My Husband, Warm The Bed (CEO's Mistaken Wife)

Chapter 233: Destroyed by Jian Zhengtian

Chapter 233: Destroyed by Jian Zhengtian


The mobile phone in Jian Ran's bag suddenly buzzed, she immediately pulled back her hand, opened the bag and took out her mobile phone. Seeing that it was her father's call, her lips unconsciously put on a smile: "Dad ."

"I'm not at the company today, I came out with a friend."

"It's nothing, just a friend I just met, go out for a walk together."

"What? You went out and got into a car accident?"

"Which hospital are you in? I'll go look for you right away."

Seeing Jian Ran's expression and listening to Jian Ran's tone, Qin Yue could roughly judge the position of Jian Zhengtian in Jian Ran's heart now.

I have to say that the image of a loving father that Jian Zhengtian has created in front of Jian Ran in the past three years has been very successful, making Jian Ran trust him and rely on him so much.

Jane Zhengtian has a good understanding of people's hearts and knows what kind of image to use in front of Jane to control her the most easily.

Threats and inducements are temporary, and no one can be controlled by him for a lifetime. On the contrary, the image of this loving father gave Jian Ran, who had lost her memory, enough sense of security to hold Jian Ran tightly in the palm of her hand.

Under such circumstances, if Qin Yue went to tell Jian Ran that your father was not your biological father, he was the indirect murderer who killed your biological father and mother.

Not only would Jian Ran not believe it, but she might also think that Qin Yue was a lunatic and would avoid him far away.

Qin Yueming knew Jian Zhengtian's true intentions. Of course, he couldn't do it foolishly. He could only find a way to slowly remind Jianran of the past.

He just made an appointment with Jian Ran today, and Jian Zhengtian had a car accident. I don't know if it really happened, or if it was a little trick played by Jian Zhengtian?

Jane hung up the phone, and Qin Yue immediately said, "did something happen to my uncle?"

Jian Ran nodded and said anxiously, "Mr. Qin, if it's convenient, can you please take me to Jiangbei First People's Hospital?"

Just now, Qin Yue felt that he could have Jian Ran again soon. As soon as Jian Ran's words came out, he returned Qin Yue to his original shape and pushed him back into the abyss.

It turned out that in Jian Ran's mind, he was still just a stranger, and she would not pay attention to everything about him, let alone.

Qin Yue didn't answer. Jian Ran thought he was inconvenient, and she added, "if it's inconvenient for you, please find a place to put me down. I'll take a taxi to the hospital by myself."

"Jian Ran, I will!"

I'm willing to do whatever you ask me to do.

Not to mention sending you to the hospital to see Jian Zhengtian, even if you sent me to the door and let Jian Zhengtian stab me twice, I have no complaints.

But Qin Yue's thoughts, he could only hide in his heart, Jian Ran would not understand, all her thoughts flew to Jian Zhengtian.

Their father and daughter had no relatives and no reason in Jiangbei. Their father had a car accident, and there was no one around to take care of him. As the father's only relative, Jane would definitely use the fastest time to take care of her father.

Qin Yue originally planned to take Jian Ran to eat out, and then take Jian Ran to walk the road they walked together, hoping that Jian Ran could recall something, but he didn't expect that the plan would be broken by Jian Zhengtian's phone call.

Jane Zhengtian, this is really unforgivable!


Jian Zhengtian's injury is not serious, not even serious.

It is said that he was frightened by crossing the road and fell on the ground for a long time without getting up. The driver of the car was worried that something might happen and sent him to the hospital.

The doctor also did an examination, and the skin was not scratched.

Seeing that Jian Zhengtian was all right, Jian Ran breathed a sigh of relief, and finally let go of her dangling heart.

In the past three years, Jian Ran only knew about work and work, and she was an idiot when it came to life.

Without her father by her side, she doesn't know if she can live like a normal person.

Through the transparent glass window, Qin Yue's sharp eyes fell on Jian Zhengtian.

Jian Zhengtian also raised his head and looked at him, his eyes flashed with pride, as if he was saying to Qin Yue: "the person you care about most is held in my hand tightly, no matter what you do, you should think about the consequences. ."

Qin Yue looked at him with thin lips slightly hooked, like a smile but not a smile, just as he was about to say something, Jian Ran also followed Jian Zhengtian's gaze, then nodded and smiled at him in the air.

Qin Yue changed his face almost immediately, and nodded to Jian Ran with a slight smile.

He had to admit that Jian Zhengtian had caught his most fatal weakness. As long as Jian Ran didn't recover his memory for a day, he couldn't do anything to Jian Zhengtian.

Taking another look at Jian Zhengtian and Jian Ran who were talking and laughing in the ward, Jian Ran stepped aside and dialed a phone number: "I asked you to stare at Jian Zhengtian, how did you stare?"

Liu Yong's voice came from the phone: "Mr. Qin, because I didn't know you were with your wife in advance. Jane Zhengtian didn't make any trouble, so we ignored him."

"Next time I'm with Jian Ran, keep an eye on Jian Zhengtian." After coldly dropping the words, Qin Yue hung up the phone.

The good dating time between the two was just ruined by the beast Jian Zhengtian. Qin Yue felt uncomfortable no matter what he thought.

"Mr. Qin—"

A polite and polite voice suddenly came from behind, Qin Yue looked back at her and emphasized, "Qin Yue! My name is Qin Yue!"

"Qin Yue, thank you for taking me to the hospital." Jian Ran smiled politely and said, "my dad has nothing to do, so you can go back first. I'll do some formalities for him later."

Qin Yue: "I've already had someone do the formalities for you, so you don't need to bother anymore."

Jane ran: "I really want to thank you today."

"Jian Ran, don't be so polite to me." Qin Yue looked at her and said seriously, "You are my future girlfriend, I should do anything for you."

Jian Ran: "..."

Qin Yue said again: "if you are satisfied with what I did today, remember to give me a star."

"Huh?" She didn't understand what he meant.

Qin Yue grabbed Jian Ran's hand, rolled up her fingers one by one, and made her make a fist: "as long as I get five stars, you will promise to be my girlfriend."

Jane pulled back her hand in a panic: "don't worry about this, take it slow."

As soon as Jian Ran's words came out, Qin Yue pulled her into his arms and hugged her: "I still have some things to do, so I have to go first. I will send your father and daughter home."

Jian Ran shook her head: "Let's just take a taxi and go back. You don't need to bother. "

Qin Yue said, "you always have to give me a chance to perform, otherwise I'm worried that I won't be able to pass the probation period."

Jian Ran: "..."

Why does it feel like this man has suddenly changed into a different person, with seriousness but also indignity, and seriousness with some frivolity.

Could it be that she saw too few people and misunderstood?

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