My Husband, Warm The Bed (CEO's Mistaken Wife)

Chapter 1986: Childhood sweethearts, bystanders know clearly

Chapter 1988: Childhood sweethearts, bystanders know clearly

The proprietress said while cleaning up: "Not only does he often come to my store to eat, but he also packs a portion to take away every time. The portion he takes away must be clear soup. He said you can't eat spicy food if you have a weak stomach."

Yin Susu's stomach is not very good, but it's not so bad that she can't eat anything spicy, and she has never eaten the food packed by Shen Jimo.

Yin Susu thought that the copycats that Shen Jimo packed must not have been brought to her: "What did he tell you when he asked you to pack them?"

The landlady smiled and said: "He said he wanted to pack it up and bring it to his girlfriend. Isn't his girlfriend none other than you?"

"Girlfriend." Yin Susu smiled and didn't ask any more questions. Shen Jimo had never regarded her as his girlfriend in his heart.

To him, she was more like a piece of dog-skin plaster that couldn't be peeled off.

The landlady looked at Yin Susu and said sincerely: "I know you guys had a fight today. It's okay. Just go back and have a good chat and let's talk about it. But you have to listen to my advice and don't say hurtful words anymore. The more a man becomes If you love you, those hurtful words will hurt them deeper."

Yin Susu didn't understand why the boss's wife insisted that Shen Jimo loved her. Could it be that others knew Shen Jimo's feelings for her better than she did?

"Go find him quickly, don't keep him waiting too long." Seeing that Yin Susu didn't say a word, the landlady didn't say anything more.

She put the leftovers of the soup they had not finished into the kitchen, and suddenly remembered that Shen Jimo suddenly changed his words not long ago.

Shen Jimo, who was taciturn, had a rare chance to chat with her for a while that day.

He told her that this time the packing was not for his girlfriend, but for his wife.

At that time, Shen Jimo's expression looked the same as usual, but she still saw a different light in Shen Jimo's eyes.

Based on her experience at her age, she could confirm that it was the happy expression of a man marrying his beloved girl.

She had to tell Xiao Yin this and ask her not to get angry with Xiao Shen at all times, and not to hurt the harmony between husband and wife.

The proprietress came out in a hurry, and there was no trace of Yin Susu anywhere in the restaurant.

She stuck her head out and took a look. Yin Susu was about to walk out of the alley. She couldn't help but tell the little girl when she had the chance.

What's more, she believed that Xiao Shen loved Xiao Yin so much, he would not let go easily, and the two of them would definitely get together.

Yin Susu walked out of the alley and looked around. She didn't see Shen Jimo's people or Shen Jimo's car.

It seemed that Shen Jimo had left in anger, so she could only hail a taxi and go home.

After getting in the car, Yin Susu couldn't help but sneer when he thought of what the landlady had just said.

If a man really loves a woman, no matter how angry he is, he will never leave her outside in the middle of the night and leave her alone.

Yin Susu didn't know that after she got in the car, a car followed her. The car didn't leave until she got home safely.

She hadn't had a good night's sleep in several days, but now lying on the bed, Yin Susu was still sleepless.

She didn't want to think about the bad things in the past at all, but her mind was filled with Shen Jimo and Ai Xiaoman.

Ai Xiaoman!

Ai Xiaoman!

It's Ai Xiaoman again!

After not seeing each other for several years and not contacting her for several years, Yin Susu thought that Ai Xiaoman would develop and settle abroad and never come back. She would never see her again or hear any news about Ai Xiaoman in this life.

Who would have thought that Shen Jimo would so casually mention the word Ai Xiaoman in front of her.

Ai Xiaoman once personally told Yin Susu that the moon abroad is rounder than that in her hometown, and life abroad is the life she truly yearns for, and it is Ai Xiaoman's lifelong dream.

Since she yearns for life abroad so much, Yin Susu doesn't understand why Ai Xiaoman wants to come back?

Wouldn't it be better to stay where her dreams are?

Perhaps when she had gained something in her studies and career, Ai Xiaoman suddenly discovered that love was still very important to her.

But the time of her return was also coincidental. If she didn't come back sooner or later, she would come back just when Yin Susu and Shen Jimo were getting divorced.

I don’t know if it’s a coincidence or there’s some other secret?

Jingle Bell--

The phone's ringtone suddenly rang, which startled Yin Susu and at the same time pulled her back from her past thoughts.

She touched her cell phone, and it showed an unknown foreign phone number.

Many people in the Yin family work abroad all year round. In order to facilitate contact with local customers, it is common for them to change their numbers in each country. Yin Susu guessed that she might have forgotten to save the number: "Is it the eldest sister or the second sister?"

"Sister Su Su, this is me Wang Qiming." Wang Qiming's voice came from the phone.

Wang Qiming often communicates with Yin Susu, but he rarely calls so late, and it is from an unfamiliar number: "It turns out to be a senior, why are you calling me so late?"

Wang Qiming said: "I am on the plane now. I will taxi to take off soon. I will arrive in the Imperial Capital at about 12 noon. I have sent the flight number to your mobile phone. You and Lao Shen will pick me up at the airport at noon tomorrow."

Wang Qiming and Shen Jimo are best friends. If he didn't call Shen Jimo when he came back, why would he call her? He also asked her to pick him up at the airport with Shen Jimo: "Senior, I..."

Before Yin Susu's words of rejection came out, Wang Qiming jumped in again: "Okay, the plane is taxiing, and the flight attendant asked me to turn off my phone. If I don't turn it off, I will be in big trouble. See you at the airport tomorrow at noon."

After saying that, he hung up the phone. Listening to the busy beeping sound, Yin Susu felt that he couldn't sleep tonight.

Yin Susu did not tell Shen Jimo that Wang Qiming was returning to China. First, she was unwilling to contact Shen Jimo proactively, and second, because Shen Jimo told her that she was going to pick up Ai Xiaoman at the airport.

She clearly knew that Shen Jimo was going to pick up Ai Xiaoman tomorrow. If she talked about Wang Qiming at this time, Shen Jimo would probably think that she was small-minded and deliberately looking for trouble because she was dissatisfied with him meeting Ai Xiaoman.

Yin Susu didn't know what time Ai Xiaoman's flight would arrive. Just in case she bumped into them at the airport, she planned to ask the driver to pick up Wang Qiming.

But then he thought about it, Wang Qiming's house didn't have a driver, so he asked her to pick him up. After all, he still wanted to get together with his old friends.

Wang Qinian had taken good care of her over the years, and he could be regarded as her half-brother. She decided to pick him up in person.

When she got up in the morning, Yin Susu went around the store, explained some things, took time to have morning tea, and then drove to the airport.

Because there was enough time, Yin Susu drove slowly and was overtaken by many vehicles along the way.

She drives according to the traffic rules, but there are always people who don't drive according to the traffic rules.

While she was driving normally, a vehicle running on the left lane suddenly turned into her lane.

She hurriedly applied the brakes, but failed to prevent the tragedy from happening. The front of the car slammed into the rear door of the car.

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