Chapter 215: Sleeping Together

The first time Xiao Qinghe came to Nuoyuan was when Jianran had a big belly three years ago. At that time, Jianran was very wary of him.

Later, after Jian Ran disappeared, he came here several times, and every time he came to see Xiao Ranran.

Don't look at Xiao Ranran as a small person. He is only a little over three years old now, but his agility is unmatched by many children, which is exactly what people often say, a little devil is big.

However, it's not without reason that Xiao Ranran can be so clever.

Xiao Ranran's father, the leader of Shengtian, the man who used to jump several levels in school, but now no one has broken his record.

Look at Xiao Ranran's mother again. When she was in school, she dared to take the second exam, but no one dared to take the first exam. She was recommended to be sent to the best university in Kyoto.

The most important thing is that Xiao Qinghe thinks that Xiao Ranran can be so clever, because he has such a flexible brain as an uncle.

It is said that his nephew is like his uncle. He thinks that Xiao Ranran's cleverness is the most similar to him, so he can make sure of it.

I haven't stepped into this place for several months. It's the same as in my memory, and it's a little different from my memory. It seems to be a little warmer than the last time I came here.

Maybe it's not that this place has changed, but that the person they have been looking for for three years is sitting in the house, and the real hostess who belongs to this place has returned.

Xiao Qinghe is a frequent visitor to Qin's family. He didn't let the servant lead the way. He came to the living room by himself. Isn't it except Dad who likes Ranran the most?"

"Yes, my sister also likes my father the most, and also likes our little Ranran." Of course, Jian Ran was talking about her own father.

Another voice came to Xiao Qinghe's ears. Even though he hadn't heard it for three years, he still heard it immediately, except for Jian Ran.

Xiao Qinghe entered the room and saw Jian Ran squatting on the ground with Xiao Ranran. He didn't know what the two of them were playing. Anyway, they were playing very seriously, and no one noticed him.

What Jian Ran said, hearing Xiao Ranran's ears changed, Xiao Ranran felt that her sister liked her father the most, and her father liked her later.

But she felt that she was obviously cuter and more likable than her father. Shouldn't her sister like her first?

Could it be that when my father left today, she said that she would cry, and she was heard by her sister, so her sister was disgusting her?

However, even when she was crying, she was still pretty.

Seeing the little guy put on another expression that you bullied me and I was about to cry for you to see, Jian Ran felt both funny and distressed, so she couldn't help but tap the tip of the little guy's nose: "Xiao Ranran, why not? Are you happy?"

"Sister, why don't you like Ranran the most? Dad is not as cute as Ranran." Xiao Ranran blinked, tears of grievance swirling in her eyes.

Knowing that Xiao Ranran had misunderstood, Jane wanted to explain, but thinking about it again, even if she explained, Xiao Ranran might not understand.

She held Xiao Ranran in her arms and rubbed Xiao Ranran's pink face: "Da Ranran likes Xiao Ranran the most, and she won't like others anymore."

Hearing this answer, Xiao Ranran smiled with satisfaction: "hmm, Xiao Ranran also likes Da Ranran the most, and then likes Dad."

"However, don't you like uncle?"

They were chatting vigorously when a male voice suddenly came, and Jian Ran and Xiao Ranran turned around at the same time.

Xiao Ranran ran up immediately, opened her small arms and shouted, "Uncle hugs."

Xiao Qinghe came over, hugged Xiao Ranran, and pinched her face: "Of course, don't you miss your uncle at all?"

Jian Ran didn't know this person. When she heard Xiao Ranran calling her uncle, she knew that the man was from Xiao Ranran's mother's family, so she couldn't help but look at him more.

Xiao Qinghe noticed her inquiries and gave her a polite smile: "Hello, Miss Jian!"

"Hello!" Jian Ran nodded, thinking that she had just met this person for the first time. How did he know her surname was Jian?

"I spoke to Xiao Ranran's father on the phone before I came. He said that Xiao Ranran invited a very important guest to go home, so I know your surname is Jane." Xiao Qinghe saw Jianran's thoughts at a glance.

Jian Ran: "..."

"My surname is Xiao, and my name is Xiao Qinghe." Xiao Qinghe said again, "I'm the half-brother of Xiao Ranran's mother."

Jian Ran nodded and didn't answer any further, she just thought it was strange that everyone she saw recently was the first time they met, and they all told her some very private things.

To be honest, what is the relationship between Xiao Qinghe and Xiao Ranran's mother? Jian Ran doesn't care at all. She came to Qin's house just to like Xiao Ranran without any other purpose.

"Miss Jian, don't think too much. I have no ill will towards you. And Xiao Ranran is very good at looking at people. Anyone she likes must be a very good person." After a few simple exchanges with Jian Ran, Ping Xiao Qing He has many years of experience, he can be sure that Jian Ran has really lost her memory of the past, it is definitely not a disguise.

"Sister is a good person, but she likes her." Xiao Ranran opened her arms and asked Jian Ran for a hug, "Of course I like my sister's hug."

"Xiao Ranran, you and your sister haven't eaten yet, will you, uncle, accompany you to dinner?" Xiao Qinghe shoved Xiao Ranran to Jian Ran and walked to the restaurant, "Aunt Qian, please prepare more meals for the two of you. "

Jian Ran catches Xiao Ranran, and stays stunned for a while. It was the same when they saw Qin Xiaobao two days ago. They all stuffed Xiao Ranran to her, as if she was the closest person to Xiao Ranran.

At the dinner table, Xiao Qinghe didn't ask Jianran any special questions, he just chatted a few words, but these words were enough for him.

After eating, Xiao Qinghe left, saying that he was going to hang out with friends, but in fact he was going to report the situation to Qin Yue.

After having Da Ranran, Xiao Ranran, the servant at home, didn't want anyone. After eating, he took Jian Ran upstairs and said that Da Ranran would sleep with her.

The servant originally prepared a guest room for Jianran, but now she is dragged away by Xiaoran, and Jianran can't bear to refuse, thinking that Xiaoran should have her own room, so it doesn't matter if she accompanies Xiaoran.

Who knew that Xiao Ranran took her into the master bedroom——

Jian Ran glanced at it and saw the desk in the living room by the balcony. There were several books on the bookshelf and an easel beside the desk.

- A familiar arrangement.

Jian Ran grabbed Xiao Ranran and said softly, "Xiao Ranran, this is Dad's room. Would you like to go to your room with your sister?"

"Ranran sleeps with her father, Da Ranran sleeps with Xiao Ranran, and we sleep together." Xiao Ranran has a separate room, but she has never slept before. For her, her father's room is her room.

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