My Husband, Warm The Bed (CEO's Mistaken Wife)

Chapter 224 Encounter in the Hospital

Chapter 224: Encounter in the Hospital

Aware that he had leaked his words, Qin Xiaobao hurriedly changed his words and said, "Oh, no, then why don't you help your father chase sister Da Ranran?"

"Sister Da Ranran is angry. She is angry with her father, not Ranran." Xiao Ranran explained to Qin Xiaobao very seriously.

After waking up that morning, Da Ranran's sister disappeared and flew away quietly. I don't know if she cried at night and scared her away.

However, she must not tell everyone such an embarrassing thing, otherwise her father will laugh at her and cry.

In the past two days, she has called Da Ranran's sister. Her sister's voice is still very good, and she is still willing to talk to her, but she just doesn't want to pay attention to her father. She guesses that her sister is angry with her father and has nothing to do with her crying.

She knew that she was very cute and likable, so sister Da Ranran would not despise her.

Qin Xiaobao rolled his eyes and said, "little baby, do you want to see sister Da Ranran?"

Xiao Ranran nodded her head: "Ranran thinks."

She misses Da Ranran's sister so much, but Da Ranran's sister just doesn't agree to go home to accompany her, and she doesn't know what to do.

Qin Xiaobao added: "you call sister Da Ranran now and tell her that you are in the hospital, and she will come to see you soon."

"Sister will come to see Ranran?" Xiao Ranran expressed some doubts. Sister Da Ranran didn't want to see her for a few days. If she called her, would she really come?


After leaving Qin's house that day, Jian Ran put all her focus on her work, never thinking about Qin's family, let alone being kissed by Qin Yue as a substitute.

However, the more Jane didn't let herself think about it, the more she always remembered.

In particular, Qin Yue's hesitant expression and helplessness in his eyes made Jian Ran want to go deeper and know what happened in Qin Yue's past.

In life, Jian Ran is not an eventful person. Even her father doesn't want to tell her about her past memories, she doesn't care much, and she doesn't know why she cares about Qin Yue's affairs.

I have been working in PM company for several days, and Jian Ran's work has gradually started.

After seeing her works, the people in the design department led by her no longer believed that she was only in this position by her beauty, they affirmed her work ability, and their attitude towards her at work was much more friendly.

Now, Jian Ran's life and work are all smooth sailing, but she suddenly misses Xiao Ranran, misses her soft voice, and wants to see her pink face.


Jian Ran was thinking about why Xiao Ranran didn't call to find her today, so she did.

"elder sister……"

When Jian Ran was connected, she heard Xiao Ranran's soft voice coming from her mobile phone. When she heard her voice, Jian Ran always felt that her heart would be warmed.

"Xiao Ranran, have you eaten lunch yet?" When asked, the corners of Jian Ran's lips rose slightly unconsciously, her eyes were as gentle as water.

"It's broken, but Ran Ran is in the hospital. It hurts so much. Dad isn't here." According to her aunt's instructions, Xiao Ranran deliberately made her words unclear.

"Xiao Ranran, which hospital are you in?" Before she got an answer, Jian Ran had already picked up her bag and went out. She had to rush over to take care of Xiao Ranran, and she must not be afraid of Xiao Ranran.

Thinking of Xiao Ranran crying so sadly in the corridor that night, as if the whole world had abandoned her, Jane still feels heartache.

Now that Xiao Ranran is broken, her father is not by her side, and she has no mother. She is so small, she must bear so much by herself, and she must be very scared.

At this time, Jian Ran can't care about keeping a distance from Qin's family, she just wants to accompany Xiao Ranran, and she can't make Xiao Ranran feel uneasy and afraid anymore.

Xiao Ranran told Jian Ran that after she was in Shengtian Hospital, Jian Ran took a taxi and rushed over to the hospital. She got off the car and rushed to the hospital. She didn't notice that a car next to her also left, and the destination was the same as hers.

After entering the elevator and another person came in, Jane looked up and saw him, surprised: "Qin, Mr. Qin?"

"Miss Jane, it's a coincidence that you came to the hospital too." Qin Yue nodded to her, polite and unfamiliar, and seemed a little cold, as if he had never done anything to her that night.

"Well." Jian Ran nodded and looked away from him.

Qin Yue was still as usual, standing upright, looking straight ahead, he didn't seem to have any emotions, only the two hands beside him were clenched so tightly that the knuckles turned white.

The eighth floor of the inpatient department arrived soon. The elevator door opened, but Qin Yue didn't move. He wanted to wait for Jian Ran to leave first. But Jane didn't move.

She came to see Xiao Ranran, and Qin Yue was also here. She pretended to have other things and didn't want to have too much interaction with Qin Yue.

"Miss Jane, which floor are you going to go to?" Neither of them moved. After a while, Qin Yue asked first.

"10th floor." Jian Ran said casually.

"Oh, good." Qin Yue pressed the tenth floor for her, and then closed the elevator door, intending to go up to the tenth floor with her.

Jian Ran: "Didn't you go to the eighth floor?"

Qin Yue: "I'm going to the tenth floor too." He will follow wherever she goes.

Jian Ran: "..."

Xiao Ranran is clearly on the eighth floor, what is he doing on the tenth floor?

Is it because of her?

Thinking of this, Jian Ran glanced at him quietly. Seeing that he looked calm and looked directly at the elevator door, she had no other thoughts at all.

Well, she admitted that she thought too much, maybe he just happened to be on the tenth floor.

The tenth floor arrived soon, this time Jian Ran didn't stay any longer, she walked out first, and Qin Yue followed closely behind her.

"Mr. Qin, why don't you go first?" Jian Ran really couldn't see through Qin Yue. She followed her without saying a word, and didn't know what she wanted to do?

"Why are you avoiding me?" Qin Yue asked. The tone is very serious.

She would never be able to appreciate his helplessness, the helplessness of the person who had been waiting for finally returned to her side, but couldn't get close to her and touch her.

These days, he even thought about it, no matter what, no matter what Sheng Tian, ​​no matter what Jian Zhengtian wants to do, no matter whether Jian Ran can remember the past...

He put aside everything and took Xiao Ranran and Jian Ran together to find a place where no one knew them and lived together.

"I didn't want to avoid you." She was avoiding him, but it's hard to admit it face to face. You shouldn't make people think she's stingy.

"What happened that night..."

"Mr. Qin, I have forgotten." Jian Ran interrupted him, looked into the distance and said, "Go and see Xiao Ranran. Without you by her side, she will be very scared."

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