My Husband, Warm The Bed (CEO's Mistaken Wife)

Chapter 1926: Childhood sweethearts, I didn’t expect to see each other again

Chapter 1928: Childhood sweethearts, I didn’t expect to see each other again

The two people in front of them may have done many murderous things without blinking an eye, and they are the kind of real villains, but in Hang Jin's eyes, these two people are almost like two dancing clowns at this time.

Hang Jin smiled and said: "Evil people don't need to use expressions to emphasize that they are evil people. You two always stare, don't your eyes feel uncomfortable?"

The two of them were dumbfounded and didn't respond.

Hang Jin flicked the dust on his shoulders and said, "Since you all let me come here smoothly, you must know the purpose of my coming. Then please take me to see the person I want to see."

After a full two seconds, the thinner of the two stepped forward and said, "Young Master Hang, our brother Chen knows that you are looking for him and has been waiting for him for a long time. But before seeing him, we have to trouble you to cooperate with our inspection. Work."

"Of course. I'm not here to fight with you today. I'll do whatever you say." Hang Jin raised his hands and said, "You can check however you want, but please move faster. I don't have the patience to accompany you." waste time."

The two of them hurriedly stepped forward. One checked Hang Jin's body, and the other checked Hang Jin's car. They made sure that he had no weapons or eavesdropping equipment on him, and then left his mobile phone behind before leading Hang Jin into the house. .

This building looks like other houses in the village. It is three stories high, with white tiles on the outside. The lobby on the first floor is also very ordinary. Without stopping on the first floor, the two led Hang Jin directly to the second floor.

Hang Jin thought that the second floor would be very different from the first floor. The decoration might be very luxurious and splendid, the kind that could blind people's eyes even if they didn't look at it. However, when he walked in and took a look, he knew the inside and outside of the house. They are all ordinary private houses, with nothing else except the necessary sofa, coffee table and a few decorations.

The two of them sent Hang Jin upstairs and exited silently. The person Hang Jin wanted to see was not there either, and now he was the only one left in the empty hall.

He looked around. The decorations in this room were few and ordinary, but there were subtleties everywhere. For example, the painting hanging in the center of the wall was equipped with a miniature pinhole camera that ordinary people could not find. , his every move was watched.

He came to the door alone, and that person didn't come out to meet him yet. What was he waiting for? Still don’t believe he came alone?

Hang Jin said: "I drove here for two hours alone, and no one even brought me a glass of water. Is this your way of hospitality?"

After finishing speaking, I heard the sound of the door of the room on the third floor opening. Immediately afterwards, a middle-aged man was supported by a young and beautiful woman, walking slowly and steadily from the stairs on the third floor step by step. Walking up from the second floor: "Brother Chen, you have gone to bed so late. Just leave this person to me. Why do you have to come to see him in person?"

Hang Jin recognized the woman who was speaking. She had met her in a bar not long ago and had planned on her. She called her Nineteenth Sister.

The middle-aged man said: "Because this is a distinguished guest, I must see him in person to show my sincerity."

As for this middle-aged man, Hang Jin couldn't be more familiar with him. To be precise, he should be someone whom I have known very well and who I have called uncle for more than 20 years.

Only now did Hang Jin clearly realize that he didn't know each other well after calling him uncle for more than 20 years.

Hang Jin was surprised, but the surprise was only fleeting in his eyes. The result surprised him but was unexpected. All the things he didn't understand were understood now.

It turned out that his guess was absolutely correct. Someone else died in the corpse dismemberment case two years ago, and it was not Chi Yishen.

Chi Yishen, who had been "dead" for two years, just changed his identity and started living again. He lives a carefree and comfortable life, but has he ever thought about what kind of life his only daughter has been living in the past two years?

The suspicion in his heart was confirmed, and Hang Jin didn't know whether to be happy or sad: "I really didn't expect to see you again in this life."

"Yeah, I never thought we would meet again under such circumstances." The middle-aged man was supported by Sister Nineteen as he walked downstairs and stood next to Hang Jin, like a kind elder. Looking at Hang Jin the same way, "Boy from the Hang family, how are you doing after not seeing each other for such a long time?"

Hang Jin smiled and said, "Uncle Youchi, if you take care of me like this, how can I have a bad life?"

"Hahaha..." the middle-aged man laughed, "I didn't expect you to be the same as before, speaking and doing things so casually, never thinking about the consequences."

"You're right. I, Hang Jin, am still the same Hang Jin as I was back then, and you are no longer the same person you were back then. It's not enough to die ten or eight times for what you have done now." Hang Jin looked at him, dead She looked at him with a dead look, as if she wished she could see through the other person's chest and see what color the heart inside was.

"Hang Jin, don't go too far..." Sister Nineteen shouted, but the middle-aged man stopped her with a gesture. She said dissatisfied, "Brother Chen..."

Brother Chen patted her hand, comforted her and then looked at Hang Jin: "Everyone will die sooner or later. You will not live for two more years just because you have done more good things, nor will you die more just because you have done more bad things." Times. Boy from the Hang family, do you think this is true? "

Looking at the disguised smiling face in front of him, Hang Jin deeply felt that he was still a little young. Compared with this old fox, his moral character was really nothing to mention: "Everyone will die. This is why you choose to embark on the road of crime." excuse?"

Brother Chen raised his hand and patted Hang Jin's shoulder gently: "Look at you, you are not as good as before. How could you call me uncle when you saw me before? Now you can't even call me uncle." It’s really less and less what a junior should be like.”

Hang Jin sneered: "Uncle? Are you worthy?"

Brother Chen had a smile on his face and looked so kind, but there was a hint of cruelty in his kind eyes: "Is it because you deceived my father-in-law that you don't take my father-in-law seriously?" "

"Shut up!" Hang Jin yelled suddenly, looking directly at Brother Chen, his eyes changed from disappointment to sharpness, "You have no right to shout the word Yang Yang from the time you chose this path of crime."

"Oh, I don't have the qualifications, so who does? You?" The smile on Brother Chen's face did not diminish, and he even laughed out loud, "Yangyang is my daughter, and my blood is flowing in her body. . Without me, she would not exist in this world. We are a father and daughter. This is a fact that no one can change. "

It's okay not to mention Chi Yangyang. When it comes to Chi Yangyang, Hang Jin can't keep calm anymore.

Today he will come alone first, just hoping to find a way to handle the matter without letting Chi Yangyang know the truth and be hurt.

He gritted his teeth and said: "If Yangyang knew that she had a father like you, I think she would rather let go of the last drop of blood in her body than admit that she is your daughter."

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