My Husband, Warm The Bed (CEO's Mistaken Wife)

Chapter 1891: Childhood sweethearts, please always like me

Chapter 1893: Childhood sweethearts, please always like me

Ye Zhiyang knows very well that Lan Feiyang's character is like this. If you treat her well, she will treat you ten times better. If she finds out that someone to whom she has been sincerely devoted has betrayed her, there will be no room for maneuver.

Ye Zhiyang wanted to go to the elders of both parties to persuade her and let her listen to his explanation. However, Ye Zhiyang didn't know how to explain to her, because it was a fact that he woke up in another woman's bed.

Even if he never thought about doing anything to be sorry for her, nor did he do anything to be sorry for her, but he let it happen, and let that woman come to his door with a big belly and ask him to take responsibility, then it would be as if he had held a hand in his hand. The sharp knife was inserted fiercely into Lan Feiyang's heart.

"Feiyang, what should I do?"

He hoped that she would hit him, scold him, or punish him in any way, but he asked her not to ignore him or ask for a divorce from him.

But, does he really have a chance to save her?

"Brother Jin, do you think you don't like me anymore?" In the car going home, even though he was wearing a seat belt, Chi Yangyang was still dishonest. From time to time, he stretched out his little hand to scratch Hang Jin, "You said you like it?" Oh my, don’t lie to me, or I won’t give you candy.”

"No." Hang Jin held the steering wheel with one hand and held her flailing hand with his free hand. "I like you. I have always liked you. It has never changed."

His voice had a deep and sexy tone that had been suppressed for a long time. If he hadn't been outside, he would have... But this annoying little girl didn't know how annoying she was, so she actually hugged his big palm with both hands and raised it to the soft He rubbed it on his face again and again: "Then why don't you look at me? Is it because I'm not cute enough?"

As if she realized something, she threw away his hand, found her cell phone randomly, turned on the phone's camera, looked at herself, and giggled: "No, I'm still the way you like me. I'm still so cute and invincible. Grandpa You say I am the cutest girl in the world, don’t you think so?”

Hang Jin: "..."

There are still times when his little four eyes are so shameless.

But it’s so cute like this!

"Brother Jin, your little four eyes are still your little four eyes, but you have changed. You don't even smile at me. You look so ugly." She turned her phone sideways, and Hang Jin's face also It’s caught in the camera, “Eggplant!”

She pressed the camera button randomly and fixed the appearance of Hang Jin and her on her phone. She stretched out her finger and poked: "How can my brother Jin be so good-looking?"

Hang Jin: "..."

He still didn't speak, but the corners of his lips that raised slightly when he heard her words betrayed his thoughts.

"My brother Jin is so good-looking, I want to hide him where other women can't see him." Chi Yangyang anxiously wanted to hide Hang Jin on the phone, hide it here and put it there, or hide it there. Feeling unsafe, "No, I can't hide it, I can't hide it anywhere."

She stroked her confused mind and thought for a while. A flash of light suddenly flashed through her hazy eyes. She raised her phone to her mouth and kissed her indiscriminately: "I want to leave my mark on Brother Jin, so that everyone can see it." Knowing that Brother Jin is mine, no one will compete with me. Hehe... I'm so smart, I'm really a genius."

After saying that, she kissed her cell phone again. Hang Jin was so angry that he reached out and snatched the phone back: "What's the kiss?"

When he is here, if she wants to kiss him, she rushes over to kiss him. If she wants to leave a mark on him, kiss him on the phone, or whatever.

"Brother Jin, are you really angry?" Even if you are drunk, you can't forget what is buried deep in your bones. Chi Yangyang always knows that if Hang Jin is really angry, the consequences will be serious.

She timidly shrank to one side, opened her two rabbit-like eyes and looked at him pitifully: "Brother Jin, what did I do wrong again?"

When Hang Jin saw this, his heart suddenly felt empty. He couldn't help but soften his voice again: "Little fool, how could Brother Jin be really angry with you. Don't be afraid."

"Hehe..." Hearing Hang Jin's words, Chi Yangyang smiled as happily as a child who stole honey. "Of course I know. I was teasing you just now."

Hang Jin: "..."

This girl is lawless when she's drunk.

In the past twenty years, he had made her drunk twice tonight, and her behavior after getting drunk was almost the same. That was why he had the opportunity to trick her into registering her marriage in the past few months.

"Brother Jin...Brother Jin..." Chi Yangyang blushed and called out the nickname that only belonged to her over and over again, "Only I can call Brother Jin, no one else is allowed."

Hang Jin: "..."

Is there any need for her to say it?

Besides her, who else had she seen call him that?

"Brother Jin..."


"Brother Jin..."


"Brother Jin..."


She called him countless times, and Hang Jin responded to her many times without any trace of impatience.

It's just that Hang Jin speeded up the car again. If you look closely, you can see that he was so forbearing that the veins on his forehead protruded.

Fortunately, Meise is not far from their home, it only takes more than ten minutes to drive there.

After the car stopped steadily in the parking lot, Hang Jin immediately got out of the car and took Chi Yangyang out from the passenger seat. Chi Yangyang immediately hugged his neck: "Brother Jin, I want you to do it to me again." Say you like me."

"Brother Jin will tell you later with practical actions how much brother Jin likes you." Hang Jin hugged Chi Yangyang and flashed to the elevator entrance like a gust of wind, pressed the elevator and went straight to the door of his home.

Hang Jin opened the door and entered the house in one go.

Tonight, at this very moment, he was going to enjoy his feast!

He put Chi Yangyang on the bed, and just about to get up, Chi Yangyang hooked his neck and kept her face on his chest: "Brother Jin, did grandpa leave because he didn't like me? ?”

she cried!

Hot tears wet the shirt on Hang Jin's chest, making his whole heart tremble. For a moment, he didn't want any kind of feast, he just wanted her to be happy.

It turned out that when she offered to go out for fun, she was not trying to relax and unwind, but was using alcohol to numb the pain of losing her loved one.

He opened his mouth, but not a word came out.

His silence scared Chi Yangyang.

"Brother Jin, please always like me, okay?" She grabbed the hem of his clothes tightly, slowly raised her head from his arms, and said with sparkling tears, "Promise me that you will always like me. ,OK?"

"Okay!" Hang Jin said.

As soon as the deep word "good" fell to the ground, her soft and hot lips pressed against it.

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