Chapter 271: Sleep Together

After dinner, Xiao Ranran took her father and sister Da Ranran for a walk with her.

Xiao Ranran held her father in one hand and sister Da Ranran in the other, jumping up and down all the way, feeling extremely happy.

Jian Ran's gaze is on Xiao Ranran's body, and she can't move it away, as if she is stuck on Xiao Ranran's body.

Qin Yue's eyes were watching Jian Ran the whole time, trying to guess a little bit of her thoughts, trying to know what she was thinking, but it was of no use.

Regarding Jian Zhengtian's matter, Qin Yue has never dared to mention it to Jian Ran, because he didn't want Jian Ran to be hurt before recovering his memory, but he never expected that he had just left for a while, and Jian Ran ran to find Ling Feiyu.

No one can replace the friendship between Ling Feiyu and Jian Ran.

Over the years, Ling Feiyu always felt that it was because of her that Jian Ran had a car accident, and kept blaming herself for this matter, but she didn't know that there was a conspiracy behind that matter.

Seeing Jian Ran come back now, Ling Feiyu was very happy at first, but she didn't know that Jian Ran didn't remember anything.

It is conceivable how much Ling Feiyu hopes that Jian Ran can recover her memory and return to all of them as soon as possible.

Qin Yue understood Ling Feiyu's mood, but she ignored some things that haste makes waste. The matter of recovering Jian Ran's memory can only be guided slowly, not in a hurry.

"Of course, jump slowly." Jian Ran grabbed Xiao Ranran who was bouncing around, and wiped the sweat from her forehead, "Look, you're sweating profusely."

"Sister, wipe it too." Xiao Ranran stretched out her small hand and wiped it on Jian Ran's face indiscriminately.

"But baby is really sensible." Jian Ran hugged Xiao Ranran into her arms, kissed and kissed again and again, but she couldn't bear to let go.

Qin Yue saw that it was getting late, and it was time for Xiao Ranran to go to bed, so he said: "Jian Ran, you are responsible for taking care of Xiao Ranran at night, and let her sleep with you."

Jian Ran really wants to take care of Xiao Ranran by herself and let Xiao Ranran sleep with her, but she has not forgotten that she still has drug addiction. Before the drug addiction is quit, she can't take Xiao Ranran to sleep, and she can't scare Xiao Ranran anymore.

She shook her head: "in a few days."

In a few days, after she quits her drug addiction, she will be able to take good care of Xiao Ranran.

"Of course I want to sleep with my sister and father." Xiao Ranran didn't care so much, she said whatever came to her mind.

Qin Yue looked at Jianran, saw that she had no objection, and said, "Okay, Dad takes Da Ranran and Xiao Ranran to sleep together."

Hearing what her father said, Xiao Ranran was very happy.

When going to bed later, she will let her father sleep on the left side, and Da Ranran's sister sleeps on the right side. Thinking about it, she feels so happy.

Xiao Ming in the class said that his father sleeps on the left side, his mother sleeps on the right side, and he sleeps in the middle. He is protected by his father and mother, and the big tiger that can eat people dare not approach them.

Xiao Ranran didn't have a mother, and she didn't experience the feeling of her mother sleeping on the right, so she beat up the little boy who was showing off in front of her.

After hitting Xiao Ming, Xiao Ming cried. Seeing that the situation was not good, Xiao Ranran also cried, crying loudly than Xiao Ming's, so the teachers thought it was Xiao Ming who hit her.

Seeing Xiao Ming being criticized by the teacher, Xiao Ran is very proud. Brother Youlie protects her so that those children will not bully her.

After washing fragrantly, Xiao Ran lost all sleepiness and rolled around on the bed.

If you roll to the left, you can roll into Dad's arms, and if you roll to the right, you can roll into sister Da Ranran's arms.

After getting a sweet kiss, Xiao Ranran rolled more and more vigorously, and then stopped after several laps. She blinked her big watery eyes, held Dad's hand with one hand, and Da Ranran's hand with the other: "From now on, Dad Sister sleeps with Ranran."

"Okay. Dad and sister will sleep together with Ranran." Qin Yue hugged the little guy and patted her on the back, "Ranran, go to sleep, or I won't be able to get up tomorrow."

"My sister kisses her again." Every day before going to bed, her father kisses her good night, so Xiao Ran wants her sister to kiss her good night, so that she can sleep well.

Jian Ran squeezed over and kissed Xiao Ranran's face: "Xiao Ranran, good night."

"Sister, Dad, good night." Xiao Ranran lay on her father's body, because she played too long tonight, she fell asleep soon.

Xiao Ranran fell asleep, and Jian Ran saw Qin Yue in her eyes.

When she saw Qin Yue, she suddenly felt sorry for him, and asked, "Qin Yue, have you been coaxing Xiao Ranran to sleep like this all these years?"

Qin Yue hugged Xiao Ranran with one arm, grabbed Jian Ran's hand with the other, and held it tightly: "Jian Ran, the growth of Xiao Ranran that you missed, we will make up for it together in the future."

"Yes." Jian Ran nodded, "I will."

Qin Yue added: "Xiao Ranran is very sensible, and usually she can fall asleep without any effort. It's just that it's difficult to get up in the morning, and she's too good at staying in bed."

Jian Ran reached out and touched Xiao Ranran's face: "I can't imagine what the little guy looks like when he's lying in bed?"

"Very cute." Qin Yue looked at Jian Ran and asked softly, "Do you want to hug her?"

"I want to hug her to sleep." Jian Ran nodded, then shook her head, "But I was worried for a while..."

"Don't worry, as long as you think about Xiao Ranran, you won't think about other things." Qin Yue handed Xiao Ranran to Jian Ran, and then glanced at the time. It's so late today, and Jian Ran hasn't reacted abnormally yet. It seems that The two weeks of detoxification have begun to work.

Jian Ran hugged Xiao Ranran, looked at Xiao Ranran's flushed face, her heart was as soft as cotton: "Qin Yue, our daughter is really cute."

She said "our daughter".

The speaker didn't notice this sentence, but Qin Yue who was listening noticed her words.

He said, "Yes, it's our daughter."

Qin Yue said things about Xiao Ranran to Jian Ran in good terms, and never mentioned the things that happened to Xiao Ranran when she was very young.

Xiao Ranran was taken out of her mother's abdomen by caesarean section one month in advance. Because she was less than a month old, she stayed in the incubator for nearly half a month. Later, she was also in poor health, fell ill every now and then, and almost died.

During that time, Qin Yue stayed by Xiaoran's side day and night, looking for the best doctor, using the best medicine, and with his careful care, Xiaoran's condition improved.

His Da Ranran is gone, Da Mianmian is gone, and only he and Xiao Ranran are left. Thinking of that time now, Qin Yue feels like living in purgatory.

Later, he went to buy a Pomeranian, named Mian Mian, and let it grow up with Xiao Ranran, and they waited for Da Ranran to come back together.

It is precisely because of Qin Yue's careful care that there is today's healthy and lively Xiao Ranran.

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