Chapter 249: Shopping

Ling Feiyu said: "With your appearance and knowledge, Mr. Xiao, there must be a lot of girls who want to chase you. They have everything they want, but your vision is too high to look down on."

"You have wronged me." Xiao Qinghe wiped away fake tears and lamented, "I should never have known Muzhi, where there is him, no woman can see me. "

Qin Xiaobao nodded vigorously, expressing his agreement: "Master Xiao, you have finally told the truth. It's true that there are no other men with my brother."

As soon as Qin Xiaobao said this, Xiao Qinghe was about to cry: "You guys have to think about my mood, okay?"

No matter how much he wailed, there was no one to comfort him.

"I'm done with the examination, have you checked?" Jian Ran came out of the examination room, looked up and saw that there were many people there, and said in surprise, "Hey, Miss Qin, Miss Ling, you are all here."

Qin Xiaobao said: "Yes, what a coincidence. Miss Jian is fine in the afternoon, how about going shopping with us? "

"Miss Jane, Miss Ling, Miss Qin?" Ling Feiyu yelled dissatisfiedly, "My name is Feiyu, and her name is Xiaobao. If you keep shouting, I won't hit you."

Jian Ran burst into sweat. These people are all so enthusiastic about her. They should all be that "Jian Ran" friend.

That's why when they saw her, they were so kind and caring about her like seeing an old friend for many years, which made her heart feel warm.

Has been silent all the time, but Qin Yue, who has been keeping his eyes on Jianran, walked up to Jianran, raised his hand and put the broken hair on her forehead behind her ears, and said softly: "Go shopping with them, I will take the inspection results I'll tell you when I get there."

"Yeah." Jian Ran nodded and smiled lightly, "Go and do your work too. But remember not to be too tired."

After confessing these words, Jian Ran turned her head and saw that everyone was staring at her, and she blushed instantly with shame.

ah ah ah -

They are not very familiar with this man Qin Yue, why did he do such an ambiguous thing to her in front of so many people, making her forget that there are other people around her.

"Jian Ran, let's go first." Ling Feiyu rescued Jian Ran in time, grabbed her and left.

Qin Xiaobao followed closely behind, turned around and said to the two big men who watched them leave, "You two big men go play with you too. Don't worry about us, I will take good care of my future sister-in-law."

Watching them walk away, Qin Yue looked away from Jian Ran, and went to see Jian Ran's physical examination report with Xiao Qinghe.


Both Qin Xiaobao and Ling Feiyu are very noisy people. Jian Ran followed them, and her emotions were aroused by them. She never stopped smiling when listening to them talking along the way.

The two of them guarded Jian Ran, as if they were guarding a magnetic doll that might shatter at any moment.

One person walks on Jianran's left, and the other walks on Jianran's right. Passers-by who approach them will be stared away by them.

Jian Ran just thought it was funny: "You look like this, people who don't know would think that you are going to kidnap me somewhere."

Qin Xiaobao said: "We are here to protect you. If you bump into something, my brother will kill me when you go back. "

Jian Ran can't remember being kidnapped when she was pregnant with Xiao Ranran, but Qin Xiaobao and Ling Fei speak clearly, especially since she disappeared three years ago and finally came back, everyone consciously wants to protect her well.

Jian Ran shook her head helplessly again, but this kind of helplessness was not annoying, on the contrary, there was a trace of happiness in her heart.

In the past three years, she didn't have a single friend, and suddenly she had so many friends who cared about her. This feeling is very good.

It's just that apart from feeling good, Jian Ran felt a little lost in her heart for no reason. The way they treat her well is the same as Qin Yue's treatment of her.

Because all of them regarded her as the dead "Jian Ran."

"Jane, Xiaobao, let's eat hot pot after shopping." Ling Feiyu suggested.

In the past, she and Jian Ran liked going out to eat hot pot together the most. It felt really good to sweat all over on a hot day.

Qin Xiaobao said: "I'm preparing for a new play recently. I can't eat too hot or high-calorie food, but I can accompany you."

Jian Ran hadn't eaten hot pot for a long time, because her father always said that eating it was bad for her health, so she could only bear with her greed. When Ling Feiyu mentioned it, the gluttons in her stomach were aroused.

So, she readily agreed: "Okay. Let's eat hot pot together after shopping."

The place where they went shopping was the largest shopping mall in Jiangbei City, where Qin Yue and Jian Ran went shopping for the first time.

Jian Ran originally didn't want to buy anything, but when she walked into one of the malls and saw the little girl's supplies, she couldn't move anymore.

She unconsciously thought of Xiao Ranran, and when she saw the skirt, she would think of Xiao Ranran, would she look good in it?

When she saw girls' toys, she would wonder if Xiao Ranran would like them?

In short, everything that Xiao Ranran can use at that age, Jian Ran really wants to buy it home and give it to Xiao Ranran.

However, she understood too well that Xiao Ran didn't lack these at all, so she had to suppress the urge to shop forcibly.

Qin Xiaobao looked at Jian Ran's back, as if he saw a few years ago again.

That time when she went shopping with Jian Ran, Jian Ran had a big belly, and walked away when she walked to the baby products store. Even though the baby products were already prepared at home, she still bought a lot.

Ling Feiyu is a fashion designer, and every time she goes to the mall to look at clothes, she can't help but have a professional look. There are not many that she can catch her eyes on, and there is nothing to gain from shopping around.

"Stinky girl, the two brands of clothes you like are on the fifth floor, why don't we go up and have a look?" Naturally, Ling Feiyu called Jian Ran like that.

"Okay." Jane responded instinctively, she didn't even notice Ling Feiyu, who should be a stranger to her, how could she know what brand of clothes she liked.

Just as the three of them were about to go upstairs to the elevator, a branded scarf shop caught Jian Ran's attention.

Jian Ran stood still and looked at the scarf shop quietly.

In a trance, a young and good-looking man and woman appeared in the empty shop. The man was wearing a silver-gray suit and glasses with gold frames, looking at the woman tenderly.

Under his gentle gaze, the woman blushed and took the scarf to help the man put it on, and then mustered up the courage to secretly kiss the man on the corner of his mouth.

"do you like it?"


It seemed that there were two very familiar voices ringing in Jian Ran's ears, and she even saw the man's face clearly.

——Qin Yue!

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