Chapter 227: Tracking Bugs

What Qin Yue is doing now is something Qin Xiaobao never thought about before.

The man standing at the top of the pyramid, the man who controls the business empire of Shengtian with one hand, the man who is so cold that many people dare not get close to him, has always been the man who gave orders to others to do things...

Taking care of Xiao Ranran's locks, he can completely leave it to servants to do it, but he doesn't. As long as it concerns Xiao Ranran, he does many things himself.

Qin Xiaobao once thought that her brother might die alone in this life, so she kept trying to find a woman for him.

Later, he finally got a wife and had a child...

Just when Qin Xiaobao felt that her wooden brother finally got his happiness, the woman who could make him happy suddenly disappeared, leaving only a box of ashes.

Qin Xiaobao saw her wooden brother fell from the top of happiness again with his own eyes. He fell to pieces, and fell to pieces. If it weren't for Xiaoran, he might really be gone...

Thinking of this, Qin Xiaobao rushed up and grabbed Xiao Ranran and hugged him: "Dad is not good, but I don't want my father, so I don't want a little aunt?"

"However, I don't want my father, I want my little aunt..." Xiao Ranran wiped a tear with her little hand and said pitifully.

"Brother, sister-in-law is gone too. Go and do your job. Xiao Ranran will be taken care of by me." Abandoning the words, Qin Xiaobao hugged Xiao Ranran and left.

Seeing Xiao Ranran crying so sadly, Qin Xiaobao can guess that it must be the reason why Da Ranran left.

It is said that blood is thicker than water, and mother and son are connected to heart. This is true at all. As soon as Da Ranran came back, Xiao Ranran was automatically attached.

Since Xiao Ranran misses her mother, she will take Xiao Ranran to find her mother. This kind of thing is so simple, and only her silly wooden brother is too stupid to know what to do.


As soon as Jian Ran arrived at the company, Qin Xiaobao also arrived with Xiao Ranran, who was crying like a rabbit.

Qin Xiaobao shoved Xiao Ranran into Jian Ran's arms, and said angrily, "Xiao Ranran is so sad, you can do it."

Abandoning the words, Qin Xiaobao turned around and left, leaving Jian Ran holding a child, standing dumbfounded and at a loss.

Listening to Qin Xiaobao's tone just now, it seems that the child will cry, and it's all her fault.

Xiao Ranran didn't want to leave a bad impression on Da Ranran. She was so sad that she couldn't help crying.

"Xiao Ranran..." As soon as she saw Xiao Ranran's red eyes, Jian Ran's heart ached, and she hugged the little guy tightly, "Then Xiao Ranran, go to work with my sister."

"Sister, but you're not stupid." Xiao Ranran's mouth was flat, and she put her head on Jianran's shoulder, and she looked like she was about to cry.

Xiao Ranran decided that if sister Da Ranran dared to call her stupid again, she would cry to her sister, just like she just cried to her father.

"Our little Ranran is so cute and smart, of course not stupid." Jian Ran rubbed Xiao Ranran's head, feeling helpless. What was this little guy thinking about all day?

"Sister will like Ranran?" Xiao Ranran sniffed and asked softly.

"Of course sister likes Ranran, more than Ranran likes her sister." Jane hugs Xiaoran tightly, wishing to rub the little guy into her body.

She didn't even imagine that she would like Xiao Ranran so much, so much so that when she saw Xiao Ranran cry, she could not wait to cry for her. Hearing that Xiao Ranran might be injured, she could not wait to hurt Xiao Ranran herself.

Xiao Ranran didn't understand Jianran's words, but she only needed to know that her sister didn't hate her, she liked her very much.

Thinking that Da Ranran's sister still likes her so much, Xiao Ranran holds Jian Ran's face and rubs against her.

Xiao Ranran's face is a little fat and pink. She used her little strength to rub and rub on Jian Ran's face, so that Jian Ran's whole body almost softened into a pool of spring water.

"Then sister invites Xiao Ranran to lunch, will Xiao Ranran accompany her to work for a while?" Jane pinched Xiao Ranran's face and asked softly.

"Okay." Xiao Ranran lay on Jianran's shoulder and replied softly.

Jian Ran hugged Xiao Ranran and looked around. If she wanted to eat, she had to find a light food that was suitable for children over three years old.

But, just as Jian Ran was thinking for a while, Xiao Ranran had already fallen asleep on her shoulder.

Jane stroked her head, smiled gently, and whispered, "what a lovable little guy. You are so cute, how could your mother be willing to leave you and go. "

Jian Ran didn't know that what she said was passed on to Qin Yue's ears without a word, nor did she know that there was a tracking bug hidden in the amulet that Xiao Ranran gave her. Her every move was already in Qin Yue's ears. under control.

On the first day he saw Jianran, Qin Yue had this plan, but the time was not ripe and he didn't find a suitable method. After Jianran and Xiaoran got along well, Qin Yue thought of asking Xiaoran to give Jianran a gift. Of course.

Because of losing Jianran, Qin Yue has protected Xiaoran very closely over the years. There is a tracking bug hidden in Xiaoran's amulet to prevent Xiaoran from getting lost.

Liu Yong knocked on the door and entered the office, and said, "President Qin, the bug placed next to my wife has a good signal and accurate positioning. No matter where she goes in the future, we can accurately confirm her position in the shortest possible time and ensure that she safety."

"Very good." Qin Yue nodded.

He said that this time, he would never lose Jian Ran again, and he would never hurt her again.

Even if this method would violate Jian Ran's privacy, he still had to do it. Because she is by Jane Zhengtian's side, for the sake of her safety, he must always know her condition.

Liu Yong added: "Jian Zhengtian has been in contact with people in Kyoto these two days. We haven't found out who it is."

"Xu and Jianxin." Qin Yue reported the target person at once.

In the past three years, Xu's career has been getting better and better, and it has been quite the scale of the Gu family back then.

Jian Xin has been helping with the surname Xu all the time. She holds shares in her hands. Jian Zhengtian, who is hiding in the dark, must know about it.

So when he heard that Jian Zhengtian had contact with people in Jingjing, Qin Yue immediately thought of Xu and Jian Xin.

Listening to Qin Yue's words, Liu Yong also felt that it was reasonable, and said, "Mr. Qin, then I will arrange for the two people with the surname Xu to be watched."

"At the same time, keep an eye on Jane Zhengtian. No matter who he contacts, I will know." Qin Yue tapped the table with his fingertips, and suddenly smiled.

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