Chapter 220: Lonely Back

However, before Jian Ran could breathe, Qin Yue rubbed her into his arms again, as if to embed her in his body: "Jian Ran, I won't let you leave me again."

He spoke very lightly, like babbling, more like words that were repeated thousands of times, naturally and from the heart.

Jian Ran suddenly stopped all struggles. In a trance, she seemed to understand why Qin Yue was so out of control.

After a long time, she sighed lowly, and then said softly, "Mr. Qin, your wife... is she also called Jian Ran?"

Qin Yue's performance didn't seem like he had just met her. The way he looked at her was very different from the first time they met, but Jian Ran was slow and only realized it now.

Perhaps it was because she had the same name as his wife and had a similar body shape, that he mistook her for his wife. Even Xiao Ranran can rely on her so much, probably because of this.

In this way, all the unreasonable can be explained.

They all regarded her as another person, another Jian Ran, what they saw was not her.


Although she has nothing to do with them, Jian Ran's heart is still extremely uncomfortable to be treated as a substitute.

As soon as her voice fell, Jian Ran felt Qin Yue's body froze slightly, and the strength of her arms was loosened.

"Yes, my wife's name is Jian Ran, and she looks exactly like you. I lost her three years ago, and when I met her again, she was with her beast-like adoptive father."

This is what Qin Yue wanted to say to her in his heart, but he knew too well that he couldn't say that to Jian Ran. Let's not say whether Jane will believe it or not. Whether she believes it or not, it is rubbing salt on her wound.

If Jane believed it, she would not be able to retrieve her previous memory, which would drive her crazy. If Jane doesn't believe it, then she will only stay far away from him, and she won't even want to see him again.

Therefore, Qin Yue could only push the woman who he longed to miss for three years away from his embrace, inch by inch, watching her get further and further away from him.

Qin Yue didn't know what she could say. Jian Ran's expression now was like that of a frightened little beast. She was full of fear and alert. Even in her first encounter many years ago, she never looked at him with such eyes. People, even better.

Thinking about it carefully, for Qin Yue, the days of Jian Ran's return were like a long and cruel lingering period, with what was lost and found again, what was gained and what was lost, joy to despair, heaven and hell were only a thin line apart.

But even though he was so sad, he was still glad that he met her again.

Unforgettable, but so.

Jane, Jane, do you know how much I miss you?

Although you are right in front of me, I miss you more than ever.

Qin Yue let go of Jian Ran completely, there was a smile on his lips, and Jian Ran could even see that the smile on the corners of his lips spread into Qin Yue's eyes like Xinghai. Like a moth to a flame, the helplessness of self-destruction.

"I'm sorry." Qin Yue said, his voice trembling, but he still maintained some kind of tenderness, "I lost my way."

Jian Ran was suddenly speechless. There was a voice in her heart that was clamoring and noisy. Something wanted to break free, but she was pulled back to the bottom of her heart and returned to silence.

She should be angry, she should be angry at being kissed as a substitute for no reason.

But why, can't fire.

"You have a good rest," Qin Yue said, walking out of the room slowly, "don't worry, I will never lose my temper like this again."

He stood at the door to assure, did not look back at Jian Ran, and then left.

The lonely back makes people want to come forward and hug.

Jian Ran looked at it for a long time, unable to move.


At the breakfast table, Qin Yue had a gloomy face, not only ignoring Qin Xiaobao, but also Xiao Ranran.

Seeing that the situation was wrong, Qin Xiaobao didn't plan to eat breakfast anymore. He got up and said, "Little darling, my aunt is going to be busy. I'll come back to see you in two days, okay?"

"Little aunt, but there is sister Da Ranran to accompany her." In the past, when Qin Xiaobao left, Xiao Ranran was reluctant to give up a thousand times, but today she waved her little hand very happily.

"If you have a mother, you don't want me as a little aunt." Qin Xiaobao couldn't help but murmured and ran quickly.

Running so fast is because Qin Xiaobao is afraid to see Qin Yue's gloomy face.

Fear is because of a guilty conscience.

Worrying that she did something bad with good intentions yesterday, her wooden brother knew what she said.

Her wooden brother was on a business trip, but appeared at the breakfast table early in the morning. The sister-in-law, who was still there late last night, disappeared in the morning.

Qin Xiaobao just thinks with his toes, and he can also think that something must have happened between the two people to make this happen this morning.

And over the years, she has learned very smartly. Whenever she encounters something related to her sister-in-law, she should hide away and never let the fire burn herself.



I don't know if this is the first time the director has shouted, and NG has exhausted Qin Xiaobao's patience.

The director said: "Ye Ye Yang, you are the hero in the play now. The woman you kiss is the woman you love deeply. What are you doing with a bitter face?"

With such poor acting skills and average looks, I really can't imagine how such a person could become popular. Of course, these words were only in the director's heart and did not come out.

Ye Ziyang said, "Director, can the kiss scene be passed?"

Because of the last scandal, Ye Ziyang's agency has clearly ordered him not to have any contact with Polaris.

This play was signed before the scandal, and the script I got before didn't have a kiss scene. I don't know why, but after arriving at the scene, there was an extra kiss scene.

After the last scandal, Ye Ziyang was not a pig, how could he not have guessed that the photo was sent by Polaris. So he guessed that this kiss scene was also requested by Polaris from the screenwriter.

He didn't want to have anything to do with Polaris anymore, and he didn't want his star path to be buried on such a woman.

Although Polaris is much more popular than him now, and he may be able to take him on fire, Polaris has a bad temper and a dirty background.

If you mix with people like her, you will be dragged into the water sooner or later, so it's better to stay away from her.

Qin Xiaobao wanted to get angry for a long time because of this NG drama, but she also has her own professional ethics.

In the world, apart from the man Zhan Nianbei who dared to dislike her, there are still people who dare to dislike her. This is what the proud Qin Xiaobao can't tolerate.

She raised the prop sword in her hand and placed it at Ye Ziyang's throat, making Ye Ziyang tremble: "Polaris, what are you, what do you want to do?"

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