My Husband, Warm The Bed (CEO's Mistaken Wife)

Chapter 1879: Childhood sweethearts, quite painful

Chapter 1881: Childhood sweetheart chapter, quite painful

Because Chi Yangyang fell asleep, Hang Jin drove very smoothly on the way home, so that Chi Yangyang could catch up on her sleep safely.

Just as the car stopped in the parking lot, Hang Jin's cell phone suddenly rang. He immediately answered the phone and whispered: "Queen Mother, do you have anything to tell me?"

Yin Nianxiao's fiery voice came from the receiver of the mobile phone: "You kid, what on earth do you do all day? Why didn't you use any chopsticks in the food I gave you last night? If you dislike your mother's cooking, it's not delicious. , then you should have told me earlier, I am too lazy to send it to you every now and then. "

They received a new case before getting off work last night. They didn't go home all day and night, so naturally they couldn't eat the food sent by Yin Nianxiao. However, Yin Nianxiao didn't know it and called the police to accuse him.

Hang Jin didn't intend to explain more, but just said softly: "Queen Mother, my baby is asleep. If you have anything to say, please say it later. Don't disturb her sleep."

My baby?

Yin Nianxiao was stunned for a moment, and then she knew who Hang Jin was referring to when he said "warm my baby." She immediately laughed: "Yangyang is asleep, then turn down the volume on your phone. , don’t wake her up.”

Does she need to say this?

Hang Jin rolled his eyes, but didn't dare to say it.

Yin Nianxiao, whose attitude on the other end of the phone made a 180-degree turn, said again: "Son, I have sent you food again. They are all placed on the dining table. You can eat them when you get home in a while. . You remember to ask Yangyang to eat more and gain weight, that child is so thin that I really feel bad for him.”

Hang Jin said softly: "Yeah."

He also wanted to make this little idiot fatter, but this little idiot was born with such a figure. No matter how much he ate, he couldn't gain weight, so he couldn't do anything with her.

Yin Nianxiao was afraid of disturbing Chi Yangyang's sleep, so he lowered his voice on the other end of the phone: "Then I won't disturb your couple's world. I'm going home first." "

Then Yin Nianxiao hung up the phone before Hang Jin could speak.

She is indeed my mother!

Hang Jin looked sideways at Chi Yangyang, who was sleeping like a pig in the passenger seat, and stretched out his hand to flick her delicate and fair face: "You said you little idiot, you are really fucking lovable. The picky middle-aged woman like my queen mother has also been poisoned by you. "

"Don't make trouble..." Chi Yangyang raised his hand and slapped his hand away, turned over, and continued to sleep.

"You!" In fact, Chi Yangyang has not slept very well since her parents passed away. She is often awakened by nightmares. She fell asleep in the car today. It seems that she is really tired.

Hang Jin couldn't bear to disturb her anymore, so he opened the car door gently, got out of the car, walked around to the passenger seat, opened the door, then gently held her in his arms, and took his wife home in the most manly way of a man. .

Chi Yangyang's height is not short, about 1.66 to 1.68 meters, but Hang Jin can't feel much weight at all when he holds her in his arms, just like a doll in his arms.

Hang Jin thought that he must find a way to make Chi Yangyang grow some meat. He couldn't go out in the future and make Mr. Chi feel that he, the husband, had treated this little idiot badly.

This girl Chi Yangyang is really a troublesome guy. When he hugged her, she dug her head into his arms and then continued to fall asleep.

It made Hang Jin feel itchy again. He swore, what the hell did he swear? He, Hang Jin, had always been an activist. No matter if it was in the elevator or if someone would come in, he lowered his head and went to look for Chi Yangyang. lip.

Sure enough, this girl's lips were still so sweet, making him wish he could kiss her like this for the rest of his life, never leaving her for even half a second...

Just when Hang Jin was enjoying his little sweetheart, the elevator reached the first floor and two people walked in one after another. Their eyes fell on Hang Jin and Chi Yangyang, but they did not affect Hang Jin's movements at all.

He just couldn't wait to kiss his little sweetheart right now.

However, they ignored the two unsightly eyes staring at them. One of the middle-aged women spoke: "This is a public place, so some people should pay attention to it."

Hang Jin rubbed Chi Yangyang's head into his arms and protected her well. He just turned his head to look at the middle-aged woman who was speaking. He didn't say a word. Just a cold look scared the woman to retreat. In the corner of the elevator. If the elevator could open a crack, Hang Jin's look would scare her so much that she could roll out of the crack.

Just when the middle-aged woman was trembling with fear, Hang Jin took out the elevator card with one hand and pressed the button for the nearest floor. Soon the elevator dinged and the two women rushed out obediently.

When the elevator door closed again, Hang Jin's eyes returned to Chi Yangyang and became gentle instantly. He lowered his head and kissed her on the forehead: "My little four eyes are still cute."

After returning home, Hang Jin put Chi Yangyang on the bed, took off her shoes and coat with his own hands, covered her in the bed, went to the bathroom to get a towel, soaked it with warm water and wring it dry, and then came out to wash her. She even wiped her face with her hands.

His hands moved diligently, and Hang Jin didn't stop talking: "My little ancestor, I must have owed you something in my previous life. You always say that I am the uncle. Who is the uncle between us? Do you usually treat me like this? Are you serious? I have never done these things before, so you must be kind to me, or I will kill you."

After doing all this, Hang Jin went to the restaurant to check the food that Yin Nianxiao sent me. The food was packed in a thermos bucket. When you open the lid, you can see that the soup is still steaming, and you can smell the aroma of the vegetables.

His Queen Mother was so considerate. She brought new meals. She also didn’t forget to take away the ones delivered yesterday and help them clean up the kitchen and dining room.

Hang Jin opened the refrigerator, and the empty refrigerator was also filled by the queen mother. It was full of vegetables and some soy milk products. When he was hungry, he could eat it with a simple process.

He knew Chi Yangyang's work well, so he never prepared food such as frozen meat in the refrigerator. He didn't expect that his queen mother could remember it so clearly. It seems that the old queen mother really loved Xiao Siyan'er as a daughter. .

In front of Yin Nianxiao and Chi Yangyang, he always said that Yin Nianxiao was partial and reminded Yin Nianxiao time and time again that he was her biological son. However, he was extremely happy in his heart that the wife he chose could make his mother love him so much.

After checking these, Hang Jin went to take a bath, thinking that when he came out of the bath, Chi Yangyang would wake up, and then they could eat together. After eating, he would pull her to do what he had always wanted to do. Things to do.

However, Hang Jin never expected that Chi Yangyang slept deeply and did not wake up. Hang Jin, who was lying next to her and tossing and turning, tried to wake her up several times, but when he saw the dark circles under her eyes, he give up.

Hang Jin kept persuading himself to endure it, and endure it some more. It's not like he hasn't endured it before. In the future, he must double the punishment he suffered tonight.

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