My Husband, Warm The Bed (CEO's Mistaken Wife)

Chapter 285 It's You, I'm Not Afraid

Chapter 285: It's you, I'm not afraid

Being controlled by Qin Yue, Jian Ran was completely unable to resist. Not only did she have no strength to resist, she couldn't even pronounce a single syllable.

Jian Ran subconsciously wanted to resist, to get rid of Qin Yue's shackles, but with his strength and domineering, Jian Ran was completely unable to escape.

Qin Yue seemed to want to vent all his thoughts and sorrows for the past three years - with tyranny, anger, and even more unwillingness.

Why can't she remember him?

Why leave him wandering in the beauty of the past alone, while she can forget their past completely?

All Qin Yue's emotions were poured into this kiss.

She is also struggling. For Qin Yue, it is such a drop in the bucket, but every time he hits it, he can't bear it anymore... he can't bear it anymore.

"Enough!" Suddenly, Qin Yue let out a roar like a wild beast, as if a silver bottle was broken, and arrows were thrown from the string.

Since knowing Qin Yue, Jian Ran has never heard Qin Yue speak so loudly. He is clearly roaring, but there is lingering sadness in his voice... The struggling Jian Ran suddenly forgot the struggle, and was just terrified Yes, suspiciously, sadly... looking at Qin Yue.

Qin Yue also looked at her, his eyes were heavy, there seemed to be thousands of words, but he didn't say a word.

Missing, lusting, blaming, cherishing... so many emotions in his eyes, but there is no sound.

Jian Ran suddenly couldn't breathe, she just wanted to hug him deeply and care about his past and his fears.

At this moment, Qin Yue suddenly lowered his head again, and gently placed a kiss on her forehead, as gentle as a breeze on her face.

Jane didn't resist.

"Jian Ran, look at me!"

His low, hoarse voice fell in Jian Ran's ears, like spring breeze and summer rain.

For a moment, my heart beat like thunder.

Jian Ran couldn't help but say "um".

"Heh..." The man on him seemed satisfied with his performance, and even smiled softly in her ear.

look at me.

Well, I'll keep watching and following you until death.

Before coming to Kyoto, she thought a lot about the past and the future. But now that I think about it, I find it ridiculous.

She likes him, no matter the past or the future, no matter whether she has memories... Even if her life starts over again, she will still like him——

This fact is so obvious, so taken for granted, as if it were the truth.

Is that enough?

It's not enough, I still want to get closer, I want to enter his heart, I want to spy on his past, and I want to be like him until the end of the day.

The summer weather is so hot that it seems to melt people.

Jane hugged Qin Yue tightly, she couldn't help but said softly, "Qin Yue, I like you."

I really like it! Really like!

She couldn't even imagine how she would be without him.

Qin Yue used actions instead of answers.


Night is slowly coming.

I don't know how long it has passed, it seems like centuries have passed, but it makes people feel that the time is very short, as short as the blink of an eye.

When Jian Ran felt that her bones were about to fall apart, all the turbulent waves were calmed down.

She is very tired and sleepy. She can sleep soundly as soon as she closes her eyes, but she doesn't let herself sleep. She also wants to hear more of Qin Yue's beating heartbeat, to talk to him, to listen to Hear his voice.

Qin Yue hugged Jian Ran in his arms, patted her back with his big palms, lowered his head and kissed her forehead: "Are you tired?"


Almost exhausted, exhausted, she had never felt so tired before.

Qin Yue lowered his head, leaned in front of her, and asked, "Jian Ran, are you tired of not talking?"

Jian Ran lay on his chest, shook her head, and said softly, "No."

"Not tired?"


Jian Ran pinched him hard, what does this bad guy want to do? If he asked such a question, didn't he know she was shy?

"Jian Ran-"


"It's okay, go to sleep." He patted her on the back, coaxing her to sleep like a child.

Jian Ran was indeed tired from his tossing, and fell asleep in his arms not long after.

Qin Yue looked at her sleeping face, and his heart was indescribably soft, it was a mess, it was really good to be able to have her like this, and to be able to hold her to sleep like this!

He waited day and night, waited for more than three years, and finally waited for Jian Ran to return, and finally waited to rub her into his arms and love her fiercely.

Finally, he really felt that she was by his side.

At this moment, he was sure that his Jian Ran had returned.

Just now, he heard her say that she said she liked him.

At that time, he did not answer her.

Because her words made his blood boil, he no longer knew how to respond to her.

"Jian Ran, you say you like me, so why don't I."

He didn't know how much she liked him, but he knew that his world couldn't be without her.

"Qin Yue, I will work hard, I will definitely work hard..."

In her sleep, Jian Ran murmured, Qin Yue couldn't help but hug her tighter and rebuked her gently, "Silly girl!"

Obviously she could rely on him, but she didn't say anything to him, instead relying on herself.

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