My Husband, Warm The Bed (CEO's Mistaken Wife)

Chapter 1975: Childhood sweethearts, chance encounter (5)

Chapter 1977: Childhood sweethearts, chance encounter (5)

"Yin Susu, when have you ever been polite to me?" Shen Jimo Yang clenched his hands into fists in mid-air and fixed his eyes on Yin Susu's face.

"I..." Yin Susu was speechless for a moment, as if she had never been polite to Shen Jimo.

Shen Jimo's eyes looked the same as usual, but Yin Susu vaguely felt that it was very different from usual.

In the past, she felt that she understood him somewhat, but now the way he looked at her made her feel that she understood him less and less.

What did his complicated eyes want to say to her?


Because the idea that suddenly appeared in her mind shocked Yin Susu. How long had it been before she could still have random thoughts?

It's not like she hasn't worked hard, and it's not like she hasn't been hurt... She has only met him twice by chance, and she can still have some ridiculous ideas in her mind.

It's so ridiculous...

Yin Susu shook his head vigorously to get rid of these ridiculous thoughts and let himself face Shen Jimo with a normal attitude.

However, Shen Jimo just looked at her, his eyes moving like raging waves, seeming to swallow her alive.

Yin Susu subconsciously stepped back, but was so frightened by his gaze that she couldn't move.

There was a long silence.

It was so silent that when Yin Susu thought Shen Jimo would not speak again, Shen Jimo slowly closed his eyes.

When he opened his eyes, the emotions in his eyes had been hidden, and Yin Susu couldn't tell whether he was angry or not.

He spoke calmly: "Yin Susu, once something starts, it will never end. You started the thing between us, and I can only have the final say when it ends."

He specially emphasized the syllables of the words "It's up to me", which made Yin Susu tremble slightly: "You, what do you mean?"

Shen Jimo spoke again: "That's the literal meaning."

"You mean it's not me who has the final say in our divorce, it's you who has the final say?" Yin Susu looked at Shen Jimo. His expression was serious and serious, not like he was angry, but why?

Could it be that because she forced him to get married in the first place, he just wants to be angry with her and is unwilling to let her go free?

"You have always been a smart person." After saying this, Shen Jimo turned and left.

I don't know if this was a compliment to her, but Yin Susu didn't know how to answer it for a moment. She watched Shen Jimo go further and further away before she finally realized: "Shen Jimo, why are you doing this?"

She really didn't understand that if anger could hinder her freedom, what good would it do to him?

He clearly doesn't love her, and she doesn't want to be entangled with him anymore. If they separate, wouldn't it be good for them to live their own lives in the future?

Why doesn't he want to let go?

"Miss Yin, Mr. Shen is going on a business trip to Jiangbei City again and will be back in three days." The assistant came to Yin Susu and said this, then followed Shen Jimo.

Yin Susu was even more confused!

She didn't want to care about Shen Jimo's affairs at all. Why was Shen Jimo's assistant telling her this at this time?

Sometimes things just happen.

Hang Jin and Chi Yangyang were going back to Jiangbei, and Shen Jimo was going to Jiangbei on a business trip. Not only did they happen to be on the same flight, they were also in the same row of first-class cabins, separated by a not-wide corridor.

When he saw Shen Jimo, Hang Jin felt uncomfortable all over. He shot his cold eyes at Shen Jimo, wishing he could see two holes in Shen Jimo's body.

Chi Yangyang quietly tugged on his sleeves and reminded in a low voice: "Hang Jin, this is a plane, please don't make trouble, okay?"

"Chi Yangyang, in your mind I am a troublemaker?" Hang Jin turned around and looked at Chi Yangyang dissatisfied.

But when he saw Chi Yangyang's eyes full of worry for him, his heart was so soft, but he still said hard, "Little idiot!"

Chi Yangyang hugged his arm and put her head against it gently: "Don't forget that you are about to be a father. No matter what you do, you must think more about your children and set a good example for your children."

Hang Jin looked down, staring at Chi Yangyang's lower abdomen, which still couldn't see any changes: "I don't know whether the little thing in your belly is a boy or a girl?"

"What do you mean, little thing? He is our child, our little baby." Chi Yangyang raised his head and grabbed him dissatisfied.

Hang Jin grabbed her hand, held it tightly, and put one hand gently on her belly: "It's just a little thing, no one is allowed to say it."

Chi Yangyang understood that there were some things that she couldn't reason with Hang Jin, so she had to change the topic: "Then do you want this little guy to be a boy or a girl?"

"Boy!" Hang Jin gave this answer without thinking.

"Do you like boys?" Chi Yangyang knew that Hang Jin did not favor boys over girls, but seeing Hang Jin say he wanted a boy without thinking, she still felt a little uncomfortable.

Hang Jin started to rub Chi Yangyang's head: "In terms of likes, of course I prefer girls, but I still hope that you will give birth to a boy."

Chi Yangyang avoided his touch: "Why? Do you still want a boy to carry on the family lineage for your Hang family?"

Hang Jin rolled his eyes at her, as if he wanted to explain such a simple truth: "If you give birth to a boy, we, father and son, can protect you together. If you give birth to a girl, I will take care of you mother and daughter alone. Worry about neglecting you."

This is the reason why Hang Jin hopes to be a boy. Hearing this, Chi Yangyang's heart feels as sweet as dyed with honey.

She smiled sweetly: "Oh."

"What are you doing?" Hang Jin raised his hand and pulled Chi Yangyang into his arms, and said, "The plane will take two or three hours to fly, so you can rest for a while. If you feel uncomfortable, you must do it as soon as possible. tell me."

"Well, I know." Chi Yangyang nodded obediently, closed his eyes slightly, and prepared to take a nap on the plane.

Because Hang Jin was by her side, she felt at ease and fell asleep soon.

Unexpectedly, when Chi Yangyang was swimming in his dream, he suddenly heard Hang Jin's lowered voice saying: "Shen, are you deliberately disgusting me?"

Hang Jin's voice was very low, but Chi Yangyang could still hear the strong smell of gunpowder.

She opened her eyes in a daze and saw Hang Jin looking at Shen Jimo gloomily, and asked quickly: "Hang Jin, what do you want to do?"

"I want to hit someone!" After the words came out, Hang Jin stood up and landed a fist on Shen Jimo's face.

This situation instantly scared away the remaining sleepyheads in Chi Yangyang. She quickly stood up and hugged Hang Jin: "Hang Jin, what do you want to do?"

If you make trouble on the plane, you may be arrested. However, Hang Jin, who hit someone, was very arrogant and domineering.

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