whether your mouth has become sweeter." After saying this, Chi Yangyang didn't understand what he was talking about, and his lips were suddenly kissed by Hang Jin.

She was stunned at first, and then struggled again - Uncle Hang, they are in a supermarket where people are coming and going. Do you want others to treat them as a monkey show?

Fortunately, Hang Jin didn't continue. As soon as she struggled, he let her go. Chi Yangyang covered her hot face and said, "Can you kiss me back? I don't want people to look at me like a monkey."

Hang Jin rubbed her head and said with a hearty smile: "Okay, okay, if we don't kiss here, let's go home and kiss slowly and carefully."

Chi Yangyang pinched him: "Do I still want to buy fish?"

Hang Jin is still smiling: "Buy, buy, buy..."

Chi Yangyang tried his best to talk about other topics: "When we buy fish, we can ask the salesperson to take care of the fish for us. We can take it home, wash it and cook it."

Chi Yangyang suddenly realized that she was actually quite smart, but she didn't think of such a good idea earlier.

Seeing Chi Yangyang's happy and stupid look, Hang Jin couldn't help but raise the corners of his lips, and reached out to rub her head: "My little idiot, why are you so stupid and adorable!"

"Yeah, yeah, yeah, I'm a little idiot, and you, Uncle Hang, are the smartest, okay." Just two minutes after he was happy, Chi Yangyang's new troubles came again. There are many kinds of fish. Which fish should he choose? ?

She turned her attention to Hang Jin for help again, and Hang Jin said, "Just buy crucian carp. I heard that crucian carp soup is good."

"Okay!" Chi Yangyang asked the salesperson to give her four crucian carp, and then walked around to look at it. Suddenly she felt that she needed everything?

Hang Jin didn't know what to buy. Anyway, he would eat whatever she bought. So Chi Yangyang walked in front and picked happily, and Hang Jin pushed the shopping cart and followed her...

After going around, Chi Yangyang bought almost a shopping cart of goods. Before checking out, she felt that the goods in this cart were all necessities. When she heard the price when checking out, she felt that all the goods were unused.

She looked at the cashier and said awkwardly: "Well, I bought too much, can I return some?"

Cashier: "Okay. Which item do you not need?"

"I want fish and..." Before Chi Yangyang finished speaking, Hang Jin behind him handed over the card, "No need to return it, just swipe this card."

Chi Yangyang suddenly felt that Hang Jin was shining, as good-looking as a male god descending from the sky...

Hang Jin did glance at Chi Yangyang dissatisfied. This little idiot is getting smarter and smarter. He can think of this method to embarrass him. Can he, a grown man, let his wife pay for it?

The cashier took the card and swiped it happily. Hang Jin said nothing, but Chi Yangyang was as happy as a little fool, with shining stars in his eyes: "Uncle Hang, thank you!"

Back home.

Chi Yangyang changed her shoes and walked to the kitchen with the ingredients: "Uncle Hang, please go back to your room and lie down for a while. I'll call you when I've cooked the fish soup."

Hang Jin looked at the fish in her hand, but he didn't think it was reliable. "Why don't you put the fish in the kitchen and wait for me to cook it? I'll change my clothes first."

"No need, I promised to take care of you, how can I let you, Uncle Hang, cook in person." Chi Yangyang still vividly remembers the fact that the kitchen was blown up by him last time, and he doesn't want to do it again in such a short period of time. Experiencing a kitchen explosion.

"Really no need?" Hang Jin didn't know that Chi Yangyang disliked him. In fact, he also disliked Chi Yangyang very much. He didn't know if the fish soup cooked by this girl could be drunk.

Chi Yangyang smiled confidently: "Go and have a rest. I'll call you when I'm ready."

Hang Jin nodded, but still didn't feel reassured.

Although Chi Yangyang is not good at cooking, he doesn't know everything.

She first soaked the carp in clean water to remove the smell of blood, and then took the time to go back to her room and change into home clothes.

Hang Jin was not in the room. Chi Yangyang saw that the door of the study room was closed. She expected that he was busy with business in the study room. She didn't want to disturb him, but when she thought of the injury on his leg, she knocked on the door and reminded: "Uncle Hang, You are a wounded person now, please rest."

Hang Jin ignored it, but he couldn't stop Chi Yangyang from continuing to nag: "You were injured on the job and are on official leave. Don't worry about things that shouldn't be yours. Your body comes first."

Hang Jin still ignored her, and she pouted: "People care about you, don't always regard other people's concern as a donkey's liver and lungs."

Hang Jin's voice finally came from the study: "My dear forensic doctor Chi, my stomach is so hungry."

"Oh... just wait a little longer." She almost forgot that there was something waiting for her to do in the kitchen, so Chi Yangyang quickly entered the kitchen.

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