Chapter 240: Dating

Jane went downstairs.

It was exactly the fifteenth day of the lunar calendar, and the bright moon was in the sky, illuminating the whole world with white light, as if shrouded in a layer of white gauze, which was extra light and clear.

Qin Yue was standing in the moonlight, with one hand in his pocket and his back straight. His eyes fell into the distance, and he didn't see Jian Ran coming downstairs for the first time - so, Jian Ran had a moment of quiet appreciation.

Jian Ran has been in the fashion circle in recent years, and she has seen a lot of beautiful supermodels... But, no one can match Qin Yue's temperament, proud and reserved, elegant and honest.

Although she is unwilling, Jane still has to admit that this man is the most perfect man she has ever seen in her life.

Thinking about it like this, he was a little jealous of his dead wife.

Jian Ran was in a daze, but Qin Yue turned around and saw her.

The man under the moonlight smiled in an instant, like a glacier melting snow, warming the earth in spring.

He said softly, "You're here."

Jian Ran's heartbeat suddenly missed a beat, and there was a rumbling in her head, and the crimson that had finally faded away climbed up her cheeks again.

Jian Ran hurriedly blinked her eyes, turned her head away, and only wished that the night would be bleak, so that Qin Yue wouldn't see her expression.

But ah, the moonlight tonight is so intoxicating, bright as if it can't hide a secret.

Qin Yue smiled and walked to Jian Ran's side.

The moonlight was so beautiful that he could clearly see Jian Ran's trembling eyelashes, her blushing cheeks, and the shimmering gleams in her eyes - such shimmers belonged to the shy Jian Ran, just like in the past.

In a blink of an eye, it seems to be back in time.

She and him met in the vast sea of ​​people, knew each other, fell in love with each other, cuddled with each other, and promised each other forever.

Qin Yue couldn't help but held Jian Ran's hand.

So soft, so... icy. I wish I could hold on to it for a lifetime.

Hand - suddenly held by Qin Yue, Jian Ran turned her head abruptly and subconsciously wanted to pull it out, but the other party seemed to insist on not letting it go.

Jian Ran was a little annoyed, so she glared at Qin Yue. Coincidentally, the other party was also looking at her, his eyes soft and firm.

This kind of gaze is too deceptive, making people addicted and unable to break free.

Jian Ran suddenly couldn't tell whether the man was looking at his dead wife or... himself.

It's too much, isn't it? Why did he tell her about his dead wife? Now, her heart is beating like a drum, and she is eager to hold back the man's warm hand and never let go.

But... he likes that Jian Ran, doesn't he? Not myself.

But now, her hand is in his big palm, warm and warm into her cold heart, Jane couldn't help but look down.

She had never been held by someone like this before. It felt unfamiliar, but somehow familiar, as if he had held her like this before.

Perhaps, he used to hold his wife like this.

Jian Ran didn't want to think about it any more, even if Qin Yue regarded her as a substitute for his dead wife, she would recognize her.

Anyway, the person who is here now is me, and the person who is being held is me. Even if it is dawn, everything will return to its original position.

Just let yourself drown in his eyes—for one night.

Qin Yue was holding her, and Jian Ran was holding him. Neither of them spoke.

She didn't ask him where he was going to take her, she just knew to follow him.

How good, the night is dark, the surroundings are silent, it seems that only the two of them are walking forward between heaven and earth, only the breeze is accompanied by the moonlight.

After walking out of the community, Qin Yue stopped and looked down at her: "is there any place you want to go?"

Jian Ran shook her head: "I'm not familiar with Jiangbei."

"Then listen to me." He took her to his car, a multi-million Bentley Eye sedan.

He opened the passenger car door to let her get in the car, Jian Ran got in the car and sat down, reached for the seat belt, but Qin Yue held her hand down.

He said, "I'll come."

He bent down and pulled out the seat belt to help her fasten it. When he got up, his face and her pink lips brushed lightly.

As if she had been electrocuted, Jian Ran only felt her lips were hot, and her heartbeat was so fast that she wanted to jump out of her throat.

But the other party still didn't change his face.

Qin Yue looked at her and smiled, and then he leaned forward and approached her, as if he was about to kiss, but he stopped just a short distance away.

The faint smell of tobacco on his body melted into her breath, and the tip of his nose touched the tip of his nose, itching.

Jian Ran looked at herself nervously in his eyes, feeling that she was about to lose her breath.

But... Qin Yue didn't go any further, the distance between them finally stopped within a few minutes.

Jian Ran seemed to see the hesitation in Qin Yue's eyes. Sure enough, just as the light of hesitation flashed across, Qin Yue backed away.

Somehow, the loss in my heart surged like a wave.

Perhaps, he suddenly saw that she was not his deceased wife.

Her lips were still warm, but Jian Ran's heart was a little cold.

She wouldn't know that Qin Yue's hesitation was just for fear of her resistance. He never thought of her, even if he endured hard, he didn't want to go against her wishes.

Qin Yue sat down in the driver's seat, reached out and grabbed her hand, squeezed it in the palm of his hand: "go to a place with me."

Jane nodded.

Although the loss is still at the top of her heart, she doesn't want to let go of tonight.

Qin Yue said, "then lie down and sleep for a while, and I'll call you when I arrive."

Jian Ran said, "it will be dawn in two or three hours. Don't go too far. You have to go to work in the company early in the morning."

Qin Yue didn't answer, took out his mobile phone and turned it off, and threw it in the back seat of the car: "Would you like to accompany me to miss work for a day?"

Since he took over Shengtian, he has never given himself a serious day off. Today, let him be willful once, for his simplicity.

Jane looked at him, in his eyes, she could see full of tenderness, in addition to tenderness, tenderness.

His dignified president of Shengtian is willing to accompany her to make a fool of himself, why can't she be a little designer.

Jian Ran also took out her mobile phone and turned it off. Following his example, she threw the mobile phone in the back seat of the car in a dashing manner: "Mr. Qin, I lost my mobile phone, let's drive."

In the past two or three years, she has lived in accordance with her father's wishes, and after holding it for so long, let her act willfully once.

Qin Yue started the car, turned around, and quickly entered the central main road of the city.

Jian Ran went to bed late at night and started having nightmares not long after she fell asleep. She barely had a night of rest, and the car didn't go long before she fell asleep in a daze.

Strange to say, she used to have nightmares whenever she fell asleep, but this time she slept very deeply.

After nearly two hours' drive, Qin Yue arrived at Shengtian Bihai Villa, the most prestigious resort area in Jiangbei.

This place has so many fond memories of the two of them!

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