My Husband, Warm The Bed (CEO's Mistaken Wife)

Chapter 1922: Childhood sweetheart, it was not easy to chase her back then

Chapter 1924: Childhood sweetheart, it was not easy to chase her back then

Hang Zhenshan took his mobile phone and looked through it. The photos were very clear. He was having sex with a young woman, he was stroking the woman's round belly, and the woman was holding a child. He was there. Looking aside.

A few years later, when the child grew up and was about six or seven years old, he and the woman each held one hand of the child, with smiles in their eyes. Anyone who saw it would think they were a family of three.

After reading these photos, Hang Zhenshan returned the phone to Hang Jin with a calm expression, as if the people in the photos had nothing to do with him.

Hang Jin clenched his fists in anger. If the man in front of him was not his father, his fist would have fallen down long ago: "What else do you have to say?"

Hang Zhenshan said expressionlessly: "These things are not what you see."

"What I saw with my own eyes can be false?" Hang Jin gritted his teeth angrily, "Hang Zhenshan, are you still a man?"

Hang Zhenshan said: "If I were not a man, where did you come from? Did you pop out of the cracks in the rocks?"

Hang Jin: "If you could give me a chance to choose, I would rather not come to this world than have a father like you."

Hang Jin's words were ruthless, but Hang Zhenshan still had an indifferent expression that had nothing to do with him: "Whether you believe it or not, in short, I have never done anything to be sorry for your mother."

Hang Jin roared: "Hang Zhenshan, if you want me to believe it, it depends not on what you say, but on what you do."

Hang Zhenshan: "Do you know how your mother and I met?"

Hang Jin: "..."

They hadn't told him, so of course he didn't know, and he hadn't asked in all these years.

Hang Zhenshan added: "Your mother's family is well-known in the imperial capital, and her grandfather is in a high position. You have three uncles. Your mother is the only girl in their Yin family, and she is older than your uncle." She is several years younger. From the moment she was born, she was held in the palm of the family's heart and loved by everyone. From a young age, she had everything she wanted and where she wanted to go, someone would prepare it for her. Everything. I also heard that when she was in elementary school, she could not ride in a car or walk because her brothers rushed to carry her to school. They all loved this sister, loved her and protected her, and wanted to give her the best in the world. Give her everything."

The three uncles love their mother, and Hang Jin knows this. Every year when I return to the imperial capital during the Spring Festival, my three uncles come to pick up the family in person. After returning home, they hang around my mother.

"Later, your mother grew up and went to university. I met your mother on the university campus." Thinking of the past, Hang Zhenshan's eyes were particularly bright, and a smile appeared on the corners of his mouth involuntarily, "After entering campus I remembered your mother from the first day because she was so dazzling that it was impossible not to notice her.”

Hang Zhenshan smiled and continued: "On the first day of college, her three brothers escorted her to school like bodyguards. A young and beautiful girl was surrounded by three handsome boys. This was a perfect match. Beautiful scenery. All the students in the school knew that there was a new student named Yin Nianxiao in the first grade of University A. "

Hang Jin heard his mother talk about three uncles escorting his mother to college. Every time his mother mentioned them, she would smile from ear to ear. They say she has grown up, but her three uncles still treat her like a child.

Hang Zhenshan added: "Yin Nianxiao! She is just like her name. Whenever she sees her, she always has a slight smile on her face, which is so beautiful that people can't take their eyes away. In this way As she was excellent, many boys would naturally want to pursue her, but before she could refuse, her brothers would frighten those boys. Later, everyone was afraid of the methods of her three brothers and no longer dared to deal with her. Your mother has evil intentions."

"But your mother is so attractive. I was attracted to her unknowingly. Once I mustered up the courage to confess to your mother, I was beaten up by your three uncles without any surprise. They Warn me not to approach their sister again, otherwise there are ways to get me expelled from University A.”

以三个舅舅对母亲的疼爱程度,杭靳不难想象三个舅舅胖揍父亲的场面。 Thinking of Old Man Hang being raped, Hang Jin was extremely excited. There are people in this world who can deal with him.

Hang Zhenshan raised his head and looked at the bright moon hanging in the sky: "I know the power of your grandfather's family in the imperial capital, and I know that what your three uncles said is absolutely true. I dare not approach your mother again, and can only quietly stay in the distance. Look at her and think that if you study hard and become better, you will be qualified to like your mother. "

"I don't know what happened later. I never saw your three uncles in school again. Your mother came to me and said that she also liked me and agreed to date me. After we got married, I heard that your uncle Speaking of which, after I was beaten, your mother went home and cried sadly. Your three uncles felt sorry for my sister and naturally they didn’t dare to embarrass me again. "

Hang Jin interjected: "Grandpa and uncle put the child they raised in their hands into your hands. Look how you treat her. Are you worthy of their trust?"

Hang Zhenshan seemed to have not heard Hang Jin's words and said to himself: "At that time, the city of Jiangbei was in a period of rapid development. It was developing very fast, but its international reputation had not yet opened up. For the imperial capital, Jiangbei It can only be said to be a small city, and I am from this small city. My father and your grandfather have a high status in Jiangbei, but compared with the people in the imperial capital, they are insignificant. For the marriage between the Yin family, your mother chose a young boy like me who came from a small place."

"Of course your mother didn't choose me casually. That's because I am also very good. From the first day I entered the university, I studied hard and made myself the best student in the school so that everyone would notice. Me. Sure enough, my reputation in the school became more and more popular, and everyone in the school knew me, including your mother. Later, I confessed to her, and she said she also liked me. "

Hang Zhenshan said in a deep voice: "Hang Jin, you said that the girl I worked so hard to pursue, what reason do I have to do something sorry for her? What reason do I have to fall in love with another woman? I just want to put this girl of mine I give her the best things I can give her in my life, so that she can live happily every day.”

Hang Jin looked at Hang Zhenshan. Hang Zhenshan's eyes were so sincere that he didn't seem to be lying: "You also know that she is such an excellent woman, and you also know that it was not easy for you to be with her back then, but you touch Ask your conscience what you have done behind her back all these years."

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