My Husband, Warm The Bed (CEO's Mistaken Wife)

Chapter 1947: Childhood sweethearts, love is just an illusion

Chapter 1949: Childhood sweethearts, love is just an illusion

"Let's go to the cemetery first. I want to talk to my mother." Chi Yangyang said softly, then looked away at the scenery passing behind the car window.

She was born and raised in Jiangbei, and all her relatives and friends are in Jiangbei. She always thought that she was very familiar with this city, but now she feels as if she has never known this city.

The streets are busy with traffic, and there are tall buildings on both sides of the streets. These are scenes she sees every day when she goes to and from get off work, but at this moment, she feels so unreal, like she is in a dream, and this dream consumes took all her energy.

She tried hard to hold on, but it seemed that her strength was almost exhausted and she couldn't hold on anymore.

At this moment, a warm big hand reached out and held her hand, holding it firmly in the palm: "Chi Yangyang, I'm here."

Yes, Hang Jin is here!

He's always there.

He has been by her side since she was born.

But she didn't forget that he also disappeared for a while. During the time when she was most frightened and helpless, when she had nightmares all day long, he didn't know which corner of the world he was in.

He disappeared for nearly two years and did not come back until this year. When he returned to her, he used his own methods to get her to go to the Civil Affairs Bureau with him to get a marriage certificate and make her his wife.

Yes, now she is his wife and he is her husband. He has given her the strength that others cannot give her, the warmth that others cannot give her, and the peace of mind that others cannot give her.

From childhood to adulthood, she has become accustomed to relying on him without realizing it. No matter what happens, as long as she knows that he is there, as long as she hears his voice, as long as she smells his breath, even if she is in the icy cold current , she will also feel very warm and at ease.

The warmth and peace of mind that Hang Jin could give her made her greedy, but she was also afraid that he would disappear from her life again, that she would not be able to find him no matter what when she needed him, and that she would never be independent again. .

But she also knew very well that no one in this world could be trusted except herself, not even her closest blood relatives.

Thinking of this, Chi Yangyang withdrew his hand in a panic and said without looking at him: "Drive well, safety first."

Hang Jin didn't speak anymore, but looked at her with worry.

After about half an hour, they arrived at the cemetery.

Hang Jin parked the car and instinctively wanted to go up the mountain with Chi Yangyang.

But Chi Yangyang looked at him coldly: "I want to talk to my mother alone, so just wait for me here."

In the past, Hang Jin would definitely have said: "You asked me to wait for you here, and I will wait for you here? I want to go up the mountain with you, what can you do to me?"

But today Hang Jin just nodded: "Okay."

Chi Yangyang tried his best to smile at him: "Thank you!"

"Don't smile like this at me. This smile is uglier than crying. It's so ugly." Hang Jin frowned in disgust, but the movement of rubbing her head was gentle, "Go ahead, I'll wait for you here. No matter how long it takes.”

"Well." Chi Yangyang turned around and left, but the words Hang Jin just said kept repeating in his mind. He was waiting for her, no matter how long it took.

Chi Yangyang spent a lot of money to buy the cemetery of his parents. It is a Feng Shui treasure land mentioned by Feng Shui masters. The scenery is particularly good. You can see the sea view of Jiangbei from a distance and the cityscape of Jiangbei from a distance.

However, because no one had taken care of it for a long time, weeds had grown over in front of the tombstone, blocking the excellent view of the scenery.

It has been more than two years and nearly three years since the incident, during which Chi Yangyang has only been here four times, during the Spring Festival and the anniversary of his parents' death. It's not that she doesn't want to come, it's that she's afraid to come. Every time she comes, it's like she has experienced the tragedy two years ago, and it takes several days to catch her breath.

She started to clean up the weeds in front of the tomb, and after finishing the cleaning, she knelt down in front of her parents' tombstones: "Dad, Mom... Yangyang, the unfilial child, has come to see you. Yangyang once said that he won't have the nerve to come to see you until he finds the murderer. Now the murderer has been found..."

She called her parents because she was unwilling to admit that the still-living Chi Yishen was her father. Her father had been killed more than two years ago, and the ashes lying here were her father. Not the one in jail.

Chi Yangyang was unwilling to admit the cruel reality, but she knew very well that the man in the prison was her father, and whose ashes might be in the urn under the tombstone.

Chi Yangyang didn't even dare to think about how painful and desperate her mother must have felt when she knew what Chi Yishen had done. He was the person she loved most. The two of them had shared the same bed for so many years, and she had given birth to children for him. A woman, who worked with him to provide for his parents until their death, she always thought that he loved her deeply, but she never expected that in the end it was him who killed her.

When her mother was murdered, the man she loved so much and whom she thought she loved so much was watching from the side...

"Mom..." Chi Yangyang struggled to call out the two words, and tears rolled out of his eyes uncontrollably.


Why it came out like this?

Ever since she was little, her parents have always felt very loving to her. There are two things that Chi Yangyang remembers particularly clearly.

When my mother burned her hands while cooking, my father was extremely nervous at the time. He helped her briefly treat the burn, and then took her to a clinic in the community to make sure that her injury was not serious before he felt relieved.

From then on, my father took on all the work in the kitchen and never let my mother enter the kitchen again.

Someone joked that he was a grown man who didn't love the country and the kitchen. He always responded with a smile. If a man can't even take care of his wife and children, how can he have the face to talk about the country?

My mother always smiles secretly when she hears his words.

It can be seen from the mother's smile that she is happy, happy to be loved by a man.

Another time, a bizarre murder occurred in Linshi, Jiangbei. My mother and another colleague were ordered to go to support. On their way back from work, they encountered a landslide and their car was buried.

After my father received the news, he drove there as quickly as possible. He was obviously in Linshi, but he was faster than the rescuers because he arrived in time and saved the lives of his mother and colleagues.

After returning home that day, his father was so angry that he scolded his mother. It was the first time that Chi Yangyang remembered that his father had been so angry, and it was also the first time that he had scolded his mother.

He yelled at his mother angrily: "I told you that the road is not safe after the heavy rain, and I asked you to come back a day later. You are still rushing back. Do you think you are so lucky that even the Lord of Hell dare not take it away?"

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