My Husband, Warm The Bed (CEO's Mistaken Wife)

Chapter 1953: Childhood sweethearts, I don’t want to play with you

Chapter 1955: Childhood sweethearts, I don’t want to play with you

"Yin Susu, do you still know who you are? Have you forgotten how high-spirited you once were? Have you forgotten that you are the apple of the eye of the Yin family? Who do you want to show by showing this pitiful appearance now? Me? Or the Yin family?" Shen Jimo turned around, his piercing eyes on her face, he opened her fingers one by one while looking at her, and called her name one by one, "Yin Susu , If you want to play, find someone who can afford it to accompany you. I, Shen Jimo, can't afford it."

"Shen Jimo, what do I want to play with?" Yin Susu shook his head, "How can you miss me so much? I'm not playing. I never thought of playing with you. I really want to live a good life with you."

"Do you want to live a good life with me?" He suddenly smiled. He was already good-looking. This smile drove away the coldness between his eyebrows and made him look much better. However, this smile only lasted a few days. Within seconds, the smile on his face was replaced by anger, "Do you still want to tell me that you love me?"

"Yes, I just love you, I'm hopelessly in love with you." Yes, she just loves him, I'm hopelessly in love with you. If not, why would she be engaged to him? Why marry him? In the final analysis, it was because I fell in love with him, so much that I was willing to give everything for him.

She once heard someone say that in the world of love, the one who is tempted first is always the passive one. The one who doesn't love is the one at the helm of this love and has the right to speak. But she doesn't think so. She thinks love is equal, and as long as you pay, you will definitely get something. But now she seems to have to believe what others have said.

Not only was Shen Jimo not surprised by her confession, but he found it extremely funny.

He looked at her, she looked at him, and then he laughed softly: "Yin Susu, I, Shen Jimo, can't afford the game of love."

Yin Susu: "..."

She wanted to say something, but when she opened her mouth, no words came out. Her heart seemed to be suddenly pinched, making her almost breathless.

Just when she was almost numb with heartache, she heard him say slowly in his cold tone: "Please leave my house immediately, and don't show up in my house again in the future."

After saying that, he ignored her expression, took a long step, and left.

Yin Susu stood there blankly, unwavering for a long time, just standing there stupidly, tears falling uncontrollably.

It was obviously still autumn and the weather was not too cold yet, but Yin Susu felt like she was in an ice cellar. The cold wind seemed to be blowing from all directions, making her tremble all over.

Maybe she was really wrong. Her mistake was falling in love with a man who didn't love her...

Jingle Bell……

The harsh ringing of the phone broke the silence in the room, and Yin Susu's consciousness slowly recovered.

She took a deep breath and tried to stabilize her emotions before answering the phone: "Hello?"

"Yin Susu, this young master is flying to the imperial capital right away. I will arrive at the airport in two hours. You can pick me up at the airport on time." What came on the phone was Hang Jin's voice, which was as arrogant as the king of heaven. It was obviously an annoying tone. However, hearing it felt warm in her ears.

She really wanted to cry to him on the phone and cry out all her grievances and unwillingness, but she didn't want others to see her embarrassed side, not even her blood relatives.

She bit her tongue hard and used the pain to stimulate herself: "Okay."

Hang Jin on the other end of the phone: "Yin Susu, do you have a cold?"

Yin Susu shook his head and tried his best to make his voice sound pleasant: "No."

Hang Jin is not that easy to fool: "Yin Susu, I hear your voice is wrong. Don't hide anything from me."

Yin Susu promptly changed the subject: "Why did you choose the night flight?"

Hang Jin: “Because flights are cheaper at night.”

Yin Susu: "Don't come here."

Hang Jin added: "Because I miss someone and want to see her as soon as possible."

After Chi Yangyang left the day, Hang Jin was busy day and night for a few days. He just finished his work and without delay, he bought a plane ticket to come to the imperial capital to see the old man. After reporting to the old man that he was safe, he also He's going to find his little idiot.

That woman was really cruel. He had been searching for so many days before he found any clues about her direction of departure.

Yin Susu: "You mean Yangyang won't come to the capital with you?"

Hang Jin: "Yeah."

Yin Susu: "Then don't say any more. I'll prepare now and pick you up at the airport later."

Hang Jin: "If it's inconvenient for you, don't come. I'll just take a taxi myself or ask the driver to come."

Yin Susu: "Your eldest young master is back. No one is picking you up at the airport. If grandpa and others find out, we won't have a good life. Okay, I'll go clean up. See you later."

After saying that, she hung up the phone.

She turned around and went to the bathroom to clean herself up. The woman in the mirror had a sad face and was so weathered that she could hardly believe that it was herself.

She told herself that she couldn't do this anymore, at least she couldn't let her family see her like this.

She washed her face and put on makeup, and had just put on foundation when she was shed by inexplicable tears.

"Yin Susu!" She raised her hand and smashed the powder box in her hand at herself in the mirror. "Can you be successful? Do you want your family to see you in this miserable state?"

Sometimes, she felt that she was quite powerful. Even though she and Shen Jimo got along like this, all the family members mistakenly thought that she and he were very affectionate.

Ridiculous and pathetic!


Hang Jin took the box from the baggage claim area and went straight to the exit. Some distance away, he saw Yin Susu standing there. He waved to her, but she didn't seem to see him, her eyes were blank. People are in the heart but not in the heart.

Hang Jin walked up to her and said, "Miss Yin San, what are you thinking about?"

Yin Susu came back to her senses and smiled: "I'm thinking of you."

"Master, you don't need to think about it." Hang Jin looked behind her and to the left and right, "It's so late, you came alone?"

Yin Susu: "You specifically called me to pick you up. Should I ask the driver to pick you up?"

Hang Jin was very angry: "Where is Shen Jimo? His fiancée came to the airport to pick her up in the middle of the night, and he didn't know how to take the initiative to accompany you?"

Yin Susu: "He is very busy."

Hang Jin: "Why do you look so ugly?"

Yin Susu: "Me? Maybe I applied too much powder to make it look whiter."

Hang Jin grabbed her hand. Her hand was very cold: "Shen Jimo bullied you, didn't he?"

Yin Susu: "No, we are fine."

Hang Jin took out his mobile phone and was about to call Shen Jimo. However, before he found the number and dialed it, Yin Susu snatched the phone away. She said, "Yes, we had a quarrel. I don't want to see him now."

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