My Husband, Warm The Bed (CEO's Mistaken Wife)

Chapter 247 The Fleeting Picture

Chapter 247: A Fleeting Picture

As soon as the lunch break arrived, Jian Ran received another call from Qin Yue, saying that she was waiting for her downstairs.

Everyone is waiting for her downstairs in the company, even if she doesn't want to go, she can't refuse, not to mention that she wants to have lunch with him in her heart.

During the lunch break, there were a lot of people coming and going downstairs in the company, but Jian Ran still saw Qin Yue at first sight in the crowd.

I often hear people use the word "outstanding among chickens" to describe how outstanding a person is, but in Jian Ran's opinion, this word is not enough to describe how outstanding Qin Yue is.

No matter how ordinary the style of clothes is, as long as he wears them, it seems that he can wear them with different tastes. People who see him will stop for him.

Look, a few female colleagues saw that Qin Yue's legs couldn't move, and they looked at him directly, as if they wanted to throw Qin Yue down.

Suddenly, Jian Ran became a little unhappy, as if her belongings were coveted by others.

He quickened his pace and walked to Qin Yue's side, smiled and said, "Mr. Qin, you must have been waiting for a long time."

"Just arrived." He looked at her tenderly, stretched out his long arms and pulled her into his arms, completely ignoring the countless eyes staring at them.

Every time she thinks about the crimes that Jian Ran has suffered in the past three years, when she thinks that she not only lost her previous memories, lost her husband and children, but was also controlled by drugs by her mother-killing enemy Jian Zhengtian, living like a doll, Qin Yue's heart surges Endless heartache.

"Qin Yue, don't do this." Jian Ran pushed him, but he hugged him even tighter, so much that she could hardly breathe.

Qin Yue hugged her, buried his head in her ear and called her name in a low voice: "Jian Ran, Jian Ran..."

Over and over again, his voice was deep and hoarse, as if he felt sorry for her, and seemed to have many complicated emotions that Jian Ran couldn't see.

Inexplicably, some sadness and distress surged in Jian Ran's heart. She stopped her movement of rejecting Qin Yue, raised her arms and carefully wrapped them around his thin waist.

She wanted to say to him, "Don't be afraid, I'm here."

However, she didn't speak.

Because she didn't understand what he was afraid of, was he afraid of losing "Jian Ran" again?

"Jane -" he called her name again.

"Mr. Qin, if you call me in such a tone again, I might get angry." Jian Ran pretended to smile carelessly.

Maybe she doesn't even know what she likes about Qin Yue, is it because he is considerate to her, or is she envious of his love for her wife?

"Jian Ran, you can be angry with me, you can hit me, you can scold me, you can do whatever you want..." As long as you don't leave me, don't let me live without you, let me protect you You, you just want to go to heaven, and I am willing to take the ladder for you.

"Ah... I just want you to let me go, there are many people watching." This man, the skills of flirting with girls are really not good.

He is so good-looking, has such a nice voice, and is so rich. The key is that he is so considerate and gentle. As long as he is willing, will the hearts of all the girls in the world be enthralled by him?

It's really stressful to be with such a perfect man who many people covet.

I don't know if the former Mrs. Qin would feel very insecure when she was by his side? Will you have to be wary of him every day?

Otherwise, he might be abducted by other women.

"Let's go, go eat." Qin Yue also felt that his reaction was a little overdone, calmed down quietly, and led her away.

"Hmm." Jane nodded.

The place to eat is still the old place, Room 1808 of Lily Restaurant.

It's just a meal, and it's a waste of money to have such a good private room every time, but thinking of Qin Yue's status, it's definitely impossible to squeeze with many people.

When she arrived at Room 1808 of Baihe Restaurant, Jian Ran realized that it wasn't the two of them today, but another person.

This person, whom Jian Ran met before, is Xiao Ranran's uncle. She probably remembers the name, it seems to be Xiao Qinghe or something.

Xiao Ranran's mother is also called "Jian Ran", and Jian Ran doesn't understand why the brother of "Jian Ran" is called Xiao Qinghe?

"Miss Jane, we meet again." Xiao Qinghe always looked like he was fooling around, "You are more beautiful than last time I saw you."

"Mr. Xiao is also more handsome." Jian Ran said.

Jane can't hate this man, even though he always speaks in an unscrupulous manner.

Xiao Qinghe said with a smile: "Then I will compare with Mr. Qin, which one do you think looks better?"

"Of course it's Mr. Qin." Jian Ran wanted to answer like this, but she didn't want to hurt her self-esteem too much, so she cleverly chose a roundabout way of answering, "Well, what do you think, Mr. Xiao?"

Xiao Qinghe made a very surprised expression, and said, "Of course it's me. Can there be any controversy? "

Jane: "..."

Well, confident people are the most handsome.

Qin Yue took a look at them, and felt a little apprehensive.

When Jian Ran first met him, she was polite and polite to him, but she was so open to Xiao Qinghe. This blood relationship is really a strange thing.

Although he and Jian Ran are not related by blood, they are the two closest people. Who can compare with him? Jian Ran was the only one who didn't get close to him.

"Oh, our Mr. Qin seems to be jealous. Miss Jian, let me stay away from you. If you fall in love with me, I will be killed by Mr. Qin." Xiao Qinghe said.

Now he is trying to help Jian Ran recover her memory every day, Qin Yue doesn't dare to do anything to him, so taking this good opportunity to tease the aloof Mr. Qin can also add some fun to the boring life.

"Pfft..." Seeing Xiao Qinghe's exaggerated action language, Jian Ran couldn't help laughing, her smile was very bright.

"Brother-in-law, look at Jian Ran's smile, I'm the best."

The word "brother-in-law" suddenly hit Jian Ran's brain waves, as if she had seen a scene like this before.

Her head went numb, and a picture flashed in front of her eyes... brother-in-law, brother, a woman with a big belly...

Such a clear picture flashed away again, and when Jian Ran wanted to deepen her impression, her mind was blank again, and there was nothing left.

These days, there will always be some strange pictures in her mind, but when she wants to catch them, she can't catch them.

Xiao Qinghe said again: "Miss Jian, let me tell you, Mr. Qin only knows how to put on airs all day long, and acts cold in front of others. In fact, he is a very considerate man for his wife. After you have a lot of contacts with her, you will Know how good he is."

Jane asked back: "Is he cold?"

Jian Ran has never known Qin Yue's character in such a cold way.

He is a good man who is considerate of his wife, there is no doubt about it - but can she have fantasies about him?

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