My Husband, Warm The Bed (CEO's Mistaken Wife)

Chapter 1915: Childhood sweethearts, because you are not Hang Jin

Chapter 1917: Childhood sweethearts, because you are not Hang Jin

Chi Yangyang came to the Cloud Cafe and instinctively straightened his uniform before entering the door.

Jiang Zhen is rigorous in his work and has high demands on the staff around him. He cannot be careless in dressing. Chi Yangyang has been with him for two years and naturally understands his character. He always remembers to keep a clear mind and tidy up his appearance in front of him.

After work, they would occasionally come here to drink two cups of coffee. The waiters were all familiar with them. As soon as Chi Yangyang entered the door, the waiter greeted him: "Forensic Doctor Chi, please come here."

The service staff took her to the second floor and to the small cubicle on the second floor: "Forensic Doctor Chi, do you still want orange juice?"

"Yes." Chi Yangyang nodded, turned to Jiang Zhen and smiled, "Teacher, I have kept you waiting for a long time."

"I just arrived too." Jiang Zhen immediately stood up and pulled out the seat for her. This had never happened before, and Chi Yangyang was not used to it. "Teacher, you're welcome."

Jiang Zhen frowned without any trace, but his tone did not change at all: "Yangyang, I have nothing to teach you anymore, and I am no longer your teacher."

"Once a teacher, always a father. Although you are a few years older than me, teacher, in my heart, I respect you just like my father. You were my teacher before, and no matter how many years go by, you will still be my teacher." My teacher." Chi Yangyang said this from the bottom of his heart, without any lies.

But it sounded particularly harsh to Jiang Zhen's ears. Could it be that she really couldn't feel his affection for her at all? Did she really not expect at all why he was looking for her today?

Not to mention, with Chi Yangyang's insensitivity to feelings, he might not have noticed it, otherwise he wouldn't have wasted two years of his best time in vain.

At that time, they went to work and off work together every day. He was the one who spent the most time with her every day, not Hang Jin, who thought he was arrogant and annoying.

"Yangyang..." Jiang Zhen called her name and tried to speak calmly, "How have you been lately?"

"Thank you, teacher, for caring. I'm fine." Chi Yangyang has always been respectful towards Jiang Zhen, and truly regards Jiang Zhen as her mentor. The more she behaves like this, the more uncomfortable Jiang Zhen feels, like It's a breath that's stuck, and I can't spit it out or swallow it.

Jiang Zhen, who has always been good at hiding his true emotions, endured it again and again, and finally he didn't want to endure it anymore: "Yangyang, don't you really understand why I came to you today?"

"Teacher, you didn't say, I..." Chi Yangyang was stunned for a moment, and then used her brain to think according to her thoughts, "Teacher, are you here for our case this time? What's new with you? Tell me if you find out?”

Jiang Zhen: "..."

Chi Yangyang rarely saw green veins beating on Jiang Zhen's forehead, which looked a bit like Hang Jin when he was angry, but she didn't understand where she made Jiang Zhen angry.

"Yangyang, I came to you today to tell you that I like you." Now that he had asked her out, Jiang Zhen stopped beating around the bush and said bluntly, "It's not the kind of admiration a teacher has for a student, but the kind of admiration a teacher has for a student. Do you understand what a man likes about a woman?”

"I, I don't understand." Chi Yangyang shook his head stupidly in shock. For a long time, he felt that he was hallucinating under the influence of Hang Jin's words. Otherwise, how could the teacher say the same thing as Hang Jin.

Jiang Zhen was speechless, because he was angry at Chi Yangyang. Even though he knew she wasn't emotionally aware, he still managed to make her angry. If it weren't for knowing her, he would have thought that she was sincerely angry with him.

"I really like you." Jiang Zhen said again, his tone seemed to contain overwhelming affection, "Do you like me at all?"

"Teacher, are you mistaken? I have always been your student." After a while of digestion, Chi Yangyang finally understood that this was really Jiang Zhen's confession to her, not an illusion caused by Hang Jin's words.

But she had never thought about this. How could he suddenly have feelings for her?

Chi Yangyang suddenly felt a little scared and at a loss.

Before, Hang Jin also confessed to her without any preparation. He said that he liked her.

At that time, just like today, she couldn't believe it at first, but she felt a little bit excited in her heart.

She was glad that Hang Jin liked her and not other women.

When Jiang Zhen said this to her, she felt only fear and panic in her heart, because she knew clearly that she had no other thoughts about Jiang Zhen and would definitely live up to Jiang Zhen's affection for her.

Jiang Zhen waited for a long time, waiting for her to digest, waiting for her to respond to him, but after waiting for a long time, he only saw Chi Yangyang's brows frowning deeper and deeper, as if he was troubled by his sudden confession.

Jiang Zhen couldn't wait any longer, and he didn't want to spend any more time waiting: "Yangyang, please say something."

Although it took a bit long, Chi Yangyang finally figured it out: "Teacher, I'm really sorry! I'm married, I'm Hang Jin's wife, and I can't respond to your love."

She said that because she was married and because she was someone else's wife, she couldn't respond to his love. So could he understand that she just couldn't cross the moral bottom line and didn't love Hang Jin?

If she wasn't married, would she be able to respond to his affection?

Jiang Zhen, who originally saw Chi Yangyang frowning and had no hope, suddenly came back to life in a daze: "Yangyang, tell me, tell me clearly. If you were not married, would you be able to Respond to my likes?”

"No!" This time Chi Yangyang didn't hesitate at all and answered very definitely, like a basin of ice water poured on Jiang Zhen's body, cooling him deep in his heart.

His lips trembled and he spoke with difficulty: "Why?"

Chi Yangyang said: "Because you are not Hang Jin."

"Why can Hang Jin do it, but I can't?" Yes, Jiang Zhen admitted that he and Chi Yangyang have not known each other as long as Hang Jin has known her, but he has never been more attentive to her than Hang Jin. few.

"Hang Jin can do it." Chi Yangyang's head is a little short-circuited again. She just thinks that Hang Jin can do it but Jiang Zhen can't. As for the reason, she didn't think of it for a moment, but there is an answer deep in her heart that seems to be rushing out. It's just a little bit different, but it's just a little bit different.

"Yangyang, you should know better than me why you registered your marriage with Hang Jin." There are some things that Jiang Zhen doesn't want to point out because he doesn't want to leave a bad impression on Chi Yangyang, but if he doesn't point it out, Chi Yang Yang probably won’t be able to figure it out for the rest of his life.

"Of course I know." Chi Yangyang suddenly felt a little sweet. Rather than saying that Hang Jin plotted against her, it was better to say that she was willing to be plotted by Hang Jin.

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