My Husband, Warm The Bed (CEO's Mistaken Wife)

Chapter 1940: Childhood sweetheart, bitten by him

Chapter 1942: Childhood sweetheart, bitten by him

Hang Jin had long legs and caught up with Chi Yangyang in two steps and pulled her back: "You little fool, what you just said, have the guts to say it again."

Chi Yangyang said with a smile: "You idiot, I said you, Hang Jin, are just a fool..."

Before the "zi" could be said, Chi Yangyang's lips were blocked by Hang Jin, who was so frightened that her whole body became stiff and motionless.

This was in the park, and there were so many people coming and going around, and soon someone looked over.

Chi Yangyang wailed in his heart, Uncle Hang, can we pay attention to the impact of this behavior on the appearance of the city?

Fortunately, Hang Jin quickly let go of her, but held her in his arms again with one hand. Chi Yangyang couldn't struggle away. When an ostrich hid in his arms, he pretended that passers-by didn't see her. , Well, as long as she can't see passers-by, passers-by can't see her.

However, soon, Chi Yangyang heard Hang Jin's domineering voice: "What are you looking at? What's wrong with me kissing my wife?"

Chi Yangyang: "..."

There's nothing wrong with him kissing his wife, but please pay attention to the occasion, okay?

Is this a park, not his own small garden? Or does Mr. Hang think that all parks in the world are his back gardens?

Chi Yangyang suddenly wanted to say something, I don't know this person at all.

But it was impossible. Uncle Hang's possessive hug was so threatening that she could hardly breathe, let alone break away from his arms and say something that would definitely make him angry.

The people around him were frightened by Hang Jin's fierce eyes. Who dared to take a casual look and walked away dejectedly. People passing by behind them went out of their way to avoid them, as if they were forcing the gods of plague.

Hang Jin then let go of Chi Yangyang and saw that Chi Yangyang's face was as red as a red persimmon, and a proud smile appeared on his face: "Chi Yangyang, I am your man, I want to kiss you What happened to me when I kissed you?”

Chi Yangyang was speechless and even wanted to bite him twice, but they were very different in height, shape and strength, so she could only say: "Hang Jin, can we pretend not to know each other when we go out in the future? "

Hang Jin pinched her face: "Chi Yangyang, if you let me hear words that make me unhappy again, I will carve the words "Hang Jin's wife" on your face. I Look how you still pretend that you don't know me. "

Chi Yangyang knew that Uncle Hang sometimes took pleasure in scaring her, thinking that he could scare her, so she insisted on confronting him: "Hang Jin, I will pretend that I don't know you when I go out from now on. If you have the ability, Just carve words on my face.”

"Little fool, you think I don't dare, right?" The smile on Hang Jin's face was so evil that it made Chi Yangyang's back feel cold. She felt that she should give in, otherwise this uncle Hang might really be able to tell She could do it, but before she opened her mouth, Hang Jin had already taken action.

He opened his mouth and bit her face.

"Hang Jin, what are you doing? Your bite hurts me!" This smelly man bit her, and also bit her face. It hurt so much that Chi felt that the flesh on her face was about to be bitten off by him, Only then did he let her go and looked at her with his deep eyes, "No matter how courageous you are, little four eyes, there are some things that I said you can't touch, so you can't touch them."

Chi Yangyang touched the face that had been bitten by him, with tears welling up in his eyes: "Asshole!"

Hang Jin came close to her and breathed warm breath into her ear: "It's not like you just knew that I'm a bastard today."

Chi Yangyang forced the tears back from her eyes, glared at him fiercely, turned around and left.

"Little four eyes..." Hang Jin immediately caught up, but Chi Yangyang was really angry this time. There were many people and green plants around, and she was much smaller than Hang Jin, so it was much easier to move. So Hang Jin spent some effort to catch up with her.

Chi Yangyang shook his hand away hard, but did not throw it away. He was so anxious that he laughed at him and yelled: "Let go!"

Hang Jin is thick-skinned, and not ordinary. Not only did he not let go, he also held Chi Yangyang in his arms: "Don't let go."

Chi Yangyang: "I want you to let go."

Hang Jin shook his head: "I won't let you go if I tell you not to."

Chi Yangyang yelled at him angrily: "Hang Jin, what am I mine?"

Hang Jin: "Of course it's my wife."

"Wife? Do you really think of me as your wife?" Chi Yangyang gave him another hard fist, but the man's muscles were so strong that it hurt her hand. "If you don't tell me if you want to bite me, just bite me." Bite me, is this how a wife should be treated? I see that you only regard me as your pet."

Hang Jin still looks like a second-generation ancestor who takes it for granted: "You underestimate me too much. Do you think I don't refuse anyone who comes? Do you think I can bite no matter who it is? Besides you, you also Who did I bite?"

Chi Yangyang: "..."

She almost laughed out loud at his arrogant words.

How could there be such a person in this world, but this person was still her man.

What evil did she, Chi Yangyang, commit in her previous life?

She wanted to leave again, but Hang Jin held her hand tightly and she couldn't leave.

Hang Jin said again: "Then let's go home."

Chi Yangyang: "Who wants to go home with you?"

Hang Jin: "I will tell you everything you want to know when I go home, without missing a word."

Chi Yangyang: "..."

She didn't want to compromise, but she had to compromise, because as long as this man didn't let go, she couldn't do anything.

Chi Yangyang came home very angry. She didn't want to pay attention to Hang Jin, a bastard, but then she thought that Hang Jin had said that he would tell her everything she wanted to know when he got home, so she didn't go anywhere after returning home. Go and sit on the sofa: "Just tell me."

However, Hang Jin not only ignored her, but also turned around and went into the storage room. When he came out again, he held the small medical kit that Chi Yangyang often used.

He came and sat next to her, and under Chi Yangyang's angry gaze, he said unhurriedly: "Although I didn't bite the skin on your face, I think I still need to disinfect it, just in case. .”

Chiyang stared at him, but didn't speak.

She's not a child anymore, don't think the trick of giving her a slap and then taking a candy will work for her.

Chi Yangyang didn't speak, but it didn't affect Hang Jin at all. He took out the medical disinfectant alcohol, dipped it in with a medical cotton swab, and gently applied it on the mark of his bite: "I am measured, I just bite you and hurt you, But the bite marks will disappear and no scars will be left.”

Chi Yangyang still didn't speak, her watery eyes widened, but it was not difficult to see that tears would soon roll out of the corners of her eyes.

Hang Jin took a mirror and held it in front of her: "See for yourself, are the tooth marks very shallow?"

Chi Yangyang subconsciously glanced at herself in the mirror. The tooth marks on her face were indeed not obvious, but her pitiful look of wanting to cry or not made her look like she had been greatly wronged.

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