My Husband, Warm The Bed (CEO's Mistaken Wife)

Chapter 1944: Childhood sweethearts, I want you to marry me

Chapter 1946: Childhood sweethearts, I want you to marry me

In the past, Shen Jimo always felt that there was not enough time once he started working. But tonight, because his mind was not here, it seemed like several days had passed not long after the meeting started.

After all, he couldn't rest assured when he couldn't wait for the news from Yin Susu: "You continue the meeting, I'll be back in a moment."

After explaining, he stood up and left.

After the team members watched him leave, several of them exchanged glances. Only Miss Yin Jiasan could make their Mr. Shen leave in the middle of the meeting.

It's just that they don't understand that Mr. Shen clearly pretends to be Miss Yin San in his heart. The two of them are already an unmarried couple, but they are so alienated from each other.

They had too many questions in their minds, but no one had the courage to ask them. They could only let the seeds of doubt sprout quietly in their hearts.

The room Yin Susu booked was on the twenty-eighth floor. It was a two-bedroom suite.

Shen Jimo went to the room to put his luggage on the night he arrived, and never came back again, but he remembered the room number very clearly.

Shen Jimo had the room card, but he did not use the room card to open the door. He raised his hand and knocked on the door. After waiting for several seconds, there was no movement in the room, and then he took out the room card and opened the door.

With a click, the door opened, and the scene in the room made him stop abruptly...

Wherever there is a sick woman in the house, there is clearly a seductive temptress!

Seeing Yin Susu, who was dressed in sexy and almost transparent clothes, a surge of anger rushed into Shen Jimo's forehead. He looked at her coldly, then turned around and left.

Knowing that she likes to lie to him, knowing that she is a habitual liar in front of him, knowing... but he still falls for her again and again, like a fool.

He had just taken two steps when Yin Susu's arrogant voice came from behind: "Shen Jimo, if you dare to leave, I don't know what I will do."

Her words made him stop. He turned around and looked at her with a heavy gaze. For a long time, Yin Susu thought he couldn't speak. Then he spoke slowly and lowly: "Yin Susu, tell me, what exactly do you want me to do?" , are you satisfied?”

His voice was low and mixed with anger, and veins appeared on his forehead. He seemed to have endured her to the extreme.

She could clearly see his anger, his eyes, his expression, every tiny movement on his body told her that he didn't want to tolerate her anymore, and she wanted to stay away from her.

There have been countless times when a girl's self-esteem told Yin Susu to forget it, he doesn't love you.

However, the reluctance and stubbornness in her heart made her say something like this: "Shen Jimo, I want you to marry me. If you marry me, I will be satisfied."

She had wanted to say this to him for a long time, and had thought about it for a long time, but she never had the courage, because she knew that he would definitely not agree, and would even look at her with his cold eyes and tell her not to Wishful thinking.

"Okay!" He said, a simple word that made Yin Susu's heart tremble. What did she just hear?

He said yes!

He promised to marry her!

Before saying these words, she thought about many possibilities, but she never thought that he would agree.

Did she hear it wrong because she was hallucinating?

Just when Yin Susu was agitated and didn't believe it, she heard Shen Jimo's emotionless voice: "Go back to the imperial capital the day after tomorrow. I'll see you at the Civil Affairs Bureau then."

"Ah..." Yin Susu couldn't keep up with his rhythm. When she came to her senses, she nodded repeatedly, "Okay."

But just when he nodded, she saw a smile on Shen Jimo's face, not a happy smile, but a mocking sneer.

Her heart felt as if someone had punched her hard for a moment, and the pain was so painful that she could almost lose her balance.

And he, under her gaze, turned around again and walked away.

Just like many times before, decisive and decisive!

One night is very short, so short that it seems to last as long as you close your eyes and open them again.

Hang Jin slept very poorly last night and watched Chi Yangyang lying next to him from time to time. He was worried that the little fool would wake up in the middle of the night and cry silently alone, and that she would have another nightmare.

Unexpectedly, she slept soundly, sleeping better than a pig, and there was no sign of waking up even after three hours of sunrise.

There was nothing busy in the team these two days, so there was no need to rush to work, so Hang Jin let her continue sleeping. He lay next to her and watched her sleep.

I don't know how long it took, but Chi Yangyang turned over, blinked, and finally woke up.

As soon as he opened his eyes, Hang Jin lowered his head and kissed her on the forehead: "Good morning!"

"Morning!" She was drowsily asleep, "What time is it?"

"It's almost ten o'clock."

"Ah? It's so late, why didn't you wake me up earlier? I'm going to be late." Chi Yangyang turned over and was about to get up, but was pulled back by Hang Jin's long arm.

He pressed his forehead against the top of her head and rubbed it: "It's already late anyway, why should we be anxious?"

"Uncle Hang, what's your theory?" Chi Yangyang pushed him away angrily, "Stop making trouble, I'm going to work."

"Chiyangyang!" Hang Jin suddenly called her name seriously.

Chi Yangyang was stunned: "Huh?"

Hang Jin pinched her face: "Do you remember what happened last night?"

Chi Yangyang said with a smile: "I'm not a goldfish and only have three seconds of memory. How could I forget it?"

Hang Jin stared at her without speaking, and the two of them were very close, making Chi Yangyang want to hide: "What do you want to say to me?"

He hugged her: "We will go to Antarctica in a few days."

Chi Yangyang nodded: "Okay."

Hang Jin took her hand in his palm and held it tightly: "You promised me not to break the contract."

Chi Yangyang nodded again: "Yes."

Only then did Hang Jin let her go: "I must remember it!"

Chi Yangyang was very impatient, but still nodded obediently: "I remember."

Chi Yangyang was in the team with Hang Jin, but when she was busy at noon and wanted to ask Hang Jin to have lunch together, she couldn't find Hang Jin. She didn't know when she asked other people. She called Hang Jin again but... Can't get through.

Because of what happened that night, Chi Yangyang was worried. She first called Ye Zhiyang and others to inquire about the news. They all agreed that Hang Jin had not contacted them for several days.

Chi Yangyang called Yin Nianxiao again to inquire about the news. Hang Jin was not at Hang's house.

Finally, Chi Yangyang called Yin Susu again and got the same answer. Hang Jin did not contact Yin Susu today.

After thinking for a while, Chi Yangyang suddenly thought of something.

Hang Jin told her this morning that she would travel to Antarctica in a few days. Does that mean they have quietly taken action against her father?

After having this idea, various complex emotions emerged in Chi Yangyang's heart.

She hopes that they will try their best to catch those who have done bad things, but at the same time, she is afraid of actually catching her father...

In the final analysis, she is still selfish, because if she had such a father, she would not be able to continue her job now.

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