My Husband, Warm The Bed (CEO's Mistaken Wife)

Chapter 1970 Childhood sweethearts, simple happiness

Chapter 1972: Childhood sweethearts, simple happiness

"Yangyang is a good child. If we don't help, why don't we care about your boy bullying her?" Mr. Yin is not bullying Hang Jin. He is just worried that this boy will act mischievously and make his wife run away angry. In the future, he can only beat her. Single.

"When did I bully her?" Looking at Chi Yangyang's proud smile, Hang Jin felt very unbalanced. It was obviously this little fool who hated him.

Chi Yangyang pinched him quietly, who was angry with whom?

"Boy Jin, since today's topic has reached this point, let's have a good chat." Mr. Yin looked at Hang Jin and said, "You can tell me in front of my old man today how much you like Yang Yang?"

Hang Jin: "..."

It's one thing that he likes Chi Yangyang, but he can't say it outright in front of others.

He also wants to save face, okay?

"Look at you, if you like someone, just tell them. You're still coy. You don't look like a grown man." Mr. Yin pulled Hang Jin's hand and Chi Yangyang's hand together and held them. "You Say it now, loudly, for the whole world to hear.”

Hang Jin: "Old man, I'm not broadcasting online. How can it be heard by the whole world?"

Besides, where is he so coquettish?

Everyone who knows him knows that he likes Chi Yangyang, so does it need to be said?

"That's a metaphor, you just don't dare to say it." Hang Jin didn't say he liked it, but Mr. Yin glared at him dissatisfied, and then said seriously: "Yang Yang, although this kid doesn't want to say he likes you in front of me, But my old man has always known that he likes you very much and has long wanted to marry you home. "

"Grandpa, it doesn't matter whether he said it or not. What's important is that I can feel it." If Hang Jin said it so bluntly in front of the old man, Chi Yangyang would still be embarrassed.

Fortunately, Hang Jin didn't say anything.

"It's good if you can feel that he likes you." Mr. Yin glared at Hang Jin with hatred, "This kid is cowardly. He has liked you for so many years but has never dared to say it openly, for fear that you won't accept him. , worried that you won’t like him..."

Hang Jin is scared?

This is the first time Chi Yangyang has heard anyone say that Hang Jin is a coward.

In front of her, he has always been a big devil.

She looked sideways at Hang Jin, who was staring at her dissatisfied.

She suddenly found it funny that this man was actually a paper tiger in front of his family, pretending.

He really didn't say that he liked her in front of others. It turned out that he didn't say it because he was afraid that she wouldn't like him.

It seems that he also knows how hard he has bullied her over the years, which is why he has so many worries.

The two men were flirting with each other, but Mr. Yin pretended not to notice them.

He cleared his throat and added: "You two are still young and you still have a long way to go. The road is too long, there will always be bumps and bumps, and you will encounter many different things, but as long as If you communicate in a timely manner, listen carefully to each other's opinions, and think more about each other, you will go further on this road. "

"Don't worry, old man, I will let her go. If she dares not to go with me, I will drag her to go with me." Hang Jin couldn't help but chatted next to him.

Mr. Yin glared at him again: "Listen carefully to me."

Hang Jin: "..."

When did the old man become so undemocratic?

He had many counter-arguments, but the old man was very domineering and did not let him express his opinions.

In his view, everyone in this world is an independent and different individual.

Everyone has unique advantages, and everyone is different from others.

So naturally every couple is different.

The old man and the old lady were able to get together and go on well by using that model of getting along, but the same model may not be useful for him and Chi Yangyang.

Hang Jin knows these very well.

Chi Yangyang is slow in terms of feelings. Hang Jin is sure that she still doesn't know whether she loves him or not.

If he had chased Chi Yangyang the way the old man chased the old lady, I'm afraid Chi Yangyang would have become someone else's wife.

The old man is still talking, saying that two people should get along well, and that two people should be considerate to each other.

The old man also said that no matter whether you are a man or a woman, if one party keeps exporting feelings and the other party never gives, then the one who keeps giving will definitely get tired, and such a relationship will not last long.

For a relationship to last, it must be mutual.

Chi Yangyang listened carefully and reflected and thought in time.

This is the relationship between her and Hang Jin. Hang Jin is the one who always outputs, and she is the one who always accepts.

In the past, her input was passive, but gradually she got used to his kindness to her, and got used to him being by her side no matter what happened.

As long as he is around, she can survive even if something like Chi Yishen happens.

Because she knows that as long as she looks back, Hang Jin will be behind her and will be her strongest backing.

Chi Yangyang also understood that the old man told her so much, and he should also see that Hang Jin put more emotion into this relationship.

The old man was worried that his grandson would not get anything in return for her love, and that she would break Hang Jin's heart just like Shen Jimo.

Chi Yangyang is not surprised that the elderly would have such worries.

Just like her own grandfather, he didn't keep an eye on Hang Jin all the time, for fear that Hang Jin would treat her badly, for fear that Hang Jin would suddenly not like her one day.

After thinking about the problem from the other person's point of view, it is easy to understand the other person's psychology and understand the other person's feelings.

Chi Yangyang understands the old man's mood very well: "Old man, don't worry, I know all about Hang Jin's kindness to me, I understand, I know, and I will do my best to be good to him in the future." "

"Well, be good..." The old man nodded with satisfaction, "My old man's biggest wish now is not how much money I make, nor how much property I can earn for you to put here. I just hope that you can live a good life, live a simple, happy and happy life. Happy days.”

At this time, Hang Jin interjected again: "Old man, as the saying goes, everything will be miserable for a poor and humble couple. If a couple wants to live a good life, they must have a good economic foundation. Otherwise, they have to worry about oil, salt, firewood and rice every day. The relationship between the two of them is so small. How can it survive the torment?"

"Is that what I mean?" The old man was troubled by Hang Jin. Can't this brat give his old man some face?

Hang Jin smiled and said: "Old man, I still think you are right. Money is something external to the body. If you don't bring it with you in life, you won't take it with you in death. It's enough to live a good life."

Old man: "You bastard!"

Hang Jin: "No matter how I mess around, I will still be your grandson."

Their grandfather and grandson were noisy, and Chi Yangyang listened and watched quietly. In fact, being able to noisy with relatives is not a simple joy.

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