Chapter 262: Who Am I?

"Jian Ran—"

Jian Ran was confused and didn't understand what the aunt was saying at all, until a deep voice sounded behind her, pulling her vague consciousness back.

Looking back, Jian Ran saw Qin Yue walking towards her. His steps were quick but elegant, and he looked at her with deep worry and unspeakable distress.

Distressed? Is he feeling sorry for her? did he know she was here?

She has just arrived here, why is Qin Yue also here? Did he put a GPS on her?

Jian Ran couldn't figure it out, but felt that there were too many things in this world she couldn't understand - she was like a lonely soul floating in the boundless sea, without a past, everything she could see was like a mirage, Ethereal, unbelievable.

Can she trust Qin Yue? She didn't know it herself.

In this world, who else could she trust?

Even her only relative, her kind father, pretended to be kind to her. He said that taking medicine was for her own good, but what he gave her was poison.

She is his only relative, the only person she trusts in this world, the only person she can rely on.

He might deceive her and hurt her, so who else in this world can trust her?

If she had known the truth was so cruel, she would rather not find out the truth, and live a foolish life as before.

Qin Yue walked in front of Jian Ran and looked at her in a trance, with tears in her eyes, but she didn't get down for a long time. She looked into his eyes—full of desperation and doubt.

My heart throbbed.

He knew that Jian Ran already knew the truth about her drug addiction... As Jian Ran was as careful as Jian Ran, she would definitely want to understand where her drug addiction came from, and the truth was cut open like this, dripping with blood and mercilessly.

Qin Yue wants to hug Jian Ran, and wants to tell her that it's okay, I'm here. But at this moment, Jian Ran's expression was too desperate, causing his outstretched hand to stop in mid-air, with nowhere to put it.

After a while, he rubbed Jian Ran into his arms.

Jian Ran didn't resist, she was obedient and well-behaved, but Qin Yue could feel her trembling, panic and fear like a newborn baby.

"Jian Ran," he called to her with a soft voice, "I'm here."

He didn't know how to comfort her, so he could only tell her, I am here, I am here, my shoulders, my arms are always available for you to rely on.

Her bosom trembled, and after a while, Jian Ran gently said, "Can I trust you?"

Her voice was so fragile, as if it would break at the touch of a finger.

Qin Yue felt his heart twitch, he rested his chin on the top of Jian Ran's hair, and responded in a low voice: "En."

"Oh," Jian Ran smiled, "But, I can't believe it."

Qin Yue froze.

"Even my father lied to me and harmed me, who else can I trust?" Jane spoke faster and faster, her voice seemed choked up, "I have no memory, I admit it. But you can't distort me like this, my father should be What am I? A pawn? A tool? And what do you think of me?!"

Jian Ran complained, crying blood every word.

Qin Yue hugged her tighter: "You are you, I never thought of treating you as anyone."

"Then who am I?" Jian Ran broke free from Qin Yue's embrace, looked at Qin Yue with stern eyes, and asked hoarsely.

Qin Yue was taken aback by these four words, and for a moment didn't know how to answer them.

who is she?

It was his wife, the love of his life.

But the conspiracy three years ago ruined all of this.

Seeing that Qin Yue didn't answer, Jian Ran sneered and shook her head: "Look, you can't tell. You regard me as your wife, but I can't remember."

"It doesn't matter if you don't remember." Qin Yue forcibly pulled Jian Ran into his arms again and hugged her tightly, regardless of Jian Ran's struggle, "If you don't want to go back to the past, then we will start again, nothing else matters."

As long as you and I are still here, nothing matters.

Qin Yue didn't let go, Jian Ran in his arms couldn't let go, kicked and stepped on him, grabbed and hit him, vented all his anger and other emotions on Qin Yue.

No matter how she hit or grabbed her, Qin Yue's arms holding her didn't loosen at all. He stood up straight, like a mountain that could shelter her from wind and rain.

Tired from fighting, she really had no strength, so Jian Ran stopped her attacking movements.

After a long time, Jian Ran in her arms finally spoke in a muffled manner. After experiencing hoarse cries, her voice was filled with endless exhaustion: "You already knew that, didn't you?"

Knowing that I'm addicted to drugs, knowing who's behind it, is it my father?

Although Jian Ran didn't make it clear, Qin Yue knew exactly what Jian Ran was talking about, he pondered for a moment and said: "Yes."

Jian Ran bit her lips and forced the tears in her eyes down: "Then why didn't you tell me? Did you want to see my jokes? Did you want to see how stupid I am?"

Qin Yue pressed her head to his chest, pressed her face close to his heart, and said, "I don't want to see your jokes, I just want to protect you and don't let you get hurt again."

"Oh," Jian Ran suddenly smiled, not knowing why.

After a long time, she asked again: "So I'm actually your Jian Ran? The wife you came back from a business trip and only saw a box of ashes?"

Qin Yue's body froze, there was a huge wave in his eyes filled with Xinghai, the hand on his side loosened and then tightened, tightened and then loosened, and after a long, long time, he said in a low voice: "Yes."

Hearing this simple syllable, Jian Ran suddenly couldn't help it, tears rolled down her eyes.

It turned out that all the conjectures were correct. She is really the "Jane Ran" who should have died... She is Ling Feiyu's best friend, Qin Xiaobao's sister-in-law, Xiao Ranran's biological mother, and his... wife.

They didn't regard her as a substitute for the dead "Jian Ran", she was Jian Ran.

It's just that she forgot everything... remembers nothing.

"Then why didn't you tell me earlier? Why did you lie to me with a story about your dead wife?" Jian Ran didn't want to cry, but she couldn't help shedding tears, and said while wiping her tears, "Qin Yue, you clearly knew I can't remember anything, and you still play tricks with me, do you know how scared I am alone?"

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