My Husband, Warm The Bed (CEO's Mistaken Wife)

Chapter 1949: Childhood sweethearts, can you still believe in love?

Chapter 1951: Childhood sweethearts, can you still believe in love?

"If you use deadly poison, there is no need to take a dagger." Hang Jin's expression was relaxed and he was sure, but he was a little panicked in his heart.

He knew very well what kind of person Nineteenth Sister was. He knew she might appear, but he didn't tell Chi Yangyang in advance.

He thought that he had already arranged everything, thought that everything was under his control, and thought that Sister Nineteen would be in his hands sooner or later, but he did not consider that any small mistake might cost Chi Yangyang. life.

Hang Jin stepped forward in two steps to help Chi Yangyang up, and used his fingers to explore her breath. The breath was weak but even, she was fine, and he felt more at ease.

"Hahaha..." Sister Nineteen raised her head and laughed, "Men are all the same. For the sake of their own future, ideals, ambitions or self-righteous decisions, they can gamble with a woman's life. I doubt she really is. The woman you love?"

"Take the person back." Hang Jin gave the order directly and asked people to take the 19th sister away. He picked up Chi Yangyang and pressed her hard into his arms, "Xiao Siyan, I'm sorry..."

He didn't know that Chi Yangyang in his arms slowly opened his eyes.

The night was as dark as splashed ink.

Chi Yangyang held a long knife in her hand, and she cut people when she saw them. She saw more and more people falling down, and more and more people fell down. After a while, she was surrounded by corpses, but she felt that it was not enough, and she was still waving it. With a long knife, he screamed: "I will kill you, kill you all..."

"No, no, no, I don't want to kill, I don't want..." She seemed to suddenly wake up, dropped the long knife, and ran hard, trying to escape from the dark abyss, but no matter how hard she tried, she couldn't escape.

Suddenly, a vague figure stood in front of her. The long knife she had thrown away returned to her hand at some point. She raised her hand and slashed with the knife, causing blood and flesh to fly everywhere. She was so frightened that she dropped the knife and thought again. She ran, but it was as if someone was hugging her legs and she couldn't run: "Chi Yangyang, Chi Yishen's blood is flowing in your body, and there is violence factor in your blood. You belong to us. World, light does not belong to you.”

"No, no, no, I'm not, I'm not, let me go, let me go, I don't want to kill anyone, I don't want to, don't force me..."

"Little four eyes! Little four eyes! Wake up, wake up quickly!" Hang Jin's voice pulled Chi Yangyang out of her dream. When she woke up, she clenched her hands as if she was still holding a handful. knife.

She looked at Hang Jin and couldn't tell whether she was in a dream or where she was: "Did I kill someone?"

Hang Jin patted her back and comforted: "No, you didn't kill anyone, you just had a nightmare."

"Are you just having a nightmare?" But why did she feel that this dream was so real, so real that she seemed to have actually killed someone.

Is it true that, as Chi Yishen said, her body has his blood and his genes, so like him, she will one day discover the violence in her bones?

"Yes, it's just a dream. It'll be fine when you wake up." Fortunately, Hang Jin was there, and his low and deep voice pulled her out of the illusory dream in time. She leaned into his arms and looked up. Looking at him, "Hang Jin, what kind of person do you think I am?"

Hang Jin held her in his arms and rubbed her forehead gently with his chin: "You are just a little fool."

Chi Yangyang bumped his chest lightly with his head in dissatisfaction: "I'm asking you very seriously, don't perfunctory me."

Hang Jin hugged her and warmed her with his body temperature: "in my heart, you are just a little fool."

Chi Yangyang glared at him and turned over angrily, trying to distance herself from him, otherwise she would not be able to help but want to beat him.

But as soon as she acted, Hang Jin pulled her back and pressed her in his arms. His pleasant male voice sounded above her head: "You are a person with a strong sense of justice and strong principles. As long as the principles are not involved, Sexual issues are easy to discuss here, but when it comes to matters of principle, you must stick to your principles.”

"Then do you think it's good or bad to be very principled?" Chi Yangyang didn't know whether he was happy or unhappy when he heard this comment. Her personality is said to be very principled, but it is said to be bad. They are stubborn and don't know how to turn around, they are not tactful enough, and they don't understand the ways of the world.

Hang Jin kissed her forehead and said, "Everything in this world is relative, and nothing is absolute. Being principled is very good in some aspects, especially those related to your current work, but in life Sometimes you still need to change your mind, you can’t be stubborn, you still have to be flexible.”

Chi Yangyang understands what Hang Jin is referring to, and she is willing to think about the good things. But Chi Yishen's matter is a mark on her life. Even if she doesn't think about it, others will think about it. pointing behind his back.

She is just an ordinary person, and she has not been able to completely ignore other people's opinions.

The profession of forensic medicine itself requires keeping the family clean, so she is not qualified to continue doing it.

She wiped away the disturbing thoughts and said, "I'll go see Sister Feiyang tomorrow."

"We'll talk about tomorrow's matters tomorrow, and go to bed tonight."

"But I don't want to sleep." She was afraid of having nightmares again when she fell asleep, afraid that she would become the evil person in the nightmare, and afraid that she would wake up and become another person. There were so many things she was afraid of.

It's not that Hang Jin doesn't understand her fear, but he doesn't know how to share it with her: "Xiao Siyan'er, let the past go. There is still a long road ahead. Let's walk the road together."

"I know, you don't need to tell me." Chi Yangyang moved into his arms and whispered, "Do you think you can't trust anyone in this world except yourself?"

"What are you talking about again? Don't you still believe me?" Hang Jin suddenly raised his voice, "Don't think that all men are Chi Yishen."

Chi Yangyang suddenly fell silent.

Hang Jin realized that what he said was wrong, and lowered his head to rub her again: "Xiao Siyan, it doesn't matter if you can't trust others, but you have to trust me."

Chi Yangyang still didn't answer, and Hang Jin said again: "I know it's hard for you to accept Chi Yishen, and I also know that your heart is not as peaceful as you see on the surface, but you have to believe me, You want me to accompany you."

Chi Yangyang did not respond.

Can she still believe in love?

In his opinion, Chi Yishen loved her mother so much. If her mother burned a finger on her hand, he would be sad for a long time... But then, the woman he said he loved was stabbed in front of his eyes...

Thinking of this, a wave of nausea and vomiting rushed up Chi Yangyang's throat. She rolled out of bed and ran into the bathroom. She vomited until the bile came out, but the nausea did not disappear.

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