Chapter 202: Little Pig Gets Up

Qin Yue stared at Xiao Ranran's red face for a long time, and couldn't help but stretch out his hand and flick: "Little Pig, get up!"

"Dad, no..." Ran Ran turned over, and her small body stuck to Qin Yue's arms like a sticky paste. She snorted twice, then closed her eyes and fell asleep.

Qin Yue pinched her little cheek again, and said softly, "Little Pig, if you get up late, you won't be able to eat strawberries today."

Xiao Ranran suddenly opened her eyes, flattened her mouth, and looked like she was about to cry: "Dad is not good..."

"Dad is not good, but if you want to be good, then there will be strawberries and chocolate to eat." Seeing his daughter's pitiful appearance, Qin Yue lowered his head and kissed her.

"Ran Ran gets up." Xiao Ranran opened her hands to ask her father to hug her.

"Well, dad hugs, my little ran is so cute." Qin Yue hugged her, lowered his head and slapped her little face a few times, "then let's wash our face and brush our teeth."

Qin Yue was reluctant to let the little guy sleep in the baby's room alone, so for three years he took the child to sleep, and he was both a father and a mother.

Getting up every morning and coaxing Xiao Ranran to get up is the happiest time of his day. Hearing her calling Dad and watching her act like a spoiled child in his arms, his cold heart will be warmed by her.

Qin Yue held Xiao Ranran's face and brushed her teeth earnestly. He is such a big man, but he acts very gently when he does these things, for fear of hurting the little guy a little bit.

Xiao Ranran blinked and looked at herself in the mirror and smiled happily: "Ran Ran is good, Dad is good."

"Of course, Ranran is my father's child, so I must be good." Although Xiao Ranran couldn't say it clearly, Qin Yue understood what she wanted to express.

The little guy is just saying, Ran Ran and his father are very good-looking.

So tiny, yet so stinky.

Neither he nor Jian Ran are stinky people, and they don't know where the little guy inherited this from.

Thinking of Jian Ran, Qin Yue couldn't help but think of what she might have experienced in the past three years.

Qin Yue's heart seemed to be grabbed again, and a biting pain rose from his heart, as if he wanted to devour him.

"Dad—" Xiao Ranran stretched out her small palm, gently pulled her father's big palm, and blinked her eyes as crystal clear as amber.

Being held by the soft little hands, her warmth was transmitted to him little by little, Qin Yue suddenly came back to his senses and hugged Xiao Ranran tightly in his arms.

"Dad, smile." Xiao Ranran is small, but her mind is extremely sensitive. She can see that her father doesn't seem to be happy at this time.

"Dad is very happy with Ranran here."

"Of course I want Dad to smile."

"Okay, just smile when you smile, then I will give half of the strawberries to my father. Would you like to?"

"Ran Ran is willing." Although Ran Ran likes to eat strawberries, her father is more important than strawberries. As long as her father is happy, of course she is willing to share the strawberries with her father.

"Good! Then let's go eat strawberries." Qin Yue carried Xiao Ranran downstairs.

Because the little guy especially likes to eat strawberries, the kitchen thinks of ways every day to make all kinds of delicious food with strawberries to make their little princess happy.

When they came to the restaurant, there was already strawberry puree that Xiao Ranran likes to eat on the table.

Qin Yue put Xiao Ranran in her special BB stool, wrapped a bib for her, handed her the spoon and let her eat by herself.

Xiao Ranran picked up the spoon and ate two big bites, then scooped up another spoon: "Dad eat."

Qin Yue opened his mouth to eat, and nodded with satisfaction: "Well, of course, what I feed my father is delicious."

However, she scooped another spoon: "sister eat."

While eating, Xiao Ranran didn't forget that there was Mianmian who grew up with her.

"Wang, wang, wang..." Squatting on the other chair, there was a few barks in response to Xiao Ranran's concern.

Qin Yue picked up a tissue and wiped the strawberry puree on the corner of Xiao Ranran's mouth, and said, "Of course, eat it by yourself, my sister can't eat this, it will hurt her stomach."

Hearing that my sister would have a stomachache after eating this, Ran Ran ate the strawberry puree in the spoon and said softly, "However, I don't want my sister to have a stomachache."

Qin Yue stroked Xiao Ranran's head: "well. Then eat quickly. "

Many times, Qin Yue can see Jianran's shadow on Xiaoran's body, especially those big watery eyes, which are like they were carved out of the same mold as Jianran.

"Ran Ran--"

Hearing the nice female voice, Xiao Ranran quickly turned around and saw the beautiful little aunt. She waved her little hand excitedly: "Little aunt, hoo hoo."

Qin Xiaobao took off his sunglasses and handed them to Zhong Kun who was following her. He ran over and picked up Xiao Ranran and turned around twice: "However, do you miss auntie?"

Xiao Ranran stretched out her hand to hold Qin Xiaobao's face and said seriously, "Of course I miss my little aunt, and I miss my little aunt huhu."

"Huhu——" Qin Xiaobao blew two breaths at Xiao Ranran, and rubbed her little face again, "Xiao Ranran, my aunt thinks that you are getting more and more beautiful, and the longer you grow, the more you look like a little aunt."

Xiao Ranran said, "Of course she's prettier than my little aunt."

Qin Xiaobao's mouth is flat, as if he wants to cry or not: "how can Xiao Ranran be more beautiful than my aunt, my aunt will be so sad."

Now Qin Xiaobao has already won the Best Actress Award, and her acting skills come as soon as it comes. If people don't know her well, they really think she is going to compete with a child.

"Little aunt doesn't cry, you are as beautiful as Ranran." As long as she is good to herself, Xiao Ranran can't bear to let them be sad.

Qin Xiaobao laughed and rubbed Xiao Ranran's pink and tender face again: "no, Xiao Ranran is the prettiest in our family. My aunt is far worse than you."

Xiao Ranran's parents are so good-looking. Xiao Ranran has two perfect genes at the same time, how could she not be beautiful.

"Little aunt, pinch your face for 500 yuan and give me money." Xiao Ranran said suddenly and solemnly.

"Where five hundred yuan is enough, at least 50,000 yuan is required. In the future, your father will squeeze you once, and you will ask him for 50,000 yuan." Qin Xiaobao said.

"Fifty thousand yuan..." Xiao Ranran said that it was very nerve-racking. Five hundred yuan is five, and fifty thousand yuan is five. Is there any difference?

"Why are you here?" After eating, putting down his chopsticks, Qin Yue wiped his mouth gracefully before asking.

"The filming is over, come over to accompany our little princess." Qin Xiaobao said.

After Jianran's accident three years ago, Qin Yue was cold to everyone except Xiaoran.

In front of his family, he spoke less than before, getting further and further away from them, and becoming more and more like an immortal who doesn't eat fireworks.

Qin's parents are all in the United States. After graduation, Qin Xiaobao often came to Nuoyuan for filming in China, and his relationship with Xiao Ranran was also closer.

"Dad, Ranran plays with my little aunt." Qin Xiaobao will play with Xiaoran like a child, and Xiaoran naturally likes this little aunt.

Qin Yue came over and kissed Xiao Ranran's face: "Ran Ran is playing with my little aunt at home. Dad goes to work and calls Dad when he misses him."

"Father, bye!"

"Of course, bye!"

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