My Husband, Warm The Bed (CEO's Mistaken Wife)

Chapter 1934: Childhood sweethearts, how to let go

Chapter 1936: Childhood sweethearts, how to let go

"My father and my mother have two tell me, before the murderer is found, how can I have the face to live the life I want to live?" Each of them asked her to give up on the past. That was because they were not her, I don’t know what kind of suffering she has endured in the past two years.

She didn't want to live a relaxed and comfortable life, but every time she closed her eyes and thought of the broken corpses on the ground, she had only one thought in her mind, even if it cost her own life, she would find the murderer.

"Yangyang, don't get excited."

"I'm not excited." Chi Yangyang bit her lip and tried to control her emotions. "Teacher, if you don't want to give me clues, I will look for them myself. I will find them sooner or later. But please don't try to persuade me again in the future. Let it go."

"Yangyang..." Just when Jiang Zhen didn't know how to persuade Chi Yangyang, his assistant knocked on the door of the office, "Forensic Doctor Jiang, the information has been sent over. Please go and take a look now."

Jiang Zhen patted Chi Yangyang on the shoulder: "Yangyang?"

Chi Yangyang took a deep breath: "I'm fine, I can work."

Jiang Zhen knows that she can, because she has always been very strong at work.

Hang Jin left the headquarters and went directly to the place where Yin Susu had arranged to meet. Unexpectedly, he arrived half an hour early. Yin Susu was earlier than him. She was already sitting there drinking tea.

Hang Jin walked to sit opposite Yin Susu and looked around. He didn't see the person he wanted to see: "Third sister, didn't you mean Jiangbei who came with Shen Jimo? Where are the others?"

When she heard the words "Shen Jimo", Yin Susu's eyes flickered obviously, but she quickly put it away: "He is busy with his business."

"Busy again?" Hang Jin heard news about Shen Jimo from Yin Susu again and again. It was Shen Jimo who was busy with work and said that the two of them had a good relationship. However, Hang Jin almost never saw the two of them together. He was very dissatisfied, "You said you two have been engaged for two years, why haven't you put marriage on the agenda? If a man really likes a woman, wouldn't he think of ways to marry the woman he likes home every day? He is good, all the time We have been engaged for such a long time, and we don’t even talk about getting married. We are always in a hurry, and I feel even busier than the leaders of the United Nations.”

"When will it be your turn to make irresponsible remarks about our affairs?" Yin Susu poured a cup of tea for Hang Jin and pushed it in front of him, "Drink it and shut your mouth."

Hang Jin said: "Third sister, it's not my business to care about you. I think if a man really likes a woman, just like I do to my little fourth child, I can't wait to stay with her 24 hours a day. . But look at your Mr. Shen, every time I ask you about him, you always say that he is busy. I think he doesn’t take you to heart at all. "

"Hang Jin!" Yin Susu increased her volume slightly and looked at Hang Jin dissatisfied. "I asked you to meet alone today because I wanted to ask you something. Don't talk to me about whether you have anything."

Hang Jin said: "Yin Susu, I'll just ask him casually. If you don't want to, forget it. Why are you nervous?"

"Am I nervous?" She seemed a little nervous. Yin Susu immediately changed the subject, "Boy, tell me honestly where you were last night? Why do you make Yangyang worried like that?"

Hang Jin folded his hands on his chest and said casually, "There are things you don't want to say, and there are things I don't want to say."

Yin Susu was so angry at his words: "I said, brat, are your skin itching?"

"Yin Susu, you are only three months older than me. Don't call her a stinky boy on the left or a stinky boy on the right." Hang Jin filled her cup with tea and said, "Let's have a good meal tonight. Let’s talk about something happy.”

Yin Susu is about the same age as Hang Jin. Her relationship with Hang Jin is better than that of the eldest and second sisters of the Yin family. They are also more chatty and talk about almost anything. But today Hang Jin refused to mention it to her. What happened last night.

Yin Susu also started to worry: "Who did you meet last night? Even I can't tell you?"

Hang Jin nodded.

Yin Susu is a sensible person. Hang Jin didn't want to say it. Not only did she not ask any more questions, she immediately changed the topic to what made Hang Jin happy: "You kid, tell me, how did you make Yang Yang nod? Married to you? You all got the certificate and you didn’t tell us that you are not afraid of grandpa spanking you.”

Hang Jin said with a smile: "Of course I'm afraid, but grandpa is reluctant to beat me."

Mr. Yin has three sons and one daughter, and the whole family dotes on the younger daughter. Later, the three brothers of the Yin family each gave birth to a daughter. Only the youngest daughter gave birth to a son, and the ratio was three to one. As a boy, Hang Jin naturally received special treatment.

The family includes the three cousins ​​above, who protect Hang Jin just like they protect a calf. Not to mention that the old man is reluctant to touch half of Hang Jin's hair, even the three young sisters are reluctant to be cruel to Hang Jin.

Regarding Hang Jin's love life, of course it is also the focus of everyone's attention. Everyone in the Yin family knows the existence of Chi Yangyang, but no one thought that Hang Jin could deceive the little girl so quietly.

When this matter was mentioned, the beating heart in Yin Susu's chest became very gossipy: "Ajin, please tell me how you got Yangyang to agree to get the certificate first?"

Hang Jin looked proud of who else could she marry if she didn't marry him: "I protected that little girl Yangyang when she grew up. She will marry me sooner or later. It is important for us to get the certificate early and late. I need to think of something."

Yin Susu stretched out her hand and flicked her fingertips on Hang Jin's forehead: "Boy, I am so precious to your little girl. You are reluctant to share your love experience with me, the third sister who loves you."

"You are not willing to tell me about you and Shen Jimo." Hang Jin has never concealed his love for Chi Yangyang, but how to get Chi Yangyang to nod and receive the certificate from him is not very bright. I won’t mention it in the future if I can.

Hang Jin mentioned Shen Jimo again. Yin Susu looked stunned and looked a little ugly, but she tried hard to keep smiling: "Why did you blame me again?"

"Yin Susu, feelings are your own business. It's inconvenient for us to interfere, but you also have a good mind." Hang Jin noticed that whenever Shen Jimo was mentioned, Yin Susu's expression was wrong. There must be problems between them. But Yin Susu didn't want to say it, and it was hard for him to expose it. After all, they had to resolve the matter between the two of them themselves.

Yin Susu looked a little dazed: "I know."

Hang Jin said again: "By the way, why did you come to Jiangbei suddenly without telling us in advance?"

Yin Susu said: "It's not because of you."

Hang Jin pointed at himself: "because of me?"

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