Chapter 252: Bite

What a sad thing for a person who has no memory of the past.

But as she talked, Jian Ran smiled again, still her usual gentle smile, her eyebrows raised slightly, her lips raised slightly, her shallow and faint smile was very pretty.

In the past, Qin Yue always thought that her smile was beautiful, but until today, he realized that it was a smile that Jian Ran was trying to conceal her true inner feelings.

Looking at her smile, Qin Yue felt that someone was holding a knife across his heart. Pain was no longer his only perception.

"Jane, your father doesn't understand you, but I understand you. I know how disturbed and afraid you are in your heart." He said.

Because he was also afraid like her, afraid that he would never find her again in this life, and had to rely on drugs to fall asleep countless nights.

"You understand me?" Jian Ran shook her head, revealing a bitter smile. The person he understood should be his "Jian Ran", not her.

"Jian Ran, trust me." It was as if she had returned to the past. At that time, she did not believe that he could deal with Gu Nanjing, and now she did not believe that he could understand the pain she was suffering.

"Can I really trust you?" She was still asking, but in her heart she told herself to trust him, he was worthy of your trust.

Suddenly, Jian Ran thought of the picture that suddenly appeared in her mind when she was shopping today, and thought of Qin Yue who appeared in the picture.

That Qin Yue wears the same glasses as this Qin Yue, and looks about the same height and shape, the only difference is that that Qin Yue is wearing a silver-gray suit, while the Qin Yue holding her is wearing a white shirt.


Why did she see such a picture?

Jian Ran still wanted to think about it, but her body became more and more uncomfortable, and her heart became more and more frightened, irritable, and powerless. Many perceptions attacked her, making her panic and uneasy.

She wished she could hug Qin Yue and bite him——

Only with this thought, she moved one step faster than her thoughts, opened her mouth and bit Qin Yue's shoulder, through a thin white shirt, bit him, tearing and biting, like a crazy little girl beast.

Not long after, the bright red blood stained Qin Yue's white shirt red, and at the same time Jian Ran also tasted the sweet smell of blood.

However, she didn't stop, she was still biting, biting, and pulling vigorously, as if she was venting her inner loneliness and fear to him.

The bright red blood flowed more and more, and slowly smeared, dyeing Qin Yue's white shirt red.

It was obviously very painful, but Qin Yue didn't even frown, he was willing to let her bite him.

Compared to her being taken by caesarean section, compared to her lost memory of the past, compared to the life she has lived in the past three years, the little pain from her biting him is nothing.

Holding Jian Ran into the car, she didn't stop biting her, Qin Yue still didn't stop, after ordering the driver to drive, he looked down at her in his arms, his eyes were as gentle as the moonlight shining on his head.

It's fine if he doesn't stop, and he even reached out and gently stroked her head, as if to comfort a wounded little animal.

"Jian Ran—" I will never let you be afraid again, never let you bear the loneliness of the night alone, never let you feel lonely and afraid again.

After a long time, when she was almost home, Jian Ran let Qin Yue go, and she fell asleep in Qin Yue's arms because she was too tired.

Qin Yue hugged her tightly with one hand, gently stroked her frown with the other hand, and called her name in his heart.

Before he met Jian Ran, or more precisely, before Jian Ran disappeared, he never believed in the so-called love in this world.

In his opinion, when two people get married, they choose a partner to live with him. As long as their personalities are compatible, their looks are pleasing to the eye, and there are no major problems in life, no matter who becomes his wife, he can accept it. of.

It wasn't until Jian Ran suddenly disappeared from his world three years ago, and the moment he heard the bad news, that he felt a piercing pain in his heart, did he realize that the reason why he didn't have time to talk before meeting Jian Ran Falling in love is not because you really don’t have time, but because you haven’t met the person you want to care about.

He understood that the reason why he chose Jian Ran to get married together was not only because of their compatible personalities, but because he didn't want her to be taken home by another man.

If it wasn't like this, why did he bother to drive away her blind date and sit next to her by himself.

It's just that his EQ is low, and when he figured it out, she was no longer by his side. He searched for her all over the world, but found nothing after three years of searching.

Now, he has understood his heart very well. He doesn't want anyone in this life except Jian Ran.


Jian Ran's dependence on morphine is much more serious than Qin Yue estimated.

At this time, Jian Ran who was lying on the bed was not only covered in cold sweat, but also her mind was not clear, and she would speak vaguely from time to time.

Today, I gave Jian Ran a whole-body physical examination, and also took a blood test. The expert's advice to Qin Yue was the natural withdrawal method.

Natural withdrawal refers to forcibly interrupting the drug supply of the addict, providing the same diet and general care as ordinary people, so that the withdrawal symptoms of the addict will naturally subside and achieve the purpose of detoxification.

The characteristic of this method is that it does not administer drugs, and the disadvantage is that it is more painful.

Qin Yue also listened to several other withdrawal methods, and after careful consideration, he decided to take the advice of the experts.

Although the process of this method is painful, as long as you persist, you will not be addicted again after quitting, and it will be more helpful for your body to recover later.

He kept wiping the cold sweat off Jian Ran's forehead with a towel, and held her hand tightly with one hand, as if using this method to give her strength.

Seeing her in such pain, Qin Yue wished that he was the one who endured all this, not the thin and petite Jian Ran.

I don't know how long it took before Jian Ran's condition got better. She weakly opened her eyes, her consciousness gradually recovered, and she could see Qin Yue beside her clearly.

Seeing the blood stained on his shirt, Jian Ran's eyes widened, and her heart ached again inexplicably: "Are you injured? Is it serious? How did you get injured?"

"I'm not hurt, it's the paint I got accidentally." He smiled at her, and reached out to touch her head, "Are you still uncomfortable?"

Jian Ran shook her head lightly: "It's not uncomfortable, but I feel that all the strength in my body has been drained."

Qin Yue withdrew his hand and said, "Close your eyes and lie down for a while, and I'll get someone to get something to eat."

Jane smiled weakly: "Okay."

"Yes." Qin Yue pulled up the quilt to cover her, got up and left.

"Qin Yue—"


"It's okay." Jian Ran quickly shook her head again.

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