My Husband, Warm The Bed (CEO's Mistaken Wife)

Chapter 1977: Childhood sweethearts, friendship from childhood to adulthood

Chapter 1979: Childhood sweethearts, friendship from childhood to adulthood

"What are you laughing at?" Hang Jin picked up his luggage and turned around to see Chi Yangyang looking at him with a slight smile in his eyebrows. He couldn't help feeling warm in his heart, but he still spoke in a bad tone.

"I'm laughing..." Chi Yangyang deliberately lengthened her voice. Seeing that Hang Jin's face was about to turn ugly again, she quickly added, "My brother Jin, I have grown up and become sensible. I don't need to worry about it in the future."

"When have I ever let you worry about me?" Hang Jin nodded lovingly on the tip of her nose, and Chi Yangyang slid into his arms. "That means you are more considerate and able to take care of others."

"Your little mouth finally said what I like to hear." The tone was still as domineering as ever, but the gentleness in Hang Jin's eyes could not deceive anyone.

He carried the box in one hand and held Chi Yangyang in the other, walking with the crowd: "I'm tired today, go back and have a good rest."

Chi Yangyang nodded: "Yeah, yeah, whatever Brother Jin says, I will listen to Brother Jin."

"Fourth brother! Yangyang!" As soon as they reached the exit, they heard the voices of Ye Zhiyang and others.

Hang Jin frowned. This is an airport. It's already noisy enough. These people are shouting so loudly. Is it because they don't think it's noisy enough? "I saw you, are you shouting so loudly?"

Ye Zhiyang and others gathered around, and Xie Yuanbo took the box from Hang Jin's hand: "Fourth brother, Yangyang, welcome you back to Jiangbei."

Hang Jin raised his eyebrows and said, "How do you know we are coming back today?"

Ye Zhiyang took a step forward: "Because we are always paying attention to your news. You have been away from Jiangbei for so long and finally came back. How could we not come to pick you up?"

Hang Jin slapped Ye Zhiyang on the shoulder: "Okay, I understand your thoughts. I won't go out to drink today. We will make an appointment another day."

Upon hearing Hang Jin's words, Xie Yuanbo and Zhu Zhangfan shouted dissatisfied at the same time: "Fourth brother, we came here specially to greet you today. You said you won't drink. Is this what you said?"

I'm afraid if their fourth brother hadn't gone on a long trip, his temper would have changed when he came back.

The four grown men insisted on letting Hang Jin go out to get together.

When Hang Jin wasn't paying attention, Chi Yangyang got rid of him smoothly and walked towards Lan Feiyang. She looked at Lan Feiyang with guilt.

Before he even apologized, Lan Feiyang stepped forward and gave Chi Yangyang a big hug: "Yangyang, everything is over and I'm fine, so don't think about bad things anymore. It's best for us in the future." sisters."

"Sister Feiyang..." Chi Yangyang hugged Lan Feiyang tightly, blinked the tears back into her eyes, and said softly, "Thank you!"

"Thank you for what?" Lan Feiyang patted Chi Yangyang on the back, "What's there to thank you for? I'm three years older than you, and I'm your sister. Why are you so polite to me?"

Lan Feiyang not only did not blame Chi Yangyang for that matter, but after learning the truth, she felt full of heartache for Chi Yangyang.

To really talk about it, the one who was hurt the most by that incident was Chi Yangyang.

Since this time, Lan Feiyang has been worried that Chi Yangyang will not be able to get out of the shadows, and he has lost several pounds from worry.

Now that she saw Chi Yangyang coming back well, she was too late to be happy, and how could she bear to let Chi Yangyang blame herself.

"Sister Feiyang, you don't care about me, but it doesn't mean those bad things didn't happen." Since childhood, Lan Feiyang has cared for Chi Yangyang meticulously, and tolerated all of Chi Yangyang's shortcomings like a biological sister.

Chi Yangyang knows Lan Feiyang's kindness to him.

She knows better that the feelings are mutual. If Lan Feiyang is good to her, she should also be good to Lan Feiyang.

Rather than accept it with peace of mind.

When it's time to say sorry, you must apologize: "Sister Feiyang, I'm sorry!"

"Yangyang, if you still think of me as your sister Feiyang, then don't let me hear the words "I'm sorry" again. You're not sorry for me, and it's not you who did the wrong thing." Lan Feiyang supported Chi Yangyang Looking over her shoulder, she looked at her, "Yangyang, listen to me, I know very well what kind of person you are, and you haven't done anything to make me sorry. No matter what happened before, it was not your fault. It's not my fault." In my heart you will always be my good sister.”

"Well, Sister Feiyang, I'm sorry and I will never say such words to you again." Chi Yangyang silently noted in her heart that she would never give herself the opportunity to say sorry to Lan Feiyang in the future. , she will love this sister forever.

The two women hugged each other here and successfully attracted the attention of four men, especially Hang Jin.

His eyes on Chi Yangyang and Lan Feiyang were very complicated.

There is sour jealousy and jealousy.

When he found Chi Yangyang, the woman looked disgusted with him.

Looking at her attitude towards Lan Feiyang, this woman plunged into his arms like a little bird, which made people feel jealous.

Ye Zhiyang and the others are the best at figuring out Hang Jin's thoughts. One look at Hang Jin's eyes and they know that their fourth brother is jealous of even a woman.

Really stingy.

Ye Zhiyang was worried that his wife would be hurt by Hang Jin's eyes, so he quickly stepped forward and pulled Lan Feiyang: "Feiyang, if you continue to hold Yangyang and don't let go, be careful that the fourth brother's eyes will kill you."

Chi Yangyang smiled and said: "Brother Zhiyang, what are you talking about?"

"Yangyang, don't care what your brother Zhiyang says, but you should care about the fourth brother." Xie Yuanbo was dissatisfied that Hang Jin was unwilling to go out with them and put his hope on Chi Yangyang, "We Knowing that you are coming back today, I specially ordered a meal at the most luxurious hotel in Jiangbei and came to pick you up at the airport, but the fourth brother said that we will not go to the party today. "

"Why don't you go? Over the years, no matter who returns to Jiangbei from afar, doesn't he always want us to get together first?" This is their "traditional program", and Chi Yangyang has not forgotten it.

Over the years, many people have changed, but the friendship between them has remained unchanged, and neither have the friends who grew up together.

As soon as they heard Chi Yangyang's agreement, Xie Yuanbo and others forgot about Hang Jin's words.

Hang Jin usually seems to be stronger, and it seems that Hang Jin has the final say in everything, but at the critical moment, their fourth brother always relies on Chi Yangyang.

As long as Chi Yangyang agrees, their fourth brother will follow him even if he doesn't want to.

Xie Yuanbo and Zhu Changfang high-fived happily: "Yang Yang is still the most considerate."

Hang Jin said with a cold face: "Chi Yangyang, don't you know what your situation is? How else do you think you can make trouble?"

This little fool might have forgotten that she is a pregnant woman now.

After just flying for more than two hours, this little fool is exhausted, and now he has to go out for dinner.

Hang Jin rejected Ye Zhiyang and the others because he was always concerned about Chi Yangyang's physical condition.

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