Chapter 210: Your Freedom

Qin Xiaobao made up his mind that he must seize this opportunity and eat Zhan Nianbei first. When the time comes, the raw rice will be cooked, and it will be up to him whether he dares to default on his debt.

She wrapped her tightly around his strong waist and said proudly, "Zhan Nianbei, you can't escape now."

However, before Qin Xiaobao's words were finished, Zhan Nianbei pulled her hand away and picked her up.

Qin Xiaobao is not so easy to admit defeat. She stretched out her hand and grabbed Zhan Nianbei's arm: "Zhan Nianbei, I am like this. If you don't touch me, then I will suspect that you have a problem."

"It's my business if I have a problem." Zhan Nianbei picks up Qin Xiaobao like a chicken. "When you grow up and have physical needs, find a man who is willing to play with you."

After that, Zhan Nianbei threw Qin Xiaobao out without mercy.


Qin Xiaobao fell on the hard wooden floor with a bang, and his whole body was about to fall apart in pain.

"Zhan Nianbei, you—" Qin Xiaobao was so hurt that she lost the strength to scold others. She shrank into a ball and rolled on the ground twice, "Zhan Nianbei, you bastard, you're not afraid that I really want to go and say goodbye. man?"

Zhan Nianbei: "that's your freedom."

Hearing Zhan Nianbei's bastard words, Qin Xiaobao grabbed something and smashed it at the bathroom door: "Zhan Nianbei, you bastard!"

She didn't believe that he didn't have any love for her. If he really didn't, he wouldn't have dragged on until he was so old and didn't find a girlfriend.

Qin Xiaobao stomped her foot in anger, and accidentally kicked her injured foot, which made her cry out in pain.

"You brought the pain yourself." Zhan Nianbei took a bath, and walked out of the bathroom with a bath towel around, and said as he walked, "Go get dressed yourself and walk out from here, or just let me take you naked. Throw it out, two first."

Qin Xiaobao curled up into a ball, didn't speak, didn't move, and scolded him over and over again with resentment in his heart. The abominable stinky man was so cruel to her.

Today, she was detained again, injured again, and was thrown by him. She suffered such a big crime, how could she just let it go.

"Do you want me to throw you out?" Qin Xiaobao didn't answer. Zhan Nianbei glanced at her, but he didn't leave her any affection.

Qin Xiaobao got up from the ground, pursed his lips, glanced at Zhan Nianbei and turned his head away, pretending to be very pitiful: "Zhan Nianbei, I just like you, you don't need to humiliate me like this... "

She looks like she's crying, but she doesn't mention how proud she is in her heart. Hmph, Zhan Nianbei, let you take a good look at Miss Ben's acting skills.

"Stop pretending. Your pitiful appearance doesn't work in front of me. " Zhan Nianbei mercilessly tore through her disguise.

"Pretend? Who pretends to you? " Qin Xiaobao gritted his teeth angrily.

Once upon a time, her acting skills were not as good as they are now, but he believed in whatever she acted.

Now that her acting skills are so good, what kind of role she wants to play is even more perplexing, but Zhan Nianbei doesn't want to believe it.

He is no longer willing to coax her carefully, and it seems that his tenderness will no longer be left to her——

Thinking of this, Qin Xiaobao's expression suddenly dimmed.

He might think she is a girl who doesn't know shame, who can undress casually in front of men.

It's not that she doesn't understand shame, but that she really likes him so much that as long as he looks at her with a smile, she's willing to give up everything and go with him.

She has been pestering him and chasing him in her own way, but none of these methods seem to be working. Qin Xiaobao doesn't like this feeling at all.

So she is working hard, trying to get Zhan Nianbei as soon as possible and make him her person as soon as possible, then no one will dare to come and rob him from her.

"Since you think I'm pretending, then just pretend I'm pretending."

Qin Xiaobao sniffed, and Douda's tears rolled from her eyes. She quickly reached out and wiped it off, as if she didn't want Zhan Nianbei to see it.

In the past, when she cried, it was all purposeful. She cried on purpose to show others. Today, she has to hide her crying so that no one can see her. It doesn't seem to be acting, but really sad.

Zhan Nianbei went out, picked up her clothes, handed them to her, and said, "don't cry, put your clothes on, and I'll take you back."

Qin Xiaobao said it was late, but it was fast. He grabbed Zhan Nianbei's neck, leaned in and kissed him fiercely.

Zhan Nianbei was stunned for a moment, and Qin Xiaobao bit her lips fiercely. She bit his lips and sucked his blood, as if to retaliate against him in this way.

Looking at her angry face, Zhan Nianbei tried to push her hand away and stopped, pinched her waist instead, and lifted her up a little to make it easier for her to bite him.

Just biting him is enough, Qin Xiaobao stretched out his hand and scratched several bloodstains on Zhan Nianbei's chest and back, so he let him go with satisfaction.

Zhan Nianbei said, "put your clothes on, and I'll take you back."

Qin Xiaobao said proudly, "I won't."

In front of her, Zhan Nianbei changed his clothes without hiding, and took a coat to prepare to go out.

Qin Xiaobao dragged him: "I'm here, where are you going?"

Zhan Nianbei: "it's because you're here that I'm leaving."

"It's so late, where else can you go?" Qin Xiaobao's words were just out of his mouth when there was a sudden knock on the door.

"Nianbei, dinner is ready."

A gentle female voice came from outside the door. Qin Xiaobao's body froze after hearing her words. Does Zhan Nianbei really have a girlfriend?

Zhan Nianbei glanced at Qin Bao, opened the door and walked out, slammed the door shut, and left Qin Xiaobao alone in the room.

Qin Xiaobao wanted to chase out to see who was the vixen who dared to rob a man from her, but she had nothing on her body. When she was dressed and chased out, the corridor was empty, and Zhan Nianbei had no idea where she went with that woman. .

"Zhan Nianbei, come out for me!" She stood in the corridor and shouted, but she couldn't get any memories.

Zhan Nianbei left with a woman. He really left, not joking with her. Qin Xiaobao understood this dully.

She always thought that Zhan Nianbei was hiding from her because of the relationship between the two people's identities, but it doesn't seem like that is the case now.

Today, when the guard said that Zhan Nianbei has a girlfriend, Qin Xiaobao didn't believe it at all.

But at this moment, she heard with her own ears that a woman was looking for him, and she called him so intimately. In this big night, he left with a woman, where else could he go?

According to Qin Xiaobao's temper, she can knock on the door of the whole building until Zhan Nianbei is found out.

However, after tossing for a whole night, Qin Xiaobao is also tired and has no experience to fight him again.

However, she won't give up easily, not this time, and next time, she will be willing to spend a few years with Zhan Nianbei.

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