My Husband, Warm The Bed (CEO's Mistaken Wife)

Chapter 231: Pursue Your Opportunity

Chapter 231: Pursuing Your Opportunity

Jian Ran quietly looked sideways at Qin Yue. Wearing a white shirt, he stood up straight, his chin raised slightly, his eyes narrowed slightly, and he looked straight ahead, looking like a perfect sculpture.

However, what Jane saw was not only Qin Yue's noble temperament and good-looking appearance, she seemed to be able to see into his heart, as if he was surrounded by endless loneliness and pain, so lonely and helpless.

In Jane's few memories, she has never been in love, and she doesn't even know what it feels like to love someone.

She has heard people say that love is like a double-edged sword, which can be both the armor and the weakness of the other party.

Now, Qin Yue, who has lost "Jian Ran", is a person who has no weakness and also lost his armor.

That "Jian Ran" once gave Qin Yue the best things in the world, but when she disappeared, she also destroyed everything in Qin Yue silently.

Today's Qin Yue, standing in the crowd is still so dazzling, but his body is covered with a thin layer of ice, so cold that people dare not approach.

In Jian Ran's opinion, the most desperate and helpless thing about Qin Yue is that before his business trip, his wife smiled and said that he would wait for him to come back. When he came back, they were separated by yin and yang, and they would never have a chance to meet again in this life.

But for Qin Yue, those are things in the past, and now there are even more cruel things for him.

His wife was right in front of him, and he could touch her just by reaching out, but she didn't remember him.

An invisible high wall separated him and her on both sides of the wall. He could hear and feel each other, but could not touch each other.

The Buddha said that there are eight sufferings in life: birth, old age, sickness, death, separation from love, long-lasting resentment, inability to seek, and inability to let go.

Love parting, can't ask, can't let go——

Qin Yue suddenly laughed, the laughter was low and deep, and the squinted eyes under the golden glasses frame seemed to have tears flashing.

Jian Ran looked at his smile, but felt more uncomfortable than watching people cry.

"Our child has been saved and is growing up healthily. She is very cute and sensible. She is almost all the fun in my life." Qin Yue looked sideways at Jian Ran and continued, "The child's mother followed me when she was pregnant with the child. Said, when the child turns one year old, we will take a group photo of the whole family, and in the future, we will take a group photo every year the child is older..."

But there will never be a chance to complete a family portrait!

Jian Ran couldn't help thinking sadly for Qin Yue.

Qin Yue's low and magnetic voice tapped Jian Ran's heart window again and again, and she even wanted to go up and hold his clenched fist to give him a little strength and comfort.

But Jian Ran didn't do that, and she didn't have the position to do that—

She didn't even know what Qin Yue was thinking about bringing her to see his deceased wife?

Just when she had many uncertainties, she heard Qin Yue say in a deep voice: "she has been away from me and my child for three years. It's been three years, should we forget her? "

He was asking Jian Ran, but Jian Ran believed that Qin Yue already had his own answer in his heart, and he didn't want her answer, so Jian Ran didn't answer.

Jian Ran didn't speak, but she was thinking for Qin Yue that people should look forward in life, not live in the past all the time.

If Qin Yue's wife Quanxia knew, she probably didn't want to see him in such pain. She definitely hoped that he could forget the past as soon as possible and start a new life with cute little ran.

"Jian Ran-"

Qin Yue suddenly shouted the word "Jian Ran". Jian Ran didn't know whether he was calling his wife or her, so he didn't answer.

"Give me a chance and let me pursue you."

Qin Yue's low and sexy voice reached Jian Ran's ears. Jian Ran was so shocked by Qin Yue's words that her head was buzzing. Is there something wrong with Qin Yue?

He first told her a lot of stories about him and his deceased wife, and before she could digest that sad story, he said in front of the deceased wife that he wanted to pursue her.

Although his wife has been dead for three years, it is always not good for him to say that he wants to pursue another woman in front of his deceased wife.

But after thinking about it carefully, Jian Ran can understand that it is because she is somewhat similar to Qin Yue's deceased wife, so he will do a series of incredible things.

He said that he wanted to pursue her, but he was afraid that he did not really want to pursue her, but regarded her as his deceased wife. He wanted to start over with his deceased wife.

Qin Yue's eyes closely followed Jian Ran, wanting to get Jian Ran's affirmative answer, so nervous that his palms were sweating during the waiting time.

Jian Ran smiled apologetically: "Mr. Qin, although my name is Jian Ran, I am who I am. I have nothing to do with your wife, and I don't want to be someone else's substitute."

Jian Ran's answer made Qin Yue feel as if someone had grabbed his heart, he took a breath, and it took a long time for him to recover.

He stared at Jian Ran with burning eyes, and asked solemnly again, "Jian Ran, you are not a substitute, you are you, so are you willing?"

When Jane came back, she forgot everything in the past, so she was a brand new Jane. Whether it is the previous Jianran or the current Jianran, for Qin Yue, it is his Jianran.

He can think that Jian Ran really passed away three years ago, pursue a new Jian Ran again, and let them start over.

Knowing that there are many suitors around Jian Ran, Qin Yue felt many crises, and he had no time to wait any longer. He had to let Jian Ran accept him again as soon as possible.

Even if I can't accept him, I hope that I can guard Jian Ran's side and prevent other people who want to pursue her from approaching her.

Jian Ran originally wanted to refuse, but when she met Qin Yue's eyes, she didn't say the words of refusal several times.

She didn't even know why, she didn't want to see Qin Yue so sad, and she felt a little guilty for rejecting him.

However, in the end, reason prevailed over emotion. Jian Ran shook her head and said very calmly, "Mr. Qin, did I do something to make you misunderstood? Actually, I really don't have any bad thoughts about you."

"Jian Ran, I want to pursue you." Qin Yue grabbed Jian Ran's shoulder and said, "I don't want you to admit that you have anything to do with me. I just want you to give me a chance, An opportunity where I can pursue you."

Jian Ran said, "Mr. Qin, I really—"

Qin Yue interrupted her and said, "let's get in touch with each other and stay together. If during the process of getting along, you feel that I am not a good person and not what you want, you can ask to terminate the relationship at any time. "

Jian Ran shook her head and said, "Mr. Qin, this is not fair to you."

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