My Husband, Warm The Bed (CEO's Mistaken Wife)

Chapter 1929: Childhood sweethearts, who am I to you?

Chapter 1931: Childhood sweethearts, who am I to you?

When Hang Jin drove back to the community, it was already two o'clock in the morning.

At such a late hour, most people were asleep, but he saw two people at the entrance of the garage who should have gone to bed long ago. One was Chi Yangyang, and the other was his third cousin Yin Susu, whom he had not seen for several days.

When Hang Jin's eyes fell on Chi Yangyang, he clenched his fists involuntarily, fearing that the girl who was always slow would suddenly become smarter tonight and could tell something from his expression at a glance.

Knowing that the slow little idiot couldn't become smart all of a sudden, Hang Jin was still so nervous that his face looked abnormal.

After a few seconds, he quietly gathered his emotions and got out of the car. He deliberately did not look at Chi Yangyang and stepped forward to give Yin Susu a hug: "Third sister, you have come to Jiangbei many times, but you have never notified me in advance. This "You suddenly appeared downstairs in my house this time. Did you want to surprise me or scare me?"

Yin Susu looked at him and pretended to be dissatisfied: "When did you become stupid? Even if your third sister-to-be didn't tell you that I was coming to Jiangbei, couldn't you have guessed that I would definitely be there when he came to Jiangbei. Besides, wouldn't it be just that? You men are allowed to go out to play, but you are not allowed to come over and see Yangyang? "

There was something in Yin Susu's words. How could Hang Jin not understand her intention? He immediately cooperated and said: "Third sister, what I told Yangyang was to go out to work. Why did you expose my lies so quickly? Do you want to Should I kneel on the washboard when I go home?”

"I also saw that Yangyang was worried about you, so I told him that he was not going on a mission but to accompany your third brother-in-law." Yin Susu raised his hand and punched Hang Jin lightly, "Okay, it's getting late, since you are back , I’m going back to the hotel too. Let’s have a good time after a good sleep.”

"Third sister..." Hang Jin still had something to say, but Yin Susu said first, "Yang Yang was very worried about you just now. As a husband, you are not responsible at all for making your wife so worried. You have to reflect on it, otherwise I'll call your eldest and second sisters here some other day and ask them to vent their anger on Yangyang."

"You must not." There is a queen mother in the family protecting Chi Yangyang, which is already difficult for him to resist. If he collects three thousand gold from the Yin family, he is afraid that he will not live a peaceful life for a day.

"If you don't let them come, then you remember not to bully Yangyang, and don't let her worry about you anymore." After Yin Susu explained Hang Jin, he looked at Chi Yangyang again, "Yangyang, if Hang Jin dares to bully you, remember Call me and I’ll bring someone to take care of him.”

Chi Yangyang smiled: "Okay, third sister."

"Okay, I'm leaving. You guys should go home and have a rest early." Yin Susu waved her hand. A taxi just stopped on the side of the road with passengers, and she turned around and got in the car.

After watching Yin Susu leave, Hang Jin turned around. What was surprising was that Chi Yangyang, who was still smiling at Yin Susu, was now in tears, which made him feel so distressed that his liver trembled.

He immediately helped her wipe her tears: "My little four eyes, what's wrong with you?"

Chi Yangyang slapped his hand away and turned around to walk into the community. Hang Jin ignored the car parked at the intersection and hurriedly followed: "Why were you crying when you were fine just now?"

Chi Yangyang stopped and turned around: "Go and park the car. Cars parked indiscriminately will affect others. You should pay more attention in the future, you know?"

The little idiot cried so hard that he could still think that his failure to park the car would affect others. Hang Jin really didn't know what to say to this silly girl: "Okay, stop crying and come with me to park the car, okay?" good?"

Chi Yangyang ignored him and turned around to leave.

Hang Jin wanted to follow again, but he obeyed and stopped the car first. When he came home, he opened the door and saw Chi Yangyang sitting in the living room, looking at him with a pair of sad eyes.

Chi Yangyang's look made Hang Jin panic, as if he had done something sorry for her behind her back.

While changing his shoes, he asked: "Baby, what's wrong with you?"

Chi Yangyang continued to look at him with sad eyes: "Hang Jin, tell me honestly, where did you go tonight?"

Hang Jin changed his shoes, walked to her and sat down: "Didn't the third sister just say that in the future, the third brother-in-law will come out to chat with me."

"Who told you to sit down?" Chi Yangyang suddenly shouted loudly, which scared Hang Jin and stood up immediately, "Okay, okay, I won't sit down if you don't let me sit down. Baby, let's talk about something. Don't be anxious. I'm so anxious." I feel sorry for your body."

"Hang Jin, do you still know that you love me? If you really knew that you loved me, you wouldn't lie to me." As he spoke, Chi Yangyang's tears began to roll down again. He looked so pitiful and pitiful. .

Seeing Chi Yangyang's tears one after another like broken pearls, Hang Jin was so distressed that he couldn't help but soften his voice and coaxed her like a child: "Xiao Siyan, let's take care of it if something happens." Tell me, let’s not cry, okay?”

Chi Yangyang sniffed and said with tears in his eyes: "Hang Jin, tell me, who am I?"

"Little idiot, there's no need to ask, of course you are my wife."

Hang Jin wanted to put Chi Yangyang in his arms, but as soon as he made a move, he was stared at by Chi Yangyang's tearful eyes and retracted his hand.

Hang Jin knew that it would not be so easy today.

Even though this girl looks so weak that the wind could knock her down, her temper is as stubborn as a donkey's. It's hard for her to get out when she gets into the horns of a bull.

Suddenly, a bad premonition came into Hang Jin's heart. She would be worried about him and would keep asking him where he went tonight. Did he get some news from someone?

Hang Jin felt a little uneasy, worried that she was testing him after hearing some rumors.

Just when Hang Jin was uneasy, Chi Yangyang said again: "Do you still know that I am your wife?"

Hang Jin tried to hide his uneasiness with a smile: "What nonsense are you talking about?"

Hearing him speak so easily, Chi Yangyang shed more tears: "You have never regarded me as your wife, never."

Hang Jin felt extremely wronged: "Xiao Siyan, I don't regard you as my wife, who else can I regard as my wife?"

Chi Yangyang stared at him and wiped away her tears: "No matter what happens, you don't tell me, because in your heart you think I am still a child, a child who will never grow up."

Hang Jin asked the sky silently, if he treated her as a child, would he still marry her home?

You think I can't do anything well and I have to rely on you to help me solve everything, so you don't tell me anything. "

"I..." Hang Jin opened his mouth to explain, but Chi Yangyang interrupted him, "You don't need to explain, I know you miss me so much."

Hang Jin was also anxious: "Xiao Siyan, can you stop being so unreasonable?"

Chi Yangyang said with tears in her eyes: "I'm arguing with you, and you say I'm unreasonable. How dare you say you don't treat me as a stupid kid who doesn't understand anything."

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