My Husband, Warm The Bed (CEO's Mistaken Wife)

Chapter 238 protect her with life

Chapter 238: Protect her with life

Qin Yue had never seen any kind of person or thing. Hearing this hoarse voice, he was also slightly startled, looked at the boy's eyes, and explored a little more.

There are many stories hidden in the boy's eyes. He is trying his best to hide from being discovered, but he is still too young, and the opponent he meets is someone who is as sensitive as Qin Yue. Qin Yue could see the hidden things clearly.

Qin Yue got up and hugged Xiao Ranran, and said, "Uncle Wei, take the person away."

"I, no, go!" The big boy took a lot of effort to say three complete words, his voice still hoarse as if the fire burned his throat.

His blood-red eyes stared at Xiao Ranran in Qin Yue's arms, and said again: "I want to stay and stay by her side."

"Ha...Want to stay by my daughter's side?" Qin Yue snorted softly, "my daughter does not lack anyone who can take care of her."

"Life..." The big boy swallowed a mouthful of saliva, and took a lot of time to say it again, "I can protect her with my life."

The boy's words are sincere, Qin Yue can see that what he said is from the heart, but it is impossible for him to make a decision easily when it comes to Xiao Ranran.

He stared at him for a long time, then said, "Why should I trust you?"

"She saved my life." That night of thunderstorms, he was wounded and lost his mind. After being rescued, he heard a voice - to save the big brother.

This answer moved Qin Yue very much, but Qin Yue saw more of what the big boy was carrying.

Putting such a person by Xiao Ranran's side is like a time bomb. The disadvantages outweigh the advantages. He will definitely not joke about Xiao Ranran's safety.

"Dad, of course I want my brother to stay." Xiao Ranran, who had never said a word in Qin Yue's arms, suddenly said softly.

"Why?" Qin Yue looked at Xiao Ranran, and his tone became much softer in an instant.

"He can play with Ranran." Xiao Ranran said.

Xiao Ranran's reason is very simple, but it has several meanings in Qin Yue's ears.

Xiao Ranran is not willing to get close to every stranger. She is willing to get close to people she likes and people who won't hurt her. Children sometimes see people more accurately than adults.

Qin Yue never had the heart to refuse any request from Xiao Ranran, especially when he met the big bright eyes of the little guy, he couldn't say a single word of rejection.

Qin Yue looked at the big boy again. After thinking for a long time, he said, "Since you want to thank your savior, she will be your master in the future. You will be by her side to take care of her and protect her."

The boy didn't speak, but turned his eyes to Xiao Ranran in Qin Yue's arms. She looked at him and smiled sweetly: "brother, Ranran will protect you in the future."

Qin Yue put Xiao Ranran down: "Of course, take your brother to ask Aunt Xiangxiu to prepare a place for him."

"Well." Xiao Ranran nodded happily and took the big boy's hand, "Brother, come with Ranran."

The boy didn't hesitate, or he had accepted Xiao Ranran's identity as his master. What she said in the future, he just had to follow.

Looking at the backs of them leaving, Old Wei worried: "Master, wouldn't it be too risky for such a person of unknown origin to follow the young lady?"

Qin Yue looked at the back of the big boy, until Xiao Ranran took him out of his sight, and he looked back: "he won't hurt Xiao Ranran."

Looking at the direction of people, Qin Yue is still very confident.

The person he handed over was Xiao Ranran, his most precious daughter. How could he do such a risky thing without full confidence.

Old Wei said again, "Should we send someone to find out his details?"

"No." Qin Yue got up and left, and at the same time ordered, "Xiangxiu, let Xiaobao come to my study at home."


When Xiangxiu got the news, Qin Xiaobao was lying on the tatami in the room watching the new script.

Hearing that Qin Yue wanted to see her, and thinking that their family of three had lunch together at noon today, Qin Xiaobao felt that he had helped a lot to let brother Mu Tou chase his wife so quickly.

She threw the script away and ran to Qin Yue's study, thinking about the sports car she liked while running. It seemed that she could become her own.

"Brother." Qin Xiaobao pushed in without knocking on the door, and said hurriedly, "if you want to thank me, give me a big gift bag, if it's too small, you're too embarrassed to take it out, but I'm embarrassed to accept it. "

"Thank you?" Qin Yue sat at the desk and said without raising his head, "Do I want to thank you for making trouble for me?"

At first, Qin Yue just guessed that Qin Xiaobao did the flower delivery, but now it's alright, before he asked, the girl shook it out by herself.

"You are my brother. Even if there is a small accident in what I do, you must understand that the starting point of everything I do is for your own good." Qin Xiaobao has been mixed for so many years, and he has already become an adult. As soon as I heard Qin Yue's tone, I knew that there might be an accident in her plan.

It was an accident, no one expected it, and no one wanted it to happen, so his wooden brother shouldn't blame her.

"Go back to the United States tomorrow and think about it for a month. When you figure out what's wrong, write a written review of no less than 3,000 words, and you can go out only if you pass the test." Qin Yue's tone was serious and stern, and he didn't seem to intend to give Qin Xiaobao has a little room for reversal.

"Brother, did you make a mistake? I'm such an old man, you still have to punish me to face the wall and think about it?" Qin Xiaobao said with a flat mouth and aggrieved.

She is already in her twenties, okay? When my sister-in-law was her age, she got married with brother Mu Tou, maybe she was busy making Xiao Ranran.

If it wasn't for the fact that Zhan Nianbei was always cold to her, maybe she and Zhan Nianbei would fly together, how could she live in her parents' house?

Qin Xiaobao also has a house outside, but it is too lonely to live alone. She still lives in Nuoyuan at a convenient time, and she can accompany Xiaoran by the way.

Qin Yue raised his eyebrows and said solemnly, "When you grow up, I'm not your brother anymore? I can't take care of you anymore?"

"You can take care of me when you have time, why don't you think about how to get your sister-in-law back." Qin Xiaobao's mind turned quickly, Qin Yue said before speaking, "I made an appointment with Ling Feiyu just now to go shopping with my sister-in-law tomorrow. , maybe to help her recall something."

When Qin Xiaobao's bait was thrown at the right time, Qin Yue was moved.

Jian Ran hasn't opened up to him yet. It's more difficult for him to help her remember the past. It might be easier for Ling Feiyu and Qin Xiaobao to approach Jian Ran.

Such a simple question, why didn't he think of it before?

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