My Husband, Warm The Bed (CEO's Mistaken Wife)

Chapter 1835: Childhood sweethearts, I just want to hold you

Chapter 1837: Childhood sweethearts, I just want to hold you

"Little idiot..."

Apart from these three words, Hang Jin didn't know what else he could say. He always thought that Chi Yangyang didn't have him in her heart, so much so that he didn't agree to her proposal to hold a wedding with him, but just now he knew that she had him in her heart.

If she didn't have him in her heart, with his understanding of this little idiot, she would never be so concerned about his affairs.

But I guess this little idiot doesn't even know that she has him in her heart.

It doesn't matter if she doesn't know, as long as he knows.

Chi Yangyang pursed his lips angrily, slightly dissatisfied: "You scold me again, am I wrong in my analysis?"

"What a little idiot!" Hang Jin rubbed his chin on the top of her head, pinched her face with one hand, and said again, "What a silly and adorable little idiot."

"What do you mean?" Hang Jin always scolded her as a little idiot, when he was happy and when he was unhappy. It almost made Chi Yangyang think that the word "little idiot" was not a curse, but a curse. A nickname that only belongs to her.

"Shh! Little idiot, don't talk, let me hug you." There are too many things to say to Chi Yangyang in his heart, but Hang Jin can't say it out, so he can only hug her tightly, wishing to put her Rub it into his bones and blood, and merge with her fiercely, then no one will be able to catch her when he is not around.

"Oh..." Chi Yangyang said softly and let him hold her obediently. She didn't know how long she held him. When Chi Yangyang felt that she was about to cramp, she said again, "It's getting late, first Go wash up. I'll change your dressing later."

Thinking that he was still sitting on his lap, Chi Yangyang began to panic again: "How are your legs now? Is there anything particularly uncomfortable? Let me tell you, I am not light, your legs are Don't hug me again until I'm better."

"Shh! Don't talk, let me hold you for a while." Chi Yangyang was worried about Hang Jin's legs, but Hang Jin didn't take it seriously at all. He just wanted to hold this little idiot, and just wanted to Holding her, I didn't want to do anything else.

"Hang Jin, let's stop making trouble, okay?" Chi Yangyang thought he was having a temper with her again, and felt helpless. "As long as you are obedient and change the dressing, after your leg injury recovers, you can let me I will do whatever I want.”

Hang Jin raised his eyebrows: "Really?" "

Chi Yangyang: "Do I dare to tell lies in front of you, Uncle Hang?"

"Then kiss me." Hang Jin pointed to his lips, "Kiss here, kiss hard."

Seeing his smug and proud attitude, Chi Yangyang said in disgust: "No!"

Hang Jin: "Xiao Siyan, have you forgotten what you just said so soon?"

Chi Yangyang stammered: "I...I don't mean this kind of thing, I mean other things, other things besides this kind of thing. Besides, your leg injury is not healed yet. Wait until your leg injury is healed." Everything is negotiable.”

Hang Jin leaned back on the chair: "If you don't kiss me, I won't change the medicine."

"You..." After hesitating for a while, because he was worried about his injury, Chi Yangyang took the initiative to move forward and kissed his lips gently. He backed away as soon as he touched her, "That's okay."

Hang Jin shook his head: "No."

Chi Yangyang: "I did everything you said."

Hang Jin: "I asked you to kiss me hard. How did you kiss me just now? Even if you don't touch the water, can it be considered a kiss?"

Chi Yangyang gritted her teeth in anger, but kissed him on the lips again. This time she no longer touched the water lightly, but kissed him hard and hard like how he usually kissed her.

She thought she was going to kiss him until he couldn't breathe, so that he would stop bullying her when he had nothing to do in the future. Who would have expected that after a while, she would be completely passive... Until the long kiss ended, her head was still In a state of confusion.

The next day.

Jiangbei Cangshan Criminal Investigation Detachment.

A police officer knocked on the door of Zhao Ziqian's office. When he heard the word "please come in", he immediately opened the door and entered. Without waiting for Zhao Ziqian to ask questions, he hurriedly said: "Captain Zhao, the forensic results you want have come out."

"What's the result?" Zhao Ziqian immediately put down his work and looked up at the man who pushed in the door. "Can we close the case within the time specified by the superiors? This evidence is the most critical. I hope there will be no mistakes."

"Team Zhao, this is good news." The man handed the document to Zhao Ziqian, "The murder video provided to us by Hang Jin has been verified by the forensic department at several levels. The results prove that the video is authentic and valid, and can be used as evidence for the bar murder case... In other words, we can close the case of the bar murder case. "

"Is the murderer really the man named Sha Mingtong?" Zhao Ziqian opened the documents handed to him by the man, "drug trafficking, murder... Such people are so terrible. If they are not caught sooner or later, I don't know how many people will be affected." harm."

The man nodded: "Fortunately, he has been arrested, and no more people will be harmed because of him."

"Yes, he was arrested, but there are still many people like him at large." It was clear that he got good news, but there was no smile on Zhao Ziqian's face, because the case of mutilation has not yet been solved. There is not the slightest clue, no clue, the kind of murderer hiding in the dark is hard to detect, thinking about it makes people's scalp numb, "Xiao Zhou, do you think I am really useless?"

Xiao Zhou said: "Captain Zhao, you are being humble when you say this. Let's not talk about the past, let's talk about the recent past. Who among us in Jiangbei doesn't know that you have led us to solve several big cases recently. I heard it two days ago When people talk about you, they compare you to our Sherlock Zhao in Jiangbei City.”

"Yes, sometimes I lie to myself and say that I am very powerful and awesome, and I have solved several big cases one after another." Zhao Ziqian smiled helplessly, "But I know very well that I can solve these cases because of Hangzhou Jin.”

Xiao Zhou said: "Captain Zhao, it's true that Hang Jin provided you with some clues, but it was you who finally solved the case."

Zhao Ziqian shook his head: "If it weren't for Hang Jin to provide ideas and clues, I might not have found a way out yet, so how could I solve the case... You said that I am the criminal investigation captain, and you asked him, an anti-narcotics captain, to help me solve the case. I have such a face Do you want more?"

"Captain Zhao, there is no need for you to compare with Hang Jin. Young Master Hang is not an ordinary person. He has only been the captain of the Jiangbei Anti-Narcotics Brigade for just two or three months. In such a short time, he has already made people frightened. Look at the recent news. Who dares to mess around on Jiangbei's territory? "There are many rumors about Hang Jin, but the ones that have been spread the most in the police force are the two or three months since he served as the captain of the Jiangbei Anti-Narcotics Brigade. He has become the heart of many police officers. 's idol.

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